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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Yall seriously need to learn how to drive. . .

Sep 18, 2012 by Perry10
Or here's a thought, maybe put the cell phone down? I was heading to my appointment today, and it was clearly OUR TURN. . .and the moron went right through the stop sign, didn't look, and was CHATTING ON HIS CELL PHONE.  I'm sorry, if you can't do two things at once, DON'T USE A CELL WHILE DRIVING!! ARRRRGGGGGGGGG!!!!

My random thought for the day.


who's neggen me? :(
Sent by Perry10,Sep 18, 2012
Sent by amills5,Sep 18, 2012
Sent by Rebelman2227,Sep 18, 2012
Clue #4: Find the TOTAL number of votes I received throughout two seasons in Suitman's Survivor Series (INCLUDING votes I received when using an idol). Add that number to my average placement of the two seasons I was on in Suitman's Series. Finally, subtract THREE from that number. Using that number, count from THE FRONT of my friend's list and find the friend who is that number on the list (for example, if the answer was 3, you'd go to my third friend from the front). Go to that user's first blog for the final clue.
Sent by porschefan101,Jan 25, 2013

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