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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Jeremy ♥

17thMay 30, 2013 by LiteCitrus
image tenj246

Why is
Jun 16, 2013 by treyhurt13
evrey1 being so mean to me over a game? Ur not in it u dnt know who my allies r who im talking 2 who ive not talked 2 and some of the things ppl have called me and said 2 me. IM  HUMAN BEING AND HAVE FEELINGS U KNOW, IM NOT 1 2 OVE REACT BUT I AM LITTERLY CRYING IN RL RIGHT NOW. I RIGHT NOW JUST WANT 2 QUIT AND NEVER COME BACK ON I DONT KNOW WHY YALL R BEING MEAN 2 ME I AM STARTING 2 GET HATE MAIL B.C OF A GAME. IT HURTS, CALL ME DRAMATIC CALL ME A WHIMP BUT I DO HAVE FEELINGS AND IM BEING JUDGED OVER A GAME AND RIGHT NOW I HAVE A LOT OF TENGAGE USERS B/CTHEY R JUST SO MEAN NO1 KNOS AYTHING ABOUT ME EXCEPT MY FRIENDS THE MSOT ANY WIL KNOW IS MY NAME AND WHERE I LIVE. I DNT KNOW WHY I KEEP GETING PICKED ONBY ALMOST EVERY1 AND IM LITTERY ABOUT 2 UST SAY I WANT 2 BE OUT OF STARS B/C IDK IF I CAN JUST CNT DO THIS ANYMORE. But 1 probably cares so neg me then ignore it. but iv been called some things that rlly hurt me b.c of my personal life, just remember there r  ppl on this game backastbing and lieing in a game is 1 thig ut 2 bully them it hurts.


Sent by Imthtawesom,May 30, 2013
You must hate yourself!
Sent by Sweetheart95,May 30, 2013
I fucking hate you.
Sent by Insanity,May 30, 2013
You must hate yourself!
Sent by jacksonjoseph99,May 30, 2013
I fucking love you.
Sent by CDawg97,May 30, 2013
so you hate torimarie
Sent by prince_Eric,May 30, 2013
Sent by _Aria,May 30, 2013
this is soooo sad...

but no.
Sent by ONEfabulous,May 30, 2013
Sent by Steel,May 30, 2013
explain pls
Sent by chibideidara,May 30, 2013
+12 fully agree fat people are disgusting
Sent by MintCokeify,May 30, 2013
Sent by dmann,May 30, 2013
Sent by TheThomas,May 30, 2013
if they are fat cuz they don't do anything yes, but if they try but they were just born like that then no
Sent by saraj10,May 30, 2013
EXACTLY saraj10
Sent by LiteCitrus,May 30, 2013
Sent by Trenton1126,May 30, 2013

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