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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jan 30, 2009 by Mincy9101
OK So im kinda new to this site and i was just wondering.....What happens if you dont have enough money to enter another game??? Is that like game over or do you get some money to enter a new game ????? I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO FIND OUT : )


Well Mincey your a skank ; ) JUST KIDDING !!!!
Sent by LillyXoXo,Jan 30, 2009
u wait until r game is finished, then u get the T's u earned. and then if that isnt enough, make blogs or do some of the offers.
sorry u left:( ++++
Sent by tommyg,Jan 30, 2009
Yeah you need to earn more money ... Basicly .. Make a couple blogs that will appeal to everyone on this site ... They need to click on the check mark for you to earn some money ... I will give u a + 2 ... You should def go back to the peeps who ++ your blog and thank them .... Try to be more active when u are in a game in order to make money to move up ....

Also right next to your name theres a thing that says need more T$ .. click on that .. theres a survey of the day .. fill the whole thing out and you should recieve some money to get you going for a couple games ... I hope that helped .. Wish I could lend ya some money but it doesnt work that way .. You need to earn it !!  Good luck and I hope to see you in a game sometime ....
Sent by cubzfans19,Jan 30, 2009
Sent by tennisallstar94,Jan 30, 2009
THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP GUYS !!!! So you what does it mean when people put the +++++ Signs in a blog comment??
Sent by Mincy9101,Jan 30, 2009
The ++++++ means how much a person is worth .. The longer on this site the better ++++ u become ... So you want peeps that are ++++++ to rate on ya .... U should click on our names in blue and go to our blogs and help us out as well ... That will def keep you in good with everyone out there ......
Sent by cubzfans19,Jan 30, 2009
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP GUYS!!! All your blogs have been plused : )
Sent by Mincy9101,Jan 30, 2009
So with the +++ Things can you put as many as you wany, like if i like someones blog i would put ++++++ and if i liked it a little i would put + Does that sound right???
Sent by Mincy9101,Jan 30, 2009
Check out the link .. The amount of + u get are determined by what color card they hold .. for instance a + 2 is a yellow card ... A +3 is the next card beyond yellow ... Check it out .. It tells you what u need to do ! !
Sent by cubzfans19,Jan 30, 2009
Yo need to blog when with no money and can also try the SURVEYS if need urgent T$ when having less than 30 T$ :)

Sent by imxrated93,Jan 31, 2009

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