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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

YOU VOTE! Big Brother Kirby!. Ep. 3!!!

Aug 22, 2010 by Tykeal
Contestants:  Red    Citrus   Oason   Mikutome   Grape   Pit   Koda

Circuit C   Axel   Zero   Patches   Kale   Crystal   Ryuiji
Silver   Taiga


Evicted:   1)Lupe   2) Hawk


The votes are in, Hawk has been eliminated from the big brother household. He left, and we got a word from him.
  "Hawk, how did you lose? You have a pretty tight alliance."-Me
"Well, Ty, There's 15 of us and only 4 allies. America also had their say. I suppose they be hatin' on rockstars."

During an HoH competition with a crazy obstecle course. Ryuji, our youngest competitor at the age of 8 won with his shortness and agility. At the nomination ceremony, it as no surprise that he put up his enemy, Kale, and saved his alliance. But, he also put up the artist Axel. At the veto competition, Circuit C won and saved his ally Kale! Ryuiji put up Kale's friend Crystal as revenge. Who will go home? Axel, or Crystal? Tune in next time!

Nominees: Kale and Axel
PoV: C (saved Kale)
Nominees: Axel and Crystal


Kid's Alliance down a member due to Hawk leaving.

Ryuiji and Kale keep fighting. Causing Crystal and Kale to bond, and Crystal and Ryuiji to disagree.

Suspicions rise as to why C saved Kale.

Taiga and Crystal (35%)
Crystal and Patches (22%)
Silver and Taiga (25%)
Grape and Pit (15%)
Crystal and Kale (15%)

Red VS Pit(20%)
Ryuiji VS Kale (40%)
Ryuiji VS Crystal (15%)

IT'S TIME FOR A GAME CHANGING POWER!!!! VOTE FO THE "I.E. LETTER", "GOLDEN HAMMER", or "VIEWER'S CHOICE ( If you vote for Viewer's choice, you must sen me mail with a suggestion. Please no bring back ??? or Diamond Power of Veto. I already got those ;D)" BE SURE TO ALSO CAST YOUR VOTE FOR EVICTION AND CHALLENGE IDEAS!!!!


I choose to evict Axel (floaters grab a life vest ;-) )

Golden Hammer
Sent by spongeboy541,Aug 22, 2010
Vote to evict Crystal

Golden Hammer
Sent by javer5,Aug 22, 2010
Anyone curious as to what game changing power is in the I.E letter? At=ren't you curious as to what the I.E? stands for? Then again, Golden Hammer may sound more powerful, but is it really? Well, they both dramatically change the game.
Sent by Tykeal,Aug 23, 2010
evict axel.
Sent by chameleoneyes,Aug 23, 2010

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