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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

im sorry but

Feb 22, 2013 by burkett8975
if your best insult is that your a higher level than me, then you should spend less time watching porn................


shut up noob
Sent by JeanTheBean,Feb 22, 2013

your light green bitch, my last account was black.

why the fuck are you pissing on low levels.
Sent by burkett8975,Feb 22, 2013
Ill piss on whoever the fuck I want you piece of shit.
Sent by JeanTheBean,Feb 22, 2013

you either have an extremely small penis or your social life is nonexsistant.
cant think of another reason for your stupidity
Sent by burkett8975,Feb 22, 2013
Burkett8975, you are the most stupid piece of shit here,

1. I have a good social life thank you very much sweetie.

2. Im pretty sure my penis could make your anus bleed, unless you've already been fucked by your dad.

3. You are stupid ass fuck, you have no logical reason to think i'm stupid so please, step back you rat.
Sent by JeanTheBean,Feb 22, 2013

I have very logical reasoning for thinking your stupid

1. you are a light green telling someone to shut up because they are a newb.
2. you not intelligent enough to see that you yourself are a newb.
3. I just don't like you, so eat a camel dick or whatever it is you do when your bored.
Sent by burkett8975,Feb 22, 2013
"if your best insult is that your a higher level than me, then you should spend less time watching porn................"

You sir, are a fucking hypocrite, you bring in my color level, when you yourself color level doesnt matter. Your whole argument is retarded, just like you.

2. Noob means "new" Ive been here for way over a year, with a recent 5 month break, I am no longer new, when you are, so face fucking facts and accept you are a noob.

3. I dont like you either, so go shove a dildo up your asshole.
Sent by JeanTheBean,Feb 22, 2013
"if your best insult is that your a higher level than me, then you should spend less time watching porn................"

You sir, are a fucking hypocrite, you bring in my color level, when you yourself color level doesnt matter. Your whole argument is retarded, just like you.

2. Noob means "new" Ive been here for way over a year, with a recent 5 month break, I am no longer new, when you are, so face fucking facts and accept you are a noob.

3. I dont like you either, so go shove a dildo up your asshole.
Sent by JeanTheBean,Feb 22, 2013

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