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The WANJ's blog

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This commenter from the Season 34 Cast sums up all my negative thoughts May 31, 2016
imageEric says:       

May 31, 2016 at 3:27 pm       

Grumble. I like some of these a lot. Some people I really wanted are missing (Earl, Natalie B, Morgan (sorry, she’s hot)) … but we really need Hali? And Sierra from s30? And Brad Culpepper? Jesus. I am a bit floored.

Sad to say it but the two players I’m most excited about (Sandra and Cirie) are going to be gone so fast. And they’ll be right behind Tony. I’m actually pretty excited to see J.T. play again though.

However the producers and casting know what they are doing more than I so I have faith in them.

Except for Natalie Bolton. This is now the 3rd time Natalie was almost brought back and wasn't and if I was Natalie I would be like fuck Survivor I don't even want to come back ever again, similar to what Shane Powers did.

But I have faith in the season.

Points: 19 0 comments
Immunity Challenge #9 May 22, 2016
image BrettTheJet21

Points: 145 92 comments
My Ranking of the Survivor China Cast May 22, 2016
imageThis is my personal opinion!

16th: Chicken
Damn! What can I say about Chicken? He sucked at Survivor. He was the biggest fish out of water and could not intergrade with his tribe. He didn't  know how to talk to people. No social skills at all. His name was Chicken, so the fact that he was the first boot shouldn't be surprising and also the fact he is ranked last also shouldn't be surprising.

15th: Ashley
Ashley should have stuck with WWE. She had no business going out to Survivor. She wasn't a good Survivor player. She was not able to survive the elements. On Day 1 or 2 she was in the fetus position. She was complaining a lot about the weather and also about Dave. She was not long for the game and she is low on the list.


14th: Leslie
God bless Leslie. She is such a sweetheart, but she is not cut out for Survivor. I applaud her for standing for her beliefs and not swaying in any way. All the things that make me like Leslie is all the things that make her bad at Survivor. Early on you knew Leslie was going to be an early boot.

13th: Dave
I don't like Dave. I think I like everyone else on the cast, except maybe 1 other person, and I dislike Dave. He is my least favorite member. He was annoying on the show. He tried to be a leader. Dave, everyone was not meant to be a leader. He got into fights and he was smug as fuck. How can anyone like this cocky bastard. He is just bad.

12th: Jaime
Jamie was a person going into my rewatch I was high on. I always said that Jamie is a good Survivor player who deserves a second chance. Rewatching the season I realized that she was not that good of a Survivor player. She made so many mistakes. The key to disappointment is high expectations and I had that with Jamie.

11th: Sherea
Sherea! You should have looked/spoke to Jamie and/or Peih-gee. You would have made the merge if you did. There wasn't that much to Sherea's game. It was a below average game in my honest opinion.


10th: Denise
How did Denise get cast? I am honestly curious because 8 or 9 years after the show aired, I still cannot comprehend how she got on the show. She reminds me of Zach from BB8. She had no purpose on being out there and she almost won. She came in 4th. If you rank everyone voted out right before the final tribal council, she would be in dead last. Goodbye lunch lady. The worst part of the season.

9th: Aaron
Aaron got screwed. He got screwed by an unfair twist in the game. Aaron should have been on the Second Chance ballot over Peih-Gee because unlike Peih-gee, Aaron had no way of saving himself. Aaron is a good player and it is unfortunate that his time in Survivor got cut short. He was the only pre-merger this season who didn't deserve to be voted out pre-merge.

8th: Erik
Erik is the true winner of Survivor China. He found love. Isn't that what Survivor is all about, true love. I am happy that Erik got something out of Survivor. He is a good nice kid. That is all I have to say about Erik.

7th: Peih-Gee
Peih-Gee was the underdog of the season. You couldn't help, but root for her. She was just likable. You felt bad for her when she was down. She had some game to her which is a plus and she was able to make good leader decision. I enjoyed Peih-Gee. Every time I watch the season I like her and root for her.

6th: Jean-Robert
Whether you like him or hate him, he knew the game. He was a smart game player. He was unlikable, but a smart game player. He was able to read people and just ended up getting outplayed by one of the all-time greats. He knew what he was talking about. He is a good player. He never had a shot at winning and never will, but he is a good player.

