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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

the REAL trish going

May 15, 2014 by rodger1234
well this is kinda deja vu to me since i (ACCIDENTALLY) typed about trish going when it was really tasha the one that i was talking about but anyways when i saw mass tick off tony and trish I'm like to myself "kass might be done this episode" ESPECIALLY when spencer won immunity (again deja vu XD) but of course because of that, it led to voting kass but if i were tony i would've gotten rid of woo first (no offense to woos fans) since he's more of a likely person to win. but thats when kass decided to get rid of the little chatter box trish. now trish by the look of her (no offense to trish fans) had absolutely NO chance of winning anyways i mean she had barely ANY strategies this whole game and won NO individual immunities PLUS she had to stick to a powerful person like glue to ensure her safety! thats not playing the game thats just called being an idiot. so no surprise to trish going this episode since it was obvious that she was a weakling which kass didn't like AT ALL. so thats all for this blog ill be sure to do another one probably the next day after the finale and don't forget to plus!

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