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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Noser, sweetie.

Feb 19, 2010 by Prevoke
imageAfter you're done readin' this blog, you can go back to lyin' to everyone, and making alliances with every other person in the game. Ya know, since you got nothin' better to do in ya spare time. Oh, and you can go back to fakin' those pics of yours hunny, cause we know those ain't real, I wonder where you managed to find those pics? Google of course.

Lord, I wonder what else he's fakin', maybe even your age. You fucking tried to pick up on DangerousPerson, really? You sound like a fucking pedo, and I just used you to furtha' myself in the game. Good luck in the finals hunny, and now that everyone knows about you, good luck with tengaged!



Just so you know I was going to take you to final 4. But noooo. Not after the way you acted. Mabye next time.... sweetie.
Sent by XxNoSeRxX,Feb 20, 2010

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