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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My first Day!!!!!

Feb 5, 2010 by Titiwhyam
It is really really cool and I never expect that!!! The others players are very nice, funny, helpful and there exists always themes we can talk about it. TENGAGED you rock!!!!!! You are AWESOME!!!!!
=) Titi


im in that game lawl
Sent by ad123,Feb 5, 2010
Sent by imxrated93,Feb 5, 2010
Welcome to tengaged!
Sent by tinabeena,Feb 5, 2010
Sent by TripleXXX,Feb 5, 2010
welcome to tengaged!
Sent by bissi81,Feb 5, 2010
welcome.. good luck and have fun!!
Sent by Brandy926,Feb 5, 2010
ItsOfficial's Survivor Cocos Islands S9 -

*Blood Pearl*

Congratulations! You have found the Blood Pearl! The holder of the Blood Pearl can choose when to play the Blood Pearl when it is needed. The Blood Pearl nullifies all votes cast against the holder and can be played at any time; even AFTER the vote reading. The last time the Blood Pearl can be used is at the Final 5 Tribal Council.

Mail me the Link to this Blog and pray you are the First person to Find it!
Sent by YoundAndReckless,Jun 6, 2016

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