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The amberlynn594's blog

Posts 5 posts

Awkward Adolesence Aug 9, 2010
With each passing year we face challenges that are beyond the imaginations of our childlike minds. We go through puberty, the acne, the faulty relationships, the arguments between our parents, the pressures of society's expectations, not to mention our own expectations; The unexpected twists that send our innocent, untouched lives down a horrific spiral, leaving us to reach out for something more than what we could ever possibly understand. We are desperately searching for reason, for a greater purpose. We are looking for an adventure. This blog is my adventure. The everlasting memories of my day to day life for all to read and process. Maybe even learn from. So come on and hop in the roller coaster I call LIFE
Points: 21 3 comments
Capturing the Moment Aug 9, 2010
Since 2008 I have tested my ability to capture a photograph so uniquely that everyone who sets their eyes upon these masterpieces of pure genius will have a different thought. Just kidding, that is what all photography is in the first place. In my mind, Photography is an Art. It takes skill and practice, not to mention dedication. You cannot decide one day to pick up a camera, take a few photos of your pets and backyard, and call yourself a photographer. You have to feel it. Photography is expressing yourself through the eyes; it's what you see, and what you share. A photograph can transfer a thought, a mood, a feeling. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Now, I am not saying that I am a photographer, because I'm not. However I am an amateur. A dream of mine is to be able to shoot photos for a magazine such as National Geographic, and although it is far-fetched, if the opportunity comes along you can bet your bottom dollar that I will not pass it up. I will post some of my photos later, and they're not that spiffy, but I am trying and that's what counts at the end of the day.
Points: 29 3 comments
We are all fools Aug 9, 2010
"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we may as well dance."-Albert Einstein
No matter who you are , where you live , how much money you make , or who you are seen with , there is going to be at least one person in the world who doesn't like you . If this is true , then why is it that some will sacrifice so much in order to be accepted member of society? A girl will spend hundreds of dollars on the hippest clothes or the cutest make up , she will change the way she acts in public , or the way she talks and she wont give it a second thought . She will completely alter her own being just so she will be liked , but still she will face judgment and taunting . Why have we as a people made this a normal thing ? When did it become such a bad thing to stand out in the crowd or to have your own ways of thinking ? I for one am not going to alter myself to make one group of people like me , because if I have to change , then it isn't really me that they are liking . It's a sick creation of society .
My name is Amber Noon and although I am a teenage girl , I have the mind of someone beyond my years . Some people may call me crazy , but I want to change the way people are thinking about some of the key aspects of our society and I'm using my words to do it . Join me as I face the ups and downs of life , let me give you something to think about at night . You won't regret it .
Points: 25 4 comments
a little about mee(: Aug 9, 2010
have an incredible love for old things whether it be clothes,pictures,cars,music,books,you name it and I probably love it :). I love other cultures and religions, not to mention history. I am a very open minded person however I am also stubborn and sometimes they clash, but in some strange way it works for me. I am not "picky" when it comes to choosing my friends. I don't care where you live, what kind of care you drive, or how much money you have, if you're a good person we will get along great. I hate relationships because I feel like I have nothing to give.Like every other teenager I am lost and have no idea where I'm going sometimes, but I'm a dreamer; I have big ideas and an even bigger heart. I see life from an entirely different angle than most of the people I know which I believe is what sets me apart from them, and yet brings me closer at the same time; I would love to hear your beliefs and values.
Points: 28 4 comments
hmmm . Aug 2, 2010
imageSO , I got eliminated and half of the house told me that they were going to give me the minimal vote. Let that be known, so either , several people did not vote at all , or I was just playing with a house of liars . I would like to think that the last one  is not true , because I have grown to like a few of them , but in the cyber world , who knows ? Nobody is who they say they are , and it is getting harder to trust anybody anymore . Oh well ,it is just a game afterall . Good luck to the top ten . I hope Siwah or Oscircus kicks your guys' butts ! just saying (:
Points: 12 2 comments