5th: Frosti
Bring Back Frosti! I love Frosti and would love to see him play Survivor again, just for the fun. Frosti is one of my favorites like 2nd or 3rd at the lowest 4th. I don't see how you do not like Frosti. Frosti is not this high for gameplay. Only because I like Frosti. I don't see how you don't like Frosti!

4th: Courtney
If you do not love Courtney then you are not a true Survivor fan. The fact that she was 2 votes away from winning makes it much better. I would love to see Courtney play a 3rd time. Courtney is the queen of Survivor and nobody can argue me about that. She got a slick tongue. She is a likable person and she won and individual immunity challenge. She is TV gold and Survivor gold.

-big gap-

3rd: James
James is a big ripped lovable teddy bear. No he shouldn't have played 3 times, but I enjoyed James on this run. This is my favorite version of James. He gets worse the more he plays, but I am glad I could revisit James from the good old days.

2nd: Amanda
Before the rewatch I was not the biggest Amanda fan in the world. In fact I said that she should not have played 2 times let alone 3, but watching China again I found new respect for Amanda and the game she played that I didn't have before. She is good at Survivor at least on this season. The key to happiness is low expectations and that is what I had.


1st: Todd
Todd is one of the greatest players to ever play Survivor if not the greatest. It is a crime that he has not played Survivor again, I know he had personal problems, but Todd 2.0 is long overdue. It is great to just watch Survivor China and just watch Todd do his magic on the season. Todd was the best player by a mile. All hail King Todd.

Points: 21 1 comments
My thoughts on the alleged Survivor 34 cast. May 21, 2016
This is just my opinion:

Danni, JT, Natalie, Sandra, & Tony I am okay with seeing return, but I don't care to se Earl return. I honestly think that he is only casted because he is a minority. However I would have preferred to see Mike return over Earl, but if Survivor really wanted a minority male winner to return then bring back Todd Herzogg (Gay) or Yul Kwon (Asian).

Andrea, Cirie, Malcolm, and Tai I am okay with seeing return, but I don't care to see Hali return.

My problem with Hali:
I believe Hali could have Parvati Micronesia upside, but Cirie is on the season and she seen that before. I would have taken personally Natalie Bolton everyday of the week over Hali. The fact that Natalie was so close to being on Heroes vs. Villains & the Second Chance ballot make me upset that she keeps getting passed over by others like Danielle DiLorenzo or Monica Padilla and now Hali Ford. If you don't want Natalie Bolton for whatever reason then you have Carolyn Rivera or Sarah Lacina. I would believe both of those women would have kicked as on this season. Besides the fact that Carolyn should have been on Second Chances, this was a chance to correct a mistake, but unfortunately Survivor is to blind to see that they had 3 other bad ass women over Hali. I just love Sarah and would have liked to see her back. If they wanted a girl who was young and had a kick ass body then bring back Chelsea Meissner. She mad better TV over Hali and she learned from one of the Best Kim Spradlin. I will even give you someone who wasn't on the list. Bring back RC Saint-Amor. RC would have been a great addition to the cast.

My problem with Troyzan:
I do not want to see Troyan play again. You had Marty Piombo. Besides the fact Nicaragua is running low on returning players, I believe Marty could have had a shot at winning this season. I see no way that Troyzan wins the season. Maybe that had a bad taste of Nicaragua still, then bring back LJ McKanas. Bring back the horse whisperer. He was a leader on his originally tribe and if he wasn't playing with one of the best winners then he may have won the season. Maybe Survivor thought they had to many Cagayan players, then bring back Jonathan Penner. I would love to see Jonathan Penner be a 4-time player, even though I think his Philippines exit was a great exit and a good way to end his story, Penner is a great character. We don't even have to go to the older side, bring back Jon Misch. Jon Misch, just like Natalie Bolton, should have been on the Second Chance ballot. Bring Jon back.

Pre Jurors:
Caleb Reynolds, Jeff Varner, and So Kim I am okay with seeing return

My problem with Alexis Maxwell:
I feel like with CBS they are trying to bring back a Kelly Wentworth type of player, but I would prefer to see Kelly back. I have seen Cagayan twice so I don't have a great memory, but from my memory she wasn't great. Bring back Kelly Czarnecki, bring back Rachel Fowler, bring back Stephanie Valencia, bring back Tracy Hughes-Wolf. Hell even from her own season, Bring Back J'Tia.

