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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Choirwolf's blogBlog

  1. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Winner!
  2. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-FTC
  3. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #14
  4. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #13
  5. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #12
  6. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #11
  7. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #10
  8. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #9
  9. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #8
  10. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #7
  11. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #6
  12. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #5
  13. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #4
  14. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #3
  15. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #2
  16. Choir's Survivor: Pokèmon Gym Leaders-Day #1
  17. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Winner!
  18. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-FTC
  19. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #16
  20. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #15
  21. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #14
  22. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #13
  23. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #12
  24. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #11
  25. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #10
  26. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #9
  27. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #8
  28. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #7
  29. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #6
  30. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #5
  31. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #4
  32. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #3
  33. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #2
  34. Choir's Survivor: Disney Villains-Day #1
  35. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Winner!
  36. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-FTC
  37. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #16
  38. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #15
  40. Choir's Survivor: Worthy Runner-Ups-Day #14

Wil (BB14)

Aug 16, 2012 by Choirwolf
imageI will start by admitting from first impressions I did not like this guy, but he turned out to be one of my favorite gay guys ever on the show if not my favorite! He gained a lot of respect, because he was definitely a strong person. Let's start and see how this week progressed to getting the long-haired lion out of the house.
   This week started off on the wrong foot with stupid poopyhead Franky getting HoH (I mean this guy sucks at the game he should have been evicted a couple weeks ago, but then they pushed the reset button and saved his probably red haired covered ass)! I seriously do not like Frank. Then in a stupid move from Frank he puts up the yeller, Joe against the muscle bound gay Wil. I was never really sure who the "Silent Six" alliance wanted out, but in the end it turned out they thought that Wil was some great big threat and they could get out Joe later. My thoughts were I am okay with that this is the first eviction I didn't have a great opinion on who should leave, but if I had to chose I wanted Joe to stay, because he was loyal to Janelle and gave her her only vote to stay. I can say though up until he was evicted I thought that they would keep him in for awhile. I am struggling if Frank made a good or bad decision on his part by not evicting a stronger player (like Shane), but then I think about it this way he looks better in his alliance's eyes by staying loyal. So Julie evicted the male with the longest hair ever off of the show. So... WIL YOU HAVE BEEN EVICTED FROM THE BIG BROTHER HOUSE!
   I really grew to like Wil (not as my favorite, but my top 5 of this season for sure). I really don't have much more to say on Wil so it is kind of a short blog I guess. At least he did better on this reality show than he did in American Idol! I hope that you realize this is my blog, not yours, so that means my opinion, not yours.


revenge is a dish best served cold

he shouldnt of voted out janelle and kara's asses

he screwed his own game voting out allies
Sent by Savcodushe,Aug 16, 2012
Sent by JBC8,Aug 16, 2012
Sent by Majik,Aug 17, 2012
I just wanted to say thank you to anyone who plusses my blogs!
Sent by Choirwolf,Aug 17, 2012
Sent by Primetime,Aug 17, 2012
Sent by moup94,Aug 17, 2012
Sent by gagaluv,Aug 17, 2012

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