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Survivor Disney Episode 2

Aug 23, 2010 by Tombique55
Tribal Council: After the votes are read, there is a five way tie between Kita, Kenai, Mulan, Mowgli, and Tiana with two votes each. As a result, they each have to go to a fire maaking tie breaker, the first four to complete it are safe, the last one to comlete it will walk away as the first person eliminted from the game.

Result: Mowgli comletes the fire challenge first. Kita follows right behind and sits right back down. Tiana finishes her fire just a few minutes after Kita and celebrates a bit. Kenai and Mulan quickly try to light their fire, but it is Mulan who gets her fire lit and she is safe. KENAI has become the first person eliminated from Survivor Disney

Reward/Immunity Challenge: Five castaways are chosen to swim, one at a time, to a platform, grab a club, and leap off the platform to smash a tile that releases a key. The swimmer then retrieves the key and swims back to shore with it, allowing the next tribemate to go out. Once the five keys are collected, another castaway uses the keys to open a locked box containing a set of puzzle pieces that form a map of Samoa. Four other castaways put the puzzle together. The winners of the challenge get immunity and reward. The villans decide to sit Lady Tremaine out.

Reward: fishing gear, and a bamboo fishing boat


Heroes Tribal Council: Everyone is getting annoyed by Kita due to her bossy attitude, but at the same time people are getting sick of Robin Hood's laid back aproach of camp life.

Up for Elimination: Kita...Robin Hood


i vote off kita because i dont know who the fuck she is and i want the ones i'ev never heard of outf first
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Aug 23, 2010
urg, tough decision, but i will have to go with Kita
Sent by TheKid28,Aug 23, 2010
Def. vote of robin hood!
Sent by EmilyJones,Aug 24, 2010
Robin Hood, <3 kita and good idea!:D
Sent by Bridgit,Aug 24, 2010

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