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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother (U.S./RG/OTT/Celebrity/Canada) All Evictions

Jul 27, 2015 by SashaBaby2010

William - 10th
Jordan - 9th
Karen - 8th
Brittany - 7th
Cassandra - 6th
George - 5th
Jamie - 4th
Curtis - 3rd
Josh - 2nd
Eddie - 1st
Justin - 12th (EXPELLED)
Sheryl - 11th
Autumn - 10th
Shannon - 9th
Mike - 8th
Kent - 7th
Krista - 6th
Bunky - 5th
Hardy - 4th
Monica- 3rd
Nicole - 2nd
Will - 1st
Lori - 12th
Tonya - 11th
Eric - 10th
Josh - 9th
Chiara - 8th
Gerry - 7th
Roddy - 6th
Marcellas - 5th
Amy - 4th
Jason - 3rd
Danielle - 2nd
Lisa - 1st
Scott - 13th (EXPELLED)
Amanda - 12th
Michelle - 11th
David - 10th
Dana - 9th
Nathan - 8th
Justin - 7th
Jack - 6th
Jee - 5th
Erika - 4th
Robert - 3rd
Alison - 2nd
Jun - 1st
Mike - 14th
Lori - 13th
Holly - 12th
Scott - 11th
Jase - 10th
Will - 9th
Natalie - 8th
Adria - 7th
Marvin - 6th
Karen - 5th
Nakomis - 4th
Diane - 3rd
Michael - 2nd
Drew - 1st
Ashlea - 14th
Michael - 13th
Eric - 12th
Sarah - 11th
Kaysar - 10th
Jennifer - 9th
Rachel - 8th
James - 7th
Beau - 6th
Howie - 5th
April - 4th
Janelle - 3rd
Ivette - 2nd
Maggie - 1st
Alison - 14th
Nakomis - 13th
Jase - 12th
Diane - 11th
Kaysar - 10th
Marcellas - 9th
Howie - 8th
James - 7th
Danielle - 6th
George - 5th
Will - 4th
Janelle - 3rd
Erika - 2nd
Mike - 1st
Carol - 14th
Joe - 13th
Mike - 12th
Nick - 11th
Kail - 10th
Dustin - 9th
Jen - 8th
Amber - 7th
Jessica - 6th
Eric - 5th
Jameka - 4th
Zach - 3rd
Daniele - 2nd
Dick - 1st
Jacob - 16th
Neil - 15th (WALKED)
Jen - 14th/13th
Parker - 14th/13th
Alex - 12th/11th
Amanda - 12th/11th
Allison - 10th
Matt - 9th
Chelsia - 8th
Joshua - 7th
James - 6th
Natalie - 5th
Sharon - 4th
Sheila - 3rd
Ryan - 2nd
Adam - 1st
Brian - 13th
Steven - 12th
Angie - 11th
Jessie - 10th
Libra - 9th
April - 8th
Michelle - 7th
Ollie - 6th
Renny - 5th
Keesha - 4th
Jerry - 3rd
Memphis - 2nd
Dan - 1st
Braden - 13th
Laura - 12th
Casey - 11th
Ronnie - 10th
Jessie - 9th
Chima - 8th (EXPELLED)
Lydia - 7th
Russell - 6th
Jeff - 5th
Michele - 4th
Kevin - 3rd
Natalie - 2nd
Jordan - 1st
Annie - 13th
Monet - 12th
Andrew - 11th
Kristen - 10th
Rachel - 9th
Kathy - 8th
Matt - 7th
Brendon - 6th
Ragan - 5th
Britney - 4th
Enzo - 3rd
Lane - 2nd
Hayden - 1st
Dick - 14th (WALKED)
Keith - 13th
Cassi - 12th
Dominic - 11th
Lawon - 10th
Brendon - 9th
Daniele - 8th
Jeff - 7th
Shelly - 6th
Kalia - 5th
Jordan - 4th
Adam - 3rd
Porsche - 2nd
Rachel - 1st
Jodi - 16th
Kara - 15th
Willie - 14th (EXPELLED)
JoJo - 13th
Janelle - 12th
Wil - 11th
Mike - 10th
Ashley - 9th
Britney - 8th
Frank - 7th
Joe - 6th
Jenn - 5th
Shane - 4th
Danielle - 3rd
Dan - 2nd
Ian - 1st
David - 16th
Nick - 15th
Jeremy - 14th
Kaitlin - 13th
Howard - 12th
Candice - 11th
Jessie - 10th
Helen - 9th
Aaryn - 8th
Amanda - 7th
Elissa - 6th
Judd - 5th
McCrae - 4th
Spencer - 3rd
GinaMarie - 2nd
Andy - 1st
Joey - 16th
Paola - 15th
Devin - 14th
Brittany - 13th
Amber - 12th
Jocasta - 11th
Hayden - 10th
Zach - 9th
Donny - 8th
Nicole - 7th
Christine - 6th
Frankie - 5th
Caleb - 4th
Victoria - 3rd
Cody - 2nd
Derrick - 1st
Jace - 17th
Da'Vonne - 16th
Jeff - 15th
Audrey - 14th
Jason - 13th
Clay - 12th
Shelli - 11th
Jackie - 10th
Becky - 9th
Meg - 8th
James - 7th
Julia - 6th
Austin - 5th
John - 4th
Vanessa - 3rd
Liz - 2nd
Steve - 1st
Glenn - 16th
Jozea - 15th
Bronte - 14th
Tiffany - 13th
Frank - 12th
Da'Vonne - 11th
Zakiyah - 10th
Bridgette - 9th
Paulie - 8th
Michelle - 7th
Natalie - 6th
Victor - 5th
Corey - 4th
James - 3rd
Paul - 2nd
Nicole - 1st
Cameron - 17th
Megan - 16th (WALKED)
Jillian - 15th
Dominique - 14th
Ramses - 13th
Jessica - 12th
Cody - 11th
Elena - 10th
Mark - 9th
Matthew - 8th
Jason - 7th
Raven - 6th
Alex - 5th
Kevin - 4th
Christmas - 3rd
Paul - 2nd
Josh - 1st
Steve - 16th
Swaggy C - 15th
Winston - 14th
Kaitlyn - 13th
Rachel - 12th
Bayleigh - 11th
Rockstar - 10th
Faysal - 9th
Scottie - 8th
Haleigh - 7th
Brett - 6th
Sam - 5th
Angela - 4th
JC - 3rd
Tyler - 2nd
Kaycee - 1st
David - 16th
Ovi - 15th
Kemi - 14th
Isabella - 13th
Sam - 12th
Jack - 11th
Kathryn - 10th
Analyse - 9th
Nick - 8th
Jessica - 7th
Christie - 6th
Tommy - 5th
Cliff - 4th
Nicole - 3rd
Holly - 2nd
Jackson - 1st
Keesha - 16th
Nicole A - 15th
Janelle - 14th
Kaysar - 13th
Bayleigh - 12th
Ian - 11th
Da'Vonne - 10th
Kevin - 9th
David - 8th
Daniele - 7th
Tyler - 6th
Memphis - 5th
Christmas - 4th
Nicole F - 3rd
Enzo - 2nd
Cody - 1st
Travis - 16th
Frenchie - 15th
Brent - 14th
Whitney - 13th
Christian - 12th
Britini - 11th
Derek X - 10th
Sarah Beth - 9th
Claire - 8th
Alyssa - 7th
Tiffany - 6th
Hannah - 5th
Kyland - 4th
Azah - 3rd
Derek F - 2nd
Xavier - 1st
Paloma - 16th (WALKED)
Pooch - 15th
Ameerah - 14th
Nicole - 13th
Daniel - 12th
Indy - 11th
Jasmine - 10th
Joseph - 9th
Kyle - 8th
Terrance - 7th
Michael - 6th
Alyssa - 5th
Brittany - 4th
Turner - 3rd
Monte - 2nd
Taylor - 1st
Luke - 17th (EXPELLED)
Kirsten - 16th
Reilly - 15th
Hisam - 14th
Red - 13th
Izzy - 12th
Jared - 11th
Mecole - 10th
Cameron - 9th
Cory - 8th
Blue - 7th
America - 6th
Cirie - 5th
Felicia - 4th
Bowie Jane - 3rd
Matt - 2nd
Jag - 1st
U.S. Over the Top:

