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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Choirwolf's blogBlog

  1. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Winner!
  2. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-FTC
  3. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #14
  4. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #13
  5. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #12
  6. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #11
  7. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #10
  8. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #9
  9. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #8
  10. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #7
  11. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #6
  12. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #5
  13. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #4
  14. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #3
  15. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #2
  16. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #1
  17. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Winner!
  18. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-FTC
  19. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #16
  20. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #15
  21. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #14
  22. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #13
  23. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #12
  24. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #11
  25. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #10
  26. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #9
  27. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #8
  28. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #7
  29. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #6
  30. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #5
  31. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #4
  32. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #3
  33. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #2
  34. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #1
  35. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Winner!
  36. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-FTC
  37. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #16
  38. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #15
  40. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14

Frank (BB14)

Sep 6, 2012 by Choirwolf
imageMwahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Finally, my prayers have been answered! The Quack Pack has killed the Frankenstein! I have absolutely hated Frank since the preseason interviews, when I thought he was too cocky and arrogant and I was right! The man has been a freaking zombie (not a zombie like Dan coming from his own funeral, but that is a different story!) though constantly coming off of the block. Frankfurter survived the block 5 times and was evicted the 6th! What pisses me off about him especially isn't the fact that he tried to be a part of the most annoying alliance ever (Chilltown), but the fact that he would have been evicted Week #3 if the game wasn't reset! So, instead of getting 12th (like he should've) he got 7th (at least he didn't win the whole thing).
   So, let's look at Captain Dipcrap from a life stand point. The man acts like he has no job, but it is probably, because he is rich being the son of a major pro wrestler. He says he is a big BB fan (I'm not buying it). He acts super confident in himself (a.k.a. vain, cocky, asinine, etc.) and I do not like him! Anyways, he has done pretty well in competitions this season here are Frank's Big Brother 14 stats:

HoH: 3
POV: 3

   Frank has succeeded in competitions and that is the one thing I will give him credit for in this game! Little Ian screwed Frank over though by winning HoH putting Frank vs. Jenn on the block and getting Dan (who won the POV) to use it on Jenn! Jenn get's off of the block and get's replaced by Joe. So, the final nominees are Frank vs Joe with the final vote turning out 3 to 1 and Frank getting evicted! The thing is though the time has finally (cannot stress that anymore), FINALLY come that Julie Chen announced FRANK YOU HAVE BEEN EVICTED FROM THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE! As, anyone reading my blog should know I am not a Frank fan and him getting evicted has made my year! So, love him, hate him, I really don't care this is my blog on him so it is my opinion, plus if you want, if you don't want...


Choirwolf I'm just saying his dad is FAR from rich as he blew his money as fast as he got it :x
Sent by NexusCain,Sep 6, 2012
Yeah you're probably right I just feel like he has money from somewhere and he is hiding it, because someone like him can't afford to be so cocky and not have a job in a day like today!
Sent by Choirwolf,Sep 6, 2012
I agree. Couldn't stand Frank...glad he's gone...but he was one HELL of a competitor.
Sent by tinabeena,Sep 6, 2012
Sent by Athenaa,Sep 7, 2012

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