My problem with Brad Culpepper:
Fuck you Brad Culpepper. He wasn't even on the original list of 40, his wife was. I just don't like you. He was not voted into second chances for a reason CBS. He should not play again. There are so many other male pre-jurors you could have brought back. Bring back Aaron Reisberger, bring back Drew Christy, bring back Hunter Ellis, bring back Spencer Duhm, bring back Vince Sly.

My problem with Gretchen:
I get that CBS may be wanting to hit that Borneo contestant, but there are other season that are in need of some love. Africa, Marquesas, Thailand (especially Thailand), The Amazon, Vanuatu. The early season that don't have many returnees. I wouldn't mind seeing her play again, but I feel the only reason she is getting this is because she was from Borneo. Also she wasn't on the original list of 40.

Also no Survivor 33 players.

Points: 9 1 comments
My Ranking of the Big Brother 8 Cast May 20, 2016
imageThis is my personal opinion!

14th- Carol
I cannot say much about Carol. She is a very forgettable big brother player. The only thing about Carol is that she was apart of the archenemy twist. When I watched the finale and saw her I didn't even remember her being apart of the cast. I can't see me ranking someone I barely even remember higher than last.

13th- Kail
She started off so strong in this game. She won HOH, she got into the power alliance, but she had a quick fall from grace. I felt sad because she was a person I felt had a lot more game to play, but the game I felt she had left was bad gameplay. She is not a good big brother player and she did the best she could for herself, but Big Brother is not her game.

12th- Joe
Joe sucks. I do not like Joe. Ever since episode 1 I didn't like Joe. I really am happy that he didn't get past week 2 because he was just an annoyance. His entire game was be annoying and villanize Dustin. He did not play a game that I liked and if I never have to see Joe again then I would be happy.

11th- Mike
I like Mike, but Mike sucks at Big Brother. He screwed himself because of Kail. KAIL! Kail is not that special to be throwing your game away over. I honestly half believe that he just didn't want to be in the house any longer and that is why he did what he did. Mike honestly could have made it deep if he didn't make a really dumb decision and I mean really really dumb decision.

10th- Nick
Nick is a home wrecker. I don't care how nice or kind or sweet or charming he comes off, he ruined Danielle's relationship with her boyfriend and her boyfriend wanted to marry her. He was sub-par to average as a game player, but I just can't get over the point that he is a home wrecker.

9th- Amber
And cue the water works. Oh lord I feel bad for Amber. It is not her fault she is emotional. She just cries a lot. ALOT. At first I was like aww so sweet, but after a while I was just thinking evict her. She is not going to make any big moves or game changing moves. All she is going to do is cry. Get her out of the Big Brother House. I will say though. when she served Eric a slice of humble pie, I enjoyed that. However she went right back to him so bad job Amber.

8th- Jameka
I don't know if Jameka is the poor man's Jocasta or Jocasta is the poor man's Jameka. I did enjoy her for a bit, but just like Amber she took a toll on me. Especially when she brought religion into the game. God chose the ball so that she could save Jen. No it was random chance. Just because someone's ball was drawn doesn't mean that God wants you to save them. You did make it deep into the game, but that is just because you couldn't play in an HOH until final 4 so yeah.

7th- Eric
I don't get it. I know that it is said that he is this great player and one of the best to never win, but no. That is not true. He wasn't even the second or 3rd best player of the season. I personally have 6 people from this season ranked higher than him. The only thing that I can say is that he did earn almost the same amount as second place so he is lucky enough that he earned more money than almost every other contestant for doing these simple little task like vote how we vote. And that is another thing. He did not cast a single vote that was his own. America casted everything. The only reason I would say to bring Eric back is just to show that he is a bad player.

6th- Zach
I cannot believe that Zach almost won this game. I am dumbfounded about the fact that if he answered 1 more question right then Zach would have won Big Brother 8. I know he is high, but this season didn't have a lot of good players so it is as hard for me to place him lower as it was for me to place him this high. That is in my opinion the worst part of this entire season. Danielle said that Zach is that annoying friend who when they call you ignore them. I agree. He is terrible.

5th- Jen
Jen sucks. It is hard for me to decide whether I dislike Jen more or Joe more. There is no reason why she should have survived 3 evictions. She was hated in the house and I hated her to do. The only reason she is so high is because she was the one of a few players if not the only player who tried to change the power in the house. I respect that aspect, but no other aspect.


