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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor Backyard Season 7

Jul 3, 2015 by __A__
This season was amazing!!! I loved how the game played out!! After a devastating first tribal council (RIP QUEEN JAMIE), the rest of the game was great!! Oh and Sara and Jamie are baes.

Gonna kind of go through events:
Tribal 1: Devastating, tears, no!
Tribal 2: I felt bad for Hannah (the not complaining one) I don't get why she was targeted so early, she didn't seem like she was a liability in challenges.
Tribal 3: Abbi, nice girl but not very game savvy. If she had an idol and knew they were splitting the votes why did she give it to Amanda??? Why didn't she vote for Amanda, hold her idol and send Amanda home in a 3-2-1 vote? Instead she wasted her idol and eliminated herself......Also never show that you don't have the idol, that means you are a safe vote off
Tribal 4: YUUUUUUS! QUEEN SARA slaying that social game to flip Kristina! That was beautiful! I felt bad that Chris went out on a draw because I would have liked to see him go farther.
Tribal 5: Denyl didn't deserve to go :/ Should have been Hannah. Hannah didn't even try and said I don't care you can vote me out.
Tribal 6: Amanda NOOOOOOO! I really like Amanda and wished they would have gotten Alex off first.
Tribal 7: Bye Alex. The sound of her voice makes me want to hit babies
Tribal: 8 GTFO JORDAN! He somehow manages to be even more obnoxious than last time. Also the fact that he let Sara win immunity and then they voted him out was amazing! Also showing Sarah D. the clue was so stupid.
Tribal 9: Shockingly I wasn't super excited to see Hannah go, I kind of started to like her a little more when she was throwing shade at Kristina for not voting with her. Idk why Meagan and Kristina didn't vote with Hannah
Tribal 10: I was sad to see Kristina go :/ She made a huge move early in the game, was immediately separated from her new allies, was at the bottom the entire merge and fought to the final 5.
Tribal 11: I don't want to like Meagan because she backstabbed Queen Jamie, but it was kind of hard not to root for her. Wish she would have won that F4 Immunity challenge
Tribal 12: Sara backstabbing her closest ally at the last tribal was delicious. What a Queen. I would have liked to see Sara and Sarah in the final 2 though :/
FTC: I was surprised that Patrick got so many votes, but Sara got a very well deserved win in the end! She saved the season! #QueenSara #SlaySara #SaraForPresident

14: Jordan. He's obnoxious, not very good at the game(ok he actually did kind of ok this time around by leading an alliance but still), and was the reason Jamie was out first. Last time his only redeeming quality was throwing shade at Hannah and this time around he was her closest ally. The two of them together is the worst alliance of all time.
13: Alex. She just annoys me. She didn't really do much and I'm glad that everyone turned on her
12: Hannah D. I wish I could put her higher because she did seem really likable, but she was gone too soon to really get to know her :/ Hope she plays again
11: Abbi.  She seems really nice and I love that she tried to save Jamie, but her terrible gameplay and the fact that she didn't last very long makes it hard for me to put her higher
10: Hannah. After Jordan left Hannah was much more likable, she showed a little sass and fought to stay in this time around. Had she tried in the eating challenge and not aligned with Jordan I might have actually really liked her
9: Chris. It was interesting to see Chris and Sara work against each other because I think they are two of the best players in the game. Had he stayed in longer I'm sure he would be much higher on my list.
8: Amanda. I loved her alliance with Jamie and Abbi, but she didn't play the best game this time around. She was better than the last year, but kind of flopped again :/
7: Denyl. I really like Denyl. She was a fierce competitor and definitely didn't deserve go out as early as she did :/
6: Meagan. Meagan did a lot better this year and I was glad to see her play longer. She could be higher if she had aligned with Jamie instead of Jordan :/
5: Patrick. He definitely showed he can play all aspects of the game: social, physical, and strategic. He really improved and I was glad to see him do well.
4: Kristina. I loved Kristina! She seems really nice, she wasn't afraid to make big moves, and she was a fighter. Everyone was ganging up on her since the final 7 and she managed to make it to fifth place. She saved Sara in the biggest move of the game and I hope she comes back!
3: Sarah D. She showed a lot more than she did in season 5! She was a silent power player this time. She made it to the final 3 by playing a very smart and quiet game. Her manipulating Jordan with the idol clue was amazing!! I would have liked to see her in the F2 but I'm afraid she might have beat Sara and I didn't want that to happen.
2: Sara. Sara slayed them all!! She deserved the win and she saved the season. She was a challenge dominator and strategic mastermind.  Sara is queen, she is sassy, funny, and fierce. Hope she can repeat this success in the future seasons!
1: QUEEN JAMIE. Even though she was out first she still managed to take the #1 spot. Her confessionals were hilarious and she bashed on Jordan so major points to her. Sara got the win this time, so it's Jamie's turn next season!!

Other notes: This was probably my favorite season so far! I loved the twist and how the game shook out. I thought the reading of the votes was better this season, besides Abbi's vote off. If someone plays an idol I would maybe go back and reorder the votes and just edit it so it doesn't look like you did. Another thing I noticed was that in the final few challenges some of the jury members were cheering for some of the people still in the game. I would maybe ask them not to say anything during challenges because it could impact the game and who gets out. Like the jury could purposely cheer for who they want out to make the people in the game think that person will win in if they make it to the end. One other thing I think could be interesting.....I like how Abbi had the idol after Jamie left and had a chance to swing the game back in her favor (she failed but there was a chance) I like when someone in the minority has the idol so what if the eliminated contestant got to give an idol clue to someone on their departure? Kind of like in BvW the winner of the duel could assign a clue. They would probably give it to their allies so it could shake things up! I think it would throw an interesting dynamic into the game. IDK what your twist is this season and if that would fit but I think it could be interesting.
The challenges were also really cool this season!! I especially liked the bait eating one, the slide puzzle, the blindfold medallion one, the cat and mouse one, and the straw water carry (that would have been exhausting!!!)

Another great season! Can't wait to start the next one!!


Not to say the other seasons aren't great also but I would have to agree on saying this was my favorite season of Survivor. When I plan this game out I pray for something amazing to happen. The double tribal council was so beautiful I couldn't have planned it any better. Again I agree with everything you said about the contestants. I was so shocked that Patrick had 3 votes to win. Had I known he had so many I would have read the votes differently. One of the reasons I love the Bait Buffet and the Straw challenge is because it really shows who wants to win and who is here to play. Also Sarah D really showed her savy game play and she had no problem manipulating people. Had she won the final challenge she would have likely won the game unanimously because she is so likeable. Also point definitely noted on the cheering. It's something I try to keep to a minimum but isn't always so easy.

Season 8 is a good one just not quite as good as Season 7. The pre-merge game isn't super exciting but the merge is fantastic. I can't wait to see what you think about the last two. I have been checking frequently for this post haha
Sent by Sparticus142,Jul 3, 2015
Oh Sparticus142 One other thing!!! I always love the intros BUT you spoiled that Hannah D was voted out before the double tribal because you showed the Orange team sitting down in the intro and she wasn't there
Sent by __A__,Jul 3, 2015
Ugh I know i'm sorry. When I originally edited the first seasons I never had intended to put them on Youtube. They were just for friends who played and they all already knew what happened.
Sent by Sparticus142,Jul 3, 2015

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