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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Your perfect alliance!!

May 16, 2011 by ItsTim
What does everybody here look for in an "alliance to take to the end of the game" on Tengaged? And also, how many people are ideal in the alliance? Will you betray your alliance? Answer these questions below in the comments.
Personally, I need a loyal alliance that appears to be real and not fake just to get to the end of the game. They must also be an intellegent player that thinks before they say things.
Idealistically, an alliance of four that is true to the end is ideal for me. This way, the four of us can just kick everyone else out one by one.
I would not betray my alliance, depending on how close we are as a team, but if I do not one hundred percent trust my alliance and it could lose my the game, I will betray my alliance. What are your opinions?


somebody who is loyal and you share a lot of interests with. i feel the best number for an alliance is a solid 4 with maybe one more swing vote if you need it. I would never betray my alliance even if it means getting 4th and not making final 3 :(
Sent by KissTheBaby85,May 16, 2011
awwww sorry kissthebaby about that!!
but i feel the same way about pretty much everything you just said :)
Sent by ItsTim,May 16, 2011
friendship and loyalty, bc when it gets top picking between members I go by who joined the alliance in a specific game last or who I know the least lol.
Sent by Zurks,May 16, 2011
Awww baby
Im sorry =(
Sent by SpottierTitan65,May 16, 2011
:( :( not your fault guys you had to do it :(
Sent by KissTheBaby85,May 18, 2011
now i know.. but for me, no one to trust in this game.. :)no hard feelings bro..
Sent by IEHR,May 20, 2011
Cool topic.

I like someone who's motivated to the game and will dedicate themself to making everyone happy no matter what.
Sent by Itssimon,May 31, 2011
tim i was in a alliance with u in a fast casting,and i noticed that ur one of the only people that are true to there word,we made it a four person ally and we made it to the end,tim ur a good competitor
Sent by thomasmcclure,Jun 12, 2011

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