Cornbread - 13th
Monte - 12th
Shane - 11th
Neeley - 10th
Scott - 9th
Alex - 8th
Whitney - 7th
Danielle - 6th
Shelby - 5th
Justin - 4th
Kryssie - 3rd
Jason - 2nd
Morgan - 1st
U.S. Reindeer Games:

Cameron - 9th
Cody - 8th
Danielle - 7th
Josh - 6th
Britney - 5th
Xavier - 4th
Frankie - 3rd
Taylor - 2nd
Nicole - 1st
U.S. Celebrity:

Chuck - 11th
Keshia - 10th
Shannon - 9th
Metta - 8th
Brandi - 7th
James - 6th
Omarosa - 5th
Ariadna - 4th/3rd
Mark - 4th/3rd
Ross - 2nd
Marissa - 1st
Anthony - 12th (FAKE)
Jonathan - 11th
Ryan - 10th
Joey - 9th
Kato - 8th
Natalie - 7th
Tom - 6th
Kandi - 5th
Dina - 4th/3rd
Lolo - 4th/3rd
Ricky - 2nd
Tamar - 1st
Teddi - 11th
Mirai - 10th
Chris Ka - 9th (WALKED)
Chris Ki - 8th
Shanna - 7th
Carson - 6th
Lamar - 5th
Todd - 4th
Cynthia - 3rd
Todrick - 2nd
Miesha - 1st

