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  40. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14

Britney (BB12 & BB14)

Aug 31, 2012 by Choirwolf
imageI am not going to lie I am not sure if I am more sad that I have to write this blog or that I had to write Janelle’s, because like Janelle, Britney was such a great Big Brother personality.  We first saw Britney on BB12 and we know she made the season with her crazy diary rooms, her witty personality, and her altogether AWESOMENESS! I wish that she would have actually won something this season instead of sticking to Shane like a leech (then again so is Danielle).
  I have liked Britney since BB12 and I just want to say that she is a gorgeous lady. I feel like since her first season she has grown-up, she has gotten married and she has just seemed to have a little bit of a personality change in the sense of maturity level. What screwed her over this game was Jenn “City” (who just decided to play the game) and the rotten carrot…. Frank. This week started with Frank winning the stupid Head of Household competition again. Then he makes a genius move by nominating Dan against Danielle.  Well, the thing is that they had the first Pandora’s Box and Frank took it allowing himself to receive a decent sum of money and the rest of the house got to use the claw machine in the house for another Power of Veto which Ian won. Then they had the actual Power of Veto competition which Jenn won. So, this week there were two POV’s Ian and Jenn.  Also, in the Power of Veto competition Frank had to wear a carrot suit and Dan had solitary confinement. Well, after Dan got out of solitary confinement he pretty much made the biggest move in the game so far… he held his own funeral. You heard right the man DIED! Just kidding. The late Dan held his own funeral service where he got people to cry and gave them all compliments, until he got to his greatest partner in the game Danielle who he told off and said, “You know what you did and I will never trust you again!” Danielle’s mouth dropped! She had no clue what she did and she started balling her eyes out! Until, Dipstick Dan brought her in a room and told her that he just saved both of their butts, because he was getting Jenn to use POV on himself and then know one would want to evict Danielle when she was just dumped by her major partner in the game! Needless to say, the POV ceremony came around and Ian chose not to use his veto and Jenn “City” did taking off Dan and allowing Frank to put up little miss Britney.
   Britney fought as best as she could, but the fact of the matter was she was a coach and if you are on the block and you are a coach you are gone. The reason for that is, because the coaches are known as some of the best players to ever play the game and if that is true the houseguest are dumb to not evict them. So, Britney vs. Danielle on the block and the vote turns out 1 to 4 (Ian the only one giving Britney a vote).  Making Julie Chen have the sad announcement of BRITNEY YOU HAVE BEEN EVICTED FROM THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE! What a sad day! Britney we will be seeing you as the second juror in the jury house and I hope that you come back for All-Stars! Britney you were America’s little sister! Well, it has been my opinion on the great Big Brother player Britney not yours so plus if you would like!


She didn't really fight well. She just talked shit about Dan.
She really made some uncalled for remarks to.
I still like her though, but

Sent by RobM,Aug 31, 2012
Sent by M2thamax,Aug 31, 2012
She really didn't fight hard to stay, she didn't leave because she was a coach, she really left cause it was all Dan's plan and she was Ian's number one ally
Sent by Gotham,Aug 31, 2012

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