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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Tim's Tengaged Tip 2

May 16, 2011 by ItsTim
Now although you may or not have seen my "negging strategies" tips, I have a second tip to offer for any newcomers out there- we don't just wanna neg our enemies- we can do better then this. Imagine if we could get positive votes from even our enemies in the game! That would be amazing! Now how do we do this? With a few simple steps...
-Do not overpost- you will appear to be spamming. Think logically before you post- remember the winner of the game is not decided by how many posts they got, but by how many positive points they have received. Think before you act.
-Create alliances. Create them with people you feel you would best be friends with outside the game. That way, you don't have to fake alliances. All my alliances have been real in the games, and in one case I have continued to be friends with them outside of the game without pre-knowing them.
-Be nice. Just be a good person, comment genuinely, and you will get far.
Well this is the end of my second tip, I hope I have helped everyone for future endeavours.

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