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browniedropout's blog

  1. Movie Review: Iron Man 3

The browniedropout's blog

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Movie Review: Iron Man 3 Jun 2, 2013
imageI've never blogged on here before, so while I'm waiting for a fasting to start, I think it's time to start it off with a quick movie review: Iron Man 3.

I checked it out last night after I got off work, and it was an annoying experience.  Not because of the movie (we'll get to that in a second) but the theater I was at.  The movie skipped about 15-20 times, especially during the action sequences in the last third of the movie.  My boyfriend, his friend and I thought about complaining, but we were too far into the movie at that point.  Kind of strange to have errors like that when a movie has been out for awhile.

Anyway, the movie... A majority of my friends said that this was the best Iron Man of the trilogy.  I can't speak for the rest of the population and the overall opinion.  I'm too lazy to check Rotten Tomatoes as well to see what the critics have said too, but in my opinion, 3 was better than 2, but 1 is still the best one of all.

I was also annoyed to find that as we waited for the credits to roll, we only got that quick scene with Tony and Bruce.  It was funny, yeah, but I wanted to see a peek at a new movie! :(

What do you guys think?  Any funny stories about seeing the midnight premiere, etc.?
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