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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Players who Deserve a second chance SEASON 1-3

Jun 8, 2016 by Joshbb17
Survivor Season 1: Borneo

Stacy Stillman

This player will never be invited back, and many people will assume that I would select Colleen or Greg, and while it would be exciting to see them back. I made this list based off potential, character, and strategicness. An early boot, she was kicked off based off her wanting to get rid of Burnett's favorite character, Rudy. She showed a level of strategicness that wasn't shown quite yet in the game of survivor. I think she showed potential, and though she won't ever come back, she would do well in this type of era of survivor.

Survivor Season 2: The Australian Outback

Kel Gleason

Virtually everyone has come back from basically Borneo and Australia, but one player I would like to see back is Kel. One of the oddest second boots in history. He was falsely accused of having beef jerkey and the tribe voted out a guy who had military experience. It's kind of a goof pick, but the guy is still talked about 16 years later.

Survivor Season 3: Africa

Teresa "TBird" Cooper

This was a no-brainer for me. Teresa "Tbird" Cooper, is one of those resilient, hardworking, yet sweet women that we all root for. Many, including myself, thought she should have been on second chances. Her causing Lex to go crazy after voting for him, is one the reasons Africa was a good season. Nobody thought she could have done it. She outlived her tribe and almost got Kim J and Lex to flip on Big Tom. If anyone deserves a second chance it's her.

This is it for now, I will continue doing these, about 3 per day if not more, tag yourself if you want to be included for when I post.



uhhhhh kel was on colby's tribe lol
Sent by lionsden121,Jun 8, 2016
oops well.. yeah i hate that overrated season and virtually everyone from there has been invited back
Sent by Joshbb17,Jun 8, 2016
Sent by Jimmytv,Jun 8, 2016

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