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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

who will be voted out of survivor next?

May 5, 2014 by rodger1234
its hard to tell… i mean in the next time we saw woo saying that he would make a big move and ik he's not talking about spencer since he seems to be a simple vote (I'm not saying its true this is just my opinion) so some kind of a blindside would be him trying to vote off either tony or possibly trash(?) and then we have tony whose thinking of voting for spencer but then we see that kass and tony are in a bit of a fight so who knows whats up on tonys mind. trish, teems like a person thats a voting helper with whoever want whoever gone meanwhile with kass (who is still shocked with last tribal council) who might be changing her mind about voting somebody else other than spencer by the looks of it. tasha (whose only ali IS spencer) in the meantime with vote for whoever spencer pretty much tells her who to vote. yep who knows….. so in the comments say who you think will get voted out as the 6th member of the jury and why. don't forget to plus!

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