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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

this is too funni

Sep 3, 2011 by brainysmurf97
T-Chatter Edition 19 ♣ [XXX]
3rdDesign Sep 2, 2011 by BengalBoy
Alright! This week we have an exclusive interview with Udoravia creator puma, aswell as a coupon for 100 free Udoravia credits for when it opens and all the top Tengaged gossip of the week! So come on, read it! Go on! Do it!
   Coupon for 100 free Udoravia credits   
   Valid until 02 December 2011     

♣ Pepper's Peppers ♣
This week word has trickled down the grapevine that online survivor superhero Pepper has struck up a deal to bring out his own brand of vegetables! We had a sit down with Pepper's agent Benji "The Balls" Bellsworth who told us: "The idea is for kids to see their favourite online survivor player eating healthy and follow suit. And it doesn't stop there, these vegetables can be used as d*ldos, b*ngs, w*apons and more, and we'll be aiming to take over the whole vegetable market."

Reportedly the brand will simply be called "Pepper's" and the first product will be peppers, no surprise there. If it kicks off they're planning to move onto harder sh*te such as tomatoes, potatoes and even turnips! We wish Pepper the best of luck on his business venture, soon he'll have more millions than merges!

♣ puma and Udoravia ♣
He's smoker, he's a joker, he's a midnight toker, and this week we have an interview about himself and his upcoming online reality game site Udoravia.

