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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Well, this is hauntingly familiar! Hello!

3rdMay 17, 2024 by Temeky
imageIn my last blog I said "Time to disappear for another year" and somehow it matched up pretty well! I have no idea how I manage to check Tengaged around the same time every year lmao.

Hello! Hope you're all doing well, I'm doing good! It's been a busy year. The last time I was on here, I was preparing to move in with my boyfriend. I'm excited to tell you that we're still living together! I'm actually planning on asking him next month if he wants to take it to the next level and become engaged! I haven't figured out the details on how or what to do, but I don't think there's any need to overthink it. Just go with what feels right in the moment.

So yeah, we've almost lived together for a year now! Life has been great! Well, except for the fact that I tripped in December and managed to get a mild concussion. I think I've recovered quite well from it, but man, the following months were extremely annoying. I think winter has become my least favorite season because of it LOL

What else has happened? Well, I went to #Eurovision this year! Since I live in Sweden, I stayed in Malmö the whole week and had tickets to all three live shows! And wow, Switzerland was such a deserving winner. Prior to the contest I liked it, but I just needed it to -click-, which it did the week before the live shows. And seeing Nemo spin around on that