Kat - 15th
Danielle - 14th
Aneal - 13th
Tom - 12th
Liza - 11th
Suzette - 10th
AJ - 9th
Alec - 8th
Topaz - 7th
Peter - 6th
Andrew - 5th
Talla - 4th
Emmett - 3rd
Gary - 2nd
Jillian - 1st
Anick - 15th
Kyle - 14th
Paul - 13th
Ika - 12th
Andrew - 11th
Sarah - 10th
Kenny - 9th
Arlie - 8th
Allison - 7th
Rachelle - 6th
Adel - 5th
Heather - 4th
Neda - 3rd
Sabrina - 2nd
Jon - 1st
Risha - 16th
Naeha - 15th
Graig - 14th
Johnny - 13th
Jordan - 12th
Sindy - 11th
Bobby - 10th
Kevin - 9th
Willow - 8th
Bruno - 7th
Zach - 6th
Pilar - 5th
Brittnee - 4th
Ashleigh - 3rd
Godfrey - 2nd
Sarah - 1st
Paige - 16th
Sharry - 15th
Christine - 14th
Dallas - 13th
Loveita - 12th
Mitch - 11th
Raul - 10th
Ramsey - 9th (WALKED)
Maddy - 8th
Jared - 7th
Nikki - 6th
Joel - 5th
Cassandra - 4th
Tim - 3rd
Kelsey - 2nd
Nick & Phil - 1st
Mark - 16th
Dallas - 15th
Cassandra - 14th
Gary - 13th
Emily - 12th
Neda - 11th
Sindy - 10th
Bruno - 9th
Jackie - 8th
Dre - 6th/7th
William - 6th/7th
Dillon - 5th
Ika - 4th
Demetres - 3rd
Karen - 2nd
Kevin - 1st
Rozina - 16th
Andrew - 15th
Jesse - 14th
Veronica - 13th
Hamza - 12th
Merron - 11th
Erica - 10th
Ryan - 9th
Alejandra - 8th
Johnny - 6th/7th
Olivia - 6th/7th
Maddy - 5th
Will - 4th
Derek - 3rd
Kaela - 2nd
Paras - 1st
Laura - 15th
Maki - 14th
Kailyn - 13th
Chelsea - 12th
Eddie - 11th
Kiera - 10th
Samantha - 9th
Cory - 8th
Estefania - 7th
Damien - 6th
Mark - 5th
Adam - 4th
Kyra - 3rd
Anthony - 2nd
Dane - 1st
Nico - 16th (WALKED)
Micheal - 15th
Jamar - 14th (EXPELLED)
Kyle - 13th (EXPELLED)
Julie - 14th
Josh - 13th
Latoya - 12th
Kyle - 11th
Austin - 10th
Victoria - 9th
Rohan - 8th
Tina - 7th
Jedson - 6th
Beth - 5th
Kiefer - 4th
Tera - 3rd
Breydon - 2nd
Tychon - 1st
Melina - 16th
Jay - 15th
Stephanie - 14th
Kyle - 13th
Tynesha - 12th
Jess - 11th
Hermon - 10th
Moose - 9th
Gino - 8th
Marty - 6th/7th
Summer - 6th/7th
Jacey-Lynne - 5th
Haleena - 4th
Betty - 3rd
Josh - 2nd
Kevin - 1st
Amal - 16th (WALKED)
John Michael - 15th
Roberto - 14th
Vanessa - 13th (WALKED)
Zach - 12th (WALKED)
Dan - 11th
Jonathan - 10th
Santina - 9th
Hope - 8th
Kuzie - 7th
Shanaya - 6th
Renee - 5th
Anika - 4th
Daniel - 3rd
Claudia - 2nd
Ty - 1st
Janine - 14th
Donna - 13th
Dinis - 12th
Vivek - 11th
Matthew - 10th
Elijah - 9th
Kayla - 8th
Avery - 7th
Tola - 6th
Anthony - Still Competing
Bayleigh - Still Competing
Lexus - Still Competing
Todd - Still Competing
Victoria - Still Competing


Dick didnt walk in 14 :X
Sent by mastropola,Jul 27, 2015

It was Season 13, and yes he did.
Sent by SashaBaby2010,Jul 27, 2015
Sashababy2010 he literally had HIV , and I meant 12 obvi
Sent by mastropola,Jul 27, 2015
Sent by mastropola,Jul 27, 2015

I know he had HIV, and he chose to walk from the game. they didn't make him leave.
Sent by SashaBaby2010,Jul 27, 2015
Oh rlly?
Whoops. Idk I don't count him as quitting, seeing as he wouldn't have been able to stay in the house and potentially endanger anyone else, maybe it was mutual :X
Sent by mastropola,Jul 28, 2015

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