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The DragonJason's blog

Posts 40 posts

Timing Sucks May 29, 2014
So I've legit not been sick in months with even the sniffles. I've had a trip planned to the beach for months for the 30th, 31st, and 1st. Well guess what happened on the 28th? I woke up with a sore throat. Big deal so I thought, turns out this sore throat decided to hurt quite alot at night so I got maybe 2 hours of sleep tops last night. I'm a zombie today and my throat isn't any better after the tons of meds I have shoved down my throat.

I'm still going to the beach but like WTF. Why does it decide to ruin me at the perfect time. I've got a sore throat spray, nyqiul, cough drops, and antibiotics. I'm going to enjoy this trip no matter what I am prepared, so I hope.

Points: 26 3 comments
No sleep for me Apr 5, 2014
Stomach pain not letting me sleep so now I'm boredly trying to wait it out online. Who knows maybe it won't go away and I really won't get any sleep. =[

Seems like I can't have a good day without something happening anymore.
Points: 11 3 comments
Dat Purple Challenge Mar 24, 2014


It's a group game challenge where we have to trend purple ranked people, sorry for the inconvenience.
Points: 7 13 comments
The Amazing Race: All-Stars Opinions [Spoilers] Mar 8, 2014
Here we go with the current season of TAR. I've only seen the first 10 minutes of episode two for the record. Update: Watched half of the episode actually. No spoilers plz. =3

So, as someone who was late to the game of TAR there were a few times I had not seen race. Those being.  Flight Time and Big Easy, Margie and Luke, Cord and Jet, and Mallory filling in for Bopper.

And on that note I was very sad to see Bopper unable to compete. I was rooting for him and Mark. And at first when they announced his replacement I saw Mallory and had insta-judgement for whatever reason. But she has grown on me considerably and I'm happy she is from Kentucky like them so it makes her and Mark seem more like a team.

So here goes the split-ness. However there is an odd number. Whenever there is an odd number I typically fill in til there is that last team left and decide which side I want them on. Also I do rank a little bit in TAR so here goes.

Megan & Joey - These two got Insta-Locked in for the liked side because not only did I love watching them in the season they were in and rooted for them hardcore. I do actually watch Joey and a little Megan on youtube. They are my #1 team to win. ^_^

Natalie & Nadiya - Admittedly when I watched the season they were in. I kind of found them obnoxious at first. But these girls grew on me really fast and I rooted for them in their season. They were my #2 team to win.

So needless to say at the end of episode one I was COMPLETELY heartbroken. My favorite two teams were battling each other to not be eliminated. I was so sad when the Twinnies were eliminated. But there can only be one winning team I suppose.

Dave & Connor - I was pulling for them in their season. And was sad to see them eliminated because of an injury. I am so happy they get another go at TAR. They are team #4 to win for me.

Jet & Cord - Like I said I hadn't seen these guys race before. But they came out of the gate hard and in the end got 1st place in the first leg. Plus they are Cowboy's, haha. I really like their attitude though. They get team #3 from me to win. Constant miss-communication had them running then taking a taxi when they were meant to take the Metro, which took them from first to ninth very quickly. They forced the second express pass to be wasted on the blondes which was a good move strategically. Also anyone see Cord's amazing save with the hackysack thing. I was surprised it was a great save.

Caroline & Jeniffer - These two. Gawd. The whole Hockey Player thing was funny when they raced. I do hope they can go far though. They get Team #5 to win from me. They were given the 2nd express pass after basically begging for it...

Mallory & Mark - Admittedly they would have a higher rank if Bopper was still in Mallory is great and all but again I haven't seen her race. So they get #6. Fwooh that arguement they had in episode two over the backpack.

Don't ranked the disliked because I just don't care? lol


Brandon & Rachel - Someone get this girl some tissues cuz I'm forcastin' torrential downpours in future episodes. Rachel got on my bad side in her season for her constant breakdowns. I hope she can pull it together this season but she is on my disliked side for her past actions.

Leo & Jamal - Eh. The scheming they did in their season was cute but they got caught every time. They can be a little obnoxious. They aren't that bad but they landed here. They were actually on the liked side in their season.

Jessica & John - Annoying, annoying, annoying. Did I mention they were annoying? Ken and Barbie got booted off with an express pass as well. Dummies. Just not a fan of these two.

Play Time & Big Easy - Hadn't seen them race and there were many other teams I liked better so this is where they ended up.

Margie & Luke - Just barely made this side of the list. They get #7 from me though. Hopefully Luke doesn't have breakdowns like I've seen in the previews. They might have been on the other side if I'd seen them race before.

End List:

Megan & Joey
Natalie & Nadiya [Eliminated]
Dave & Connor
Jet & Cord
Caroline & Jennifer
Mallory & Mark

Brandon & Rachel
Leo & Jamal
Jessica & John
Play Time & Big Easy
Margie & Luke

And that be all.
Want to be tagged in these? Tell me.
Want me to stop tagging you? Tell me. =]


Points: 4 1 comments
Survivor Cagayan Opinions [Spoilers] Mar 6, 2014
Hey all.

