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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Oct 24, 2013 by Whoa
14 started. Noah, Harold and Gwen remain.

4. Izzy [1-0 Noah]
5. Blaineley [1-1 Harold]
6. Beth [2-1 Noah]
7. Courtney [3-1 Blaineley]
8. Leshawna [3-2 Courtney]
9. Eva [4-2 Noah]
10. Owen [4-3 Noah]
11. Sierra [4-4 Beth]
12. Duncan [7-2 Sierra]
13. Cody [5-5 Duncan]
14. Alejandro [8-3 Gwen]

Noah won final HOH part 1..

Gwen wins the second part of the final HoH competition!

Gwen wins the final HoH competition!

Noah is about to say goodbye when...GWEN EVICTS HAROLD.

"I felt bad for you.." said Gwen.

"You just lost a jury vote hah thanks." croaked Noah. He was in shock. All that time in the alliance...
"We had a little too much sexual tension in the duo. I prefer Courtney."

And so, the jury voted on Noah or Gwen..

Beth votes for Gwen to win. "Typical Bethraying!"
Courtney votes for Gwen to win. "Bby."
Leshawna votes for Gwen to win. "Girl be playin' the better game."
Eva votes for Noah to win. "REMAIN STRONG!"
Harold votes for Gwen to win. "idc if u evicted me LOL"
Blaineley votes for Gwen to win. "Because Beth is gay."
Izzy votes for Gwen to win. "Haha uh no point trying now sorry alliance"

Gwen wins by a vote of 6-1! "I'm honoured.."

Leshawna is voted by America as their favorite juror! "You know it!"


1. Gwen - 6 votes
2. Noah - 1 vote
3. Harold [1-0 Noah]
4. Izzy [1-0 Noah]
5. Blaineley [1-1 Harold]
6. Beth [2-1 Noah]
7. Courtney [3-1 Blaineley]
8. Leshawna [3-2 Courtney]
9. Eva [4-2 Noah]
10. Owen [4-3 Noah]
11. Sierra [4-4 Beth]
12. Duncan [7-2 Sierra]
13. Cody [5-5 Duncan]
14. Alejandro [8-3 Gwen]

((noah survived 5 evictions holy....crap..))


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