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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I Won the Draft!

May 4, 2020 by NotNicky333

2. Aman Adwin (@amanadwin) - 1st
3. Nicole Maines (@nicolemaines) - 20th
6. Taran Armstrong (@armstrongtaran) - 4th
7. Evie (@evieyayakidis) - 13th
10. Cat (@catrific) - 10th
11. Justin Nick (@justin_moore) - 14th
14. Brendan Meyer (@brendanmkjmeyer) - 2nd
15. Phi Phi O鈥橦ara/Jaremi (@phiphiohara) - 9th
18. Mike Mulderrig (@mikemgtv) - 19th
19. Granny (@deargranny) -15th

#TeamBrian ( cfff)

1. Korey Kuhl (@koreykuhl) - 3rd
4. Vie (@vieparlafoi) - 16th
5. Ricky Dillon (@rickypdillon) - 5th
8. Antphrodite (@antphrodite) - 17th
9. Hannah Claire (@Hannah_HCB) - 6th
12. Jack Danger (@deadflip) - 8th
13. Sam Seum (@justseum) - 11th
16. Sosa (@dolledbysosa) - 18th
17. Dallas Macdermant (@thesupremerk9s) - 7th
20. Kaceytron (@kaceytron) - 12th

Brian's winning this draft lol
Sent by M_Davis1998,May 3, 2020

good try michael good try.


Sent by TotsTrashy,May 4, 2020
Sent by M_Davis1998,May 4, 2020
as you should have.
Sent by Birks4444,May 4, 2020

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