So there is something I do along the lines of rankings for every Survivor, Big Brother, Amazing Race or other reality series that pop up. (A.K.A All these Syfy 1 seasoners) Where I simply split the cast down the middle. Half on the liked and half on the disliked. Obviously I'm pulling for the people on the liked side to win over the disliked.  I always force myself to make final judgements on which side everyone should go before the end of the first episode. It's all about the first impressions. Never in any particular order just split, simple as that.

And well, I've decided to start sharing these and some opinions through blogs. Anyone who wants to be tagged when I do one just let me know I suppose, I'll tag a few people for fun. If you'd rather not be tagged no worries. =3 Just tell me.

Here goes...

So watching the intro's of the first episode I had an idea of people I might like and people I wouldn't. But as always I waited. After team leaders were chosen and 3 people were fake voted out I already had a few on the list.


Tony - Firstly he's a cop, and he seems like he knows what he is doing in this game. For a brawn tribe he seems very intelligent. Probably from his line of work. Throughout the episode along with second and third I realized how happy I was to place him on this side especially with him getting the HII.

LJ - Cutest guy out there this season IMO. Being on the beauty tribe I thought 'He could potentially be obnoxious'. But he was very quiet and even though everyone pointed at him to be the leader he just seemed very easy going about it. Not sure, he just stuck out and was thus put on the list. And being the awesome person I am later in the 3rd episode he gets his tribes HII. Haha, who would have guessed the first two I picked would find them?

Woo - He's asian, on the brawn tribe, and seems very fun going. I do really like him and his adventures with Cliff are very humerous. I just hope he can hit the strategy part hard as well.

Lindsey - That hair. This girl cracked me up in the beginning to the point where she hit this list. She's great and I hope she does well.

Dislikes -

David - Talk about obnoxious. He votes out Garret as his choice, the one big physical contender on their team. Really? Thinking ahead? Clearly not. And that suit. I just... /facepalm Luckily he's the first vote out which made me quite happy.

Trish - At first I kind of liked her and even after she got the second bag of rice for her tribe I thought she'd land on the liked side but it just didn't happen.

Cliff - He's great and all but something about him puts me off. Maybe its his background as a  basketball player or his height. I dunno. I don't wanna go along the lines of 'dumb jock' because I don't see him that way but for some reason he got put on this side.

Sarah - Meh. Not much to say. The Copdar was going but she didn't catch Tony in the lie. I'm just not a fan of her, simple as that.

Now with the first 3 for both we move on through the rest of the episode and see David getting voted off. See ya!
Now let's fill in the list a little more.


Garrett - He was fun to look at and he found the idol, as well as he seemed to know what he was doing in this game. So I locked him into the liked list since I wasn't sure how the rest of the list was going to pan out. And afterall I liked him. However this was before he decided to do the 'open forum' thing at camp which was a very stupid move. It's like he didn't want to play the game and it got him voted out sadly.

Brice - At first I found him annoying but then he grew on me and made me laugh. I found myself really pulling for him to win or atleast go far. But in the end Morgan seemed to mess everything up with her talk with Jeffra. Which led to him getting voted out. (Maybe I'm wrong on it being Morgans fault but I think Jeramiah was staying with them until that incident, I don't remember.)


Alexis - Same as Sarah, except she is pampered on the beauty tribe. Not a fan.

Jeramiah - His accent put me off honestly. At first I wasn't sure where I would put him but in the end he was here. Which I'm happy about since he was the reason Brice went home.

And then there were six. At this point I had no idea which 3 I wanted on either side. And that lasted for quite a while until...


J'Tia - This dummy poured the rice on the fire. She pulled a Brandon. Nuh uh. She immediately got ejected onto this side. I'm still annoyed Kass voted Garret out over this bimbo. It may have been strategy by Kass but J'Tia is a no no.

Jeffra - Blonde, obnoxious, on the beauty tribe. Is there much else to say?

Morgan - Her 'dumb' move with how she talked to Jeffra landed her here.


Tasha - At first I wasn't her biggest fan. Then she blew up at Garrett and started speaking her opinion alot more and she got my love and my vote for the liked side. QueenTasha Ya'll.

Kass - Kass and Spencer were the final ones entered. Kass is thinking strategy which I like so she got put on this side over Jeffra and Morgan.

Spencer - Same as Kass. Though now he's alone in the game so I'm rooting for him. I'm sure he can work something.

Ending List

Garrett [Eliminated]
Brice [Eliminated]

David [Eliminated]

And that's it. Thanks for reading. ^_^
I'll probably put up Amazing Race after I eat.



Just tagging you 4 lovely people. haha. Yolo.
Points: 74 4 comments
Birfday Feb 7, 2014

lol @ only making 5 blogs from last years to now. I'm so lazy.

I'm 23 now. Gawd I'm old. Someone halp plz.
Points: 29 3 comments