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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Obssession Number One

Aug 3, 2009 by ShadowOfWar
imageAs mentioned in my prevoius blog 'announcement' I shall be revealing my obssessions.
Number One is emo hair!!!
So if you are ever in a game with me and discover you have emo style hair or similar to emo expect somethin like this to happen:

Me: You have EMO hair?
You: err yeah...
Me: Where do you live?
You: Why?
Me: Because if your near me I want to *capture/bombarde/shave your hair off*
You: riiiiight...
Me: If you ever see a hyper very strange funny hair colour girl then I suggest you run if you don't want to *be kissed/have you hair shaved off/kidnapped* (>'_')>

You probably get the idea now.

** - varying things could go in here the ones that are here are just a few possiblilties it really just pretends on my level of hyperness and what mood i'm in.


i will have to warn craig and jacob lol
Sent by incy10,Aug 3, 2009
yush you shall have to warn them!
But what county of the UK do you live in?
Sent by ShadowOfWar,Aug 3, 2009
peterborough :)
Sent by incy10,Aug 3, 2009
hmm tht aint far from suffolk is it?
Sent by ShadowOfWar,Aug 3, 2009

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