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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


May 28, 2009 by Babiiigurlll
ughh thee personn i justt trustedd the mostt in my rookiess gamee nominatedd mee...theyy weree the onlyy personn i talkedd too andd wouldd of trusted themm wiiith my lifee in thatt gamee...i basicallyy been usedd and it suckss


I hatee it whenn thatt happenss.
Keepp att itt!
Sent by joeyjones,May 28, 2009
Maybe they were put off by the way you type...
Sent by Emma,May 28, 2009
can you justt shut up emma...i have alott goiing on in myy lifee andd thiis just made it worse
Sent by Babiiigurlll,May 28, 2009
Sent by MeganHauserman,May 28, 2009
Sorry Babii, good luck in your game!
Sent by Sizzle_xD,May 28, 2009
Who was it?? Name and shame them!! Hope you survive and take them out!!
Sent by DanVanDam,May 28, 2009
Don't take this shit so seriously Babiii, it's just an internet game, it's nothing to take personally. ;)
Sent by LadyBug,May 29, 2009
It's not like it's r/f ;)
Sent by LadyBug,May 29, 2009
Sent by LadyBug,May 29, 2009

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