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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Deal or No Deal Guaranteed Winning Strategy

Dec 6, 2011 by jstone03
Many people think that deal or no deal is a completely luck based game and it's impossible to be skilled at it. That is true to an extent as it is created completely at random. However there is a way you can get more consistant results even if they may not be the ones you were looking for.

I'll go into different scenarios that are appropriate for each case.

Tip 1: Go for it

You are probably thinking, what kind of strategy is that ? Well to be honest this tip can work... if used in survivor immunity. There is only one chance in about 10 that one of you is getting that immunity. Hardly anyone has attempted it yet and it's nearing end of the day change. Don't just play it safe !!! Immunity that people know the results to means that they are likely to beat the safe guy. So even if you get a low score, in survivor immunity you must go full throttle as more often cautious people do not win dond immunity.

Tip 2: Be aware of the entire board, not just that flashy 6/7 figure sum.

This is the next step up for dond. You are in a survivor and you have that 1 million still there ! Unfortunately there is 4 rather low blue small figures there ! In a survivor, do yourself a favour ! Take that deal even if the million is still there. Yes you still have that million, but it is quite likely you could take it out in the next box. So get that safe sum !!! In rookies, later on, I'd advise this tactic as well in survivor where your team is doing fairly well.

Tip 3: What is the balance of your board ? Are you getting an equal share of blue and red or is one extremly more common than the other.

The completely safe route. This is the ticket to you getting a decent sum but you are never going to get super amounts of money. Is the red outnumbering the blue ? Carry on. Is the blue heavily outnumbering the red ? Think about the deal. Use the high figures to your advantage to get that good deal that you want ! Don't lose them and get much lower. You'll kick yourself if you no deal and lose all the higher figures that gave you that offer. You will not find out what you could have got so there's no regrets.

So that's basically my strategy in Deal :)

Whether you use it or not is another thing. But please note that deal has some strategy to it if you think about the board you currently have.

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