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The Tom01313's blog

Posts 3 posts

Casting Game 9223: Day Three and Day Four - Drama Heats Up... Jul 31, 2009
Hi Guys,
And so, day three began. The day ended with an eviction, like always, and this time it was Tresmon and WWEFan who found themselves evicted. Day four began with another explosive eviction, which tossed out KyleR and Lexi. Now there are 14 players left..
PeggyMitchell was banned from the game yesterday, probably because she had multiple accounts. Sorry Peg, but now there ar 13 competitors.
Day Four has been pretty bland, except for some negging. It is starting to become more clear where alliances are, and who is targetting who. Is a single mastermind controlling the game, or are there factions competeting against each other?
JBX154, PeggyMitchell, and Unlawfull have been nominated for eviction and we will have to see which one will be saved. Who will be nominated tonight for eviction for Day 5? We'll have to wait and see...
Points: 3 1 comments
Casting Game 9223: Day Two - A Quiet Second Day ... Jul 30, 2009
Day Two - A Quiet Second Day ...
Hi Houseguests,
And so day two began. The day began with the eviction and elimation of JuzSpolied and Arnn. Peggy Mitchell was saved from the chopping block, suriving her first eviction in this game. Peggy has stayed low today; not a bad stragetgy after being on the block.
Today, KyleR,WWEFan83, and Tresome have been nominated for eviction. Today’s gameplay has been relativlty quiet, and it seems as though the drama from yesterday has died down, along with the negging. Only time will tell.
At this stage in the game, I believe everybody has an allience, or maybe even two. Strategies are being deveopled and slowly teamates are beginning to pick out targets. Who will be evicted tonight? And who will become Day Three Nominees? Only time will tell.
-        Tom
Points: 5 1 comments
Casting Game 9223: Day One - Newbies, Alliances, and Negging... Jul 29, 2009
Day One - Newbies, Alliances, and Negging...

Hi Houseguests,


My name is Tom Sullivan, I’m twenty years old, and from New Jersey. Currently I'm a student at Rider University, studying Political Science and Secondary Education. Today, July 29th,  I joined Tengaged Casting Game Number 9223 and for the next few days I’ll be blogging daily about the game. And so ... it began.


Casting Game 9223 started just like every other Casting Game. Players mingled and began to introduce themselves to the other contestants and everyone seems to be having an enjoyable time. But an early twists changed the game right out of the gate. Some unknown player was negatively rating the other players, commonly called ‘Negging’, and became the game’s hunted negger.


This first unknown twist started a whirlwind of explosive game play and drama. Alliance were made, enemies were accused, and lines were drawn. Currently, PeggyMitchell, JuzSpoiled, and Arnn have been nomminated for elimination. One of them will deffinalty be leaving, and one other gamer will be joining the evictee. Only time will tell…

-        Tom
Points: 20 0 comments