4th- Dustin
I love Dustin. Dustin was one of my favorites this season. He could play the game and if it wasn't for the America's Player twist he may have won the game. I honestly believe that. I also think if Dustin played in BB18, BB19, or BB20 then he would be a scary dangerous player. He is a person I think would learn from his mistakes, but he won't play again even though I would like to see him again. Underestimated player in my opinion.

-really big gap-

3rd- Jessica
I would first like to acknowledge that the reason Jessica was in the house was because when she and Carol were pre-teens, Carol borrowed 5 dollars from her and never payed her back and she held that grudge for so long. Okay now Jessica needed to stick with her gut. Jessica could have won this season if she didn't listen to Eric. Had Eric not been involved then I believe Jessica could have won this game and maybe be 1 on this list.

2nd- Evel Dick
I love Dick. Dick is great. As soon as the guitar hits and the rock music starts A.K.A Dick's theme song, you knew shit was about to go down. Dick had the game in the palm of his hand and he ruled it with an iron fist. He put the fear of God into these people and these people didn't do shit about it. What world can you blow smoke into someone's face and offend people on a personal level and not only get away with it, but also be rewarded. Dick is great. I would have loved to see dick play again and not be pulled. Just a personal preference.

-really really big gap-

1st- Daniele
Daniele is a boss. I would have personally would have voted Daniele to win because she just killed it. You want to talk about someone from this season being one of the greatest players to never win then you better start and stop at Daniele. I think she would have played a better game if her dad wasn't in the mix  so either way she earned the number 1 spot for me.

Tell me whatcha think!

BB12 Ranking:

Points: 0 3 comments
Taking a look back at all my winner picks ever since I started making them May 14, 2016
27: Laura Morett ( )- I believe she had a better shot at winning Samoa, but I am glad to see her play in a season where she is not antagonized by somebody named Shambo. As my winner pick she made it deep into the game if you forget that Aras voted her out pre-merge and by the grace of Redemption Island she came in 5th or 6th place overall and gave one of my personal all-time favorite redemption island moment when she broke down and cried. She is a person who I wouldn't have expected to play a second time, but I am glad she did. I personally would like to see her a third time, but I doubt that will ever happen

28: Tony Vlachos ( )- So far the only time I correctly picked a winner preseason and was right. I love tony. He did such a great job. He is a great strategist, a great personality. I remember like a few days prior to the season starting I was debating between him and J'tia on who was going to be my pick and I picked correctly luckily. Tony is a person I can't wait to see play again. He is also a person I don't believe we make it to the merge on a second time out, but he would be magic every second that he is on screen.

29: Julie McGee ( )- Bless her heart. I go from guessing one of the best winners to predicting that a quitter would win. Julie just upset me because during the season I didn't like Jeremy, I like him now just not during San Juan Del Sur, and I was rooting for Josh to win and if she hadn't quit then there is a possibility that would have happened especially since Jeremy was supposed to go home the episode that she quit. No quitter deserves to play this game again, except Na'Onka, and I just get upset typing about Julie McGee.

30: Vince Sly: ( )- Oh lord what was I thinking. I go back now and think that I must have been out of it mentally or something. Vince Sly may have possibly been a good character, but there is no way in hell that he was going to win that season. He is also my lowest placing winner pick so shame on me, but I believe to this day that he should have been on the Second Chance Ballot over Max.

31: Tasha Fox ( )- I had a bad year in predictions and I almost had another one because I think that a day or two before the season began Peih-gee was my winner pick and like the night before the season started I had a dream that Tasha won so I changed my pick to Tasha. I believe that Tasha did a decent job not good enough to get a vote at the final tribal council and not good enough to play a third time, but she did a good enough job. Her biggest mistake was getting with Jeremy, but I liked Jeremy this season (I like Wentworth more) and was happy that Tasha lost to Jeremy and not to Spencer.

32: Neil Gottlieb ( )- I remember pre-season I watched Neal's video and thought "Damn Neal, you are so boring. I don't like you" So I used deductive reasoning and though okay this is after an all-star season. Only guys have won post all-star seasons (All-stars, Chris Daughter/Heroes vs. Villains, Fabio Birza), I had not like the guys who had won the season. He was the only guy I pictured that would have made the merge this season and I would have been rooting against. I didn't like him, but he wasn't terrible. He did get med evac'd, but I don't see him playing survivor again. I can't tell you many notable things, besides the Liz blindside (even though I credit that as Debbie's move), that he done this season. I don't see him playing survivor again, but I didn't see Russel Swan playing survivor again either.

Points: 13 1 comments