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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

First rookies win and saving for my first design

17thJan 18, 2014 by mminervini219
First off, I am really excited after winning my first Rookies game! (non-charity)

I have been saving up $T lately, but didnt decide if it was for Gold level or to shop for a design.
I think I am going to buy a design and I wanted some input from friends!

Is it easier to use the shop or to auction?
And what should I get as my first design? (background, shirt, hair, eyes, etc)

Thanks for the help!


congrats :)
Sent by _Adidas_,Jan 18, 2014
Congrats man glad I bet on you lol and personally I would go for the color levels before designs and just enter group games or gift giveaways for a design and personally I like backgrounds more then hair and stuff but it seems harder to get them
Sent by ticofernandez,Jan 18, 2014
Hair lol
Sent by Midknight3baby,Jan 18, 2014
Grats and id say hair
Sent by Jinxh,Jan 18, 2014
I was robbed
Sent by BBsuperfan,Jan 18, 2014
Yea you were :-( sorry
Sent by mminervini219,Jan 18, 2014
Good job :)
Sent by TheBlackDog,Jan 18, 2014
Hair is where i started and congrats @mminervini
Sent by makingallfall2,Jan 19, 2014
Sent by Chloeox,Jan 19, 2014
Sent by iScotty,Jan 19, 2014
holy crap this is ranked 0_o
Sent by mminervini219,Jan 19, 2014
You should get Shirt or Hair!!! :)
Sent by Mantyke,Jan 19, 2014
thanks everyone!
Sent by mminervini219,Jan 19, 2014

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