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The LaNaNa's blog

Posts 4 posts

Clearing the air Mar 11, 2011
This is in response to this comment Don't try u 2 be black u obs aren't
Sent by av98,Mar 10, 2011, and then the blog that Av98 decided to write about me.


     Yes I am a white male, however there are somethings you need to know about me to understand the way I act and the origin of my name. First of all I have a black god daughter that is the daughter of a friend that Ive known since I was like 3, her name is Nalyna, I have given her the nick name of Nay Nay. I believe its a central american language that La means the so I came up with LaNaNa meaning the Na Na. So thats my name as for the way I write and act. I come from Gary,Indiana if you ask anyone who knows anything about Gary its not the best place to be a preppy white boy. So yes I act ghetto trashy hood whatever you wanna call it. But excuse the fuck outta me for not being brought up as a preppy white boy. Even now in college I live on the east side of Indianapolis,Indiana again not the best side of town for a preppy white boy. But this is not an act this is my 24/7 365, again excuse the fuck outta me that I saw 2 people that I loved get shot my opposing gang members so yeah Imma lil cold hearted imma lil unpolished. But that doesnt mean imma let comments like this one go by the wade side I am in no way trying to act black I am in no way trying to offend anyone of any nationality, I am simply being the way i am all the time. If you dont like it like I said you know where to go, pop off and see what happens ya heard? Oh and let me clear that up also ya heard is like ya know, or ok, or get it got it good its just a saying a say when I want people to understand something. Heres a lesson we should all take from this dont judge people just on first impressions, just because I act a certain way doesnt mean shit. Im a English Literature Major with a minor in Microbiology so Im obviously an educated fellow but I act the way I act again excuse the fuck outta me. A side note to Av98 you should grow the fuck up and learn something before you try to step into the grown up world. Everything is not as black and white as you seem to see it there are always exceptions to the rules. Think before you speak Imma firm believer in karma youll get whats coming to you. Before you wanna run the stank ass rat trap of yours actually get to know someone first, like I said learn something ya heard? I sincerely hope I have not offended anyone by my blogs or anyone in my game, if I have I apology from the bottom of my cold heart.
Points: 0 3 comments
Question! Mar 10, 2011
What be the differences betweens a fast game and a slow game and do alls the games be filling up so slow cause i be taking 18 credit hrs at school so i donts wanna joins up in a game and hold it up ya heard?
Points: 6 2 comments
First Game Mar 10, 2011
The real HBIC is about to start her reign and if you have a problem with, you know where to go.
Points: 0 0 comments
LaNaNa's in the house!! Mar 10, 2011
And Im here to win Im not here to be nice or make a new BFF Im here to win as many games as possible. And if you have a problem with that or me well you know where to go. Cause Lanana don't take no crap from nobody, Im the HBIC ya heard, pop off if you want some.
Points: 4 5 comments