[19:57:29] dru: get ur interview boots laced up
[19:57:35] pumaface: laced
[19:57:39] dru: Hello Puma! How are you doing today?
[19:57:47] pumaface: doing well :)
[19:58:28] dru: Recently Tengaged has been in a real fuss over your new online reality gaming site, Udoravia. Any news on when it'll be up?
[19:59:20] pumaface: well, i think it's accepted fact at this point that i'm not good at giving release dates lol
[19:59:51] dru: Oh you! You can't give a release date to save your ruddy life!
[20:00:00] dru: But does it look near finished? Or is it gonna take a fair biv of polishing?
[20:01:07] pumaface: it's not far.  i tried to have it finished for september, but i'd rather spend more time perfecting it than release it "on time" when it's glitchy
[20:01:50] dru: That sounds fair. So how did you come up with the name Udoravia? It sounds more like something from Lord of the Rings than a reality gaming site!
[20:03:03] pumaface: it's the old name of the neighborhood of philadelphia that i used to live in, lol.  i think it means "the place by the water" in some native language, but i just used it because i liked the sound of it.. not very prolific at all
[20:03:48] dru: Not very prolific by any means. When Udoravia is open, are you f*cking off Tengaged?
[20:05:36] pumaface: well i already have for the most part.. i think ive played like 5 games in the past month.. but yeah, there's nothing too solid keeping me around tengaged besides the people, but yeah, i think this might be the nail in the tengaged coffin for me if it goes well
[20:06:17] dru: Good luck with that pal (y) and what kind of features can users look forward to on Udoravia?
[20:08:55] pumaface: well the one thing ive noticed most with people on this site is that they all want different things, so my main goal is to provide variety.  people can create their own games with their own rules.. or they can mix and match rules from different reality shows to create completely unique games.  so besides that, it will be very interactive, with challenges based more closely on actual reality games
[20:09:56] dru: Well, it sounds like it's gonna be a laugh riot! What would you like to say to all the kids on Tengaged crying about it not being open?
[20:11:11] pumaface: well, half of em are just impatient, and the other half are haters.. so they can all choose to think whatever they want.  i'm not letting that impact me at all really.
[20:11:38] dru: Well Puma, that's a very kind way of saying f*ck off! Anyway, enough about Udoravia, let's talk a little more about *YOU*
[20:11:54] dru: You've been romantically linked to Alexxandra, Keyston and wwemrpeeps, who do you have your eyes on these days?
[20:14:21] pumaface: lolwut :|  i think you might need to check your sources there mert (y)
[20:14:57] dru: Our sources are solid.
[20:16:19] pumaface: lol well theres certainly no romantic links with any of those, and as for me, i'm happily not looking
[20:17:42] dru: If you were asked to participate in a online-reality-gaming-site-creator boxing match with randomize, would you? And who do you think would win?
[20:18:12] pumaface: i reckon it'd be a proper gut punching match, dont u say
[20:18:24] dru: Well, I'd suppose so!
[20:19:07] dru: In my life, why do I waste valuable time with people who don't care if I live or die?
[20:19:20] pumaface: harsh
[20:20:03] dru: Don't you know that I'll be around to guide you through your weakest moments?
[20:21:05] pumaface: isnt that a lyric
[20:21:26] dru: Possibly.
[20:21:46] dru: If you had to play tennis with one Tengaged member, which one would you choose?
[20:22:36] pumaface: well i hear mack3199 is pretty good, so why not (y)
[20:22:50] dru: I'm going to ask you some quickfire questions.
[20:22:53] dru: Boxers or briefs?
[20:23:19] pumaface: boxer briefs
[20:23:27] dru: Broadway or badboy?
[20:23:48] pumaface: broadway
[20:24:00] dru: Cream puff or vola von?
[20:24:05] pumaface: cream puff
[20:24:33] dru: Woolies or wellies?
[20:25:02] pumaface: wellies
[20:25:13] dru: sandizzle or MinsiKid?
[20:25:22] pumaface: sandizzle
[20:25:49] dru: If you had to g*y around in a ballpit with 4.5 Tengaged members, who would you choose? The .5 must have some form of disability.
[20:27:00] pumaface: 4 random oc members for the drama of seeing them turn on each other in an all-out ballpit war, and skyy because id find it rather amusing to see a wheelchair try to roll around in balls
[20:27:10] dru: Oh you!
[20:27:42] dru: What would you do if you went out on a date with an attractive young man, and soon found out he was only with you to try and get Udoravia credits?
[20:28:28] pumaface: id be more concerned with the fact of someone irl knowing about me and udoravia
[20:29:16] dru: Well that brings our interview to an end. Any parting words?
[20:29:34] pumaface: yes of course
[20:29:56] pumaface: backgammon is the oldest game in the world.. older than jesus christ himself.  two players, two sides.  one is light, and one is dark.  you want to know a secret, walt?
[20:30:39] dru: Yeah go on
[20:31:02] pumaface: yeah im not sure what the secret really is, its meant more to be left ambiguous
[20:31:12] dru: Oh you! You had me on the edge of my seat there!
[20:31:31] dru: Well Puma it's been an absolute pleasure but I need to empty my bin so I'm gonna have to fk you off. Good luck with Udoravia!
[20:31:46] pumaface: ye thanks :P

♣ Roses Are Red ♣
This week a seemingly innocent design was removed from the auctions despite being sold in various places before with no problem. The design was the rose mouth, designed by Zurks and currently modelled by Sash here

Zurks told us she posted the design in shops three times in one day, and nmh95 also posted it with no complaints. However, when she recently re-uploaded to the auctions it got deleted after reaching 696 points. She asked various moderators about the issue, and none had any idea why it was removed.

Our T-Chatter dispatches soon found out the rose was removed by a less than pleased randomize. Big Rando came from a small town in Brazil where roses were a gesture of hatred and bad will, especially while held in the mouth. He saw the design and instantly got fired up, reminded of how school bully Patrició Martinez used to stare at him with a bunch of roses in his mouth. This would be a romantic gesture in most cultures, but not where he was from. Not one bit.

♣ Poetry Corner ♣
This week we have a dramatic poem about wishing you never found Tengaged by Shameless

I honestly fucking wish
I never found Tengaged
This site has been the biggest waste of the last two years of my life
And there's noone I'll keep in touch with
I just fucking wish I could erase all memory of this place
I would have found my own way anyway
/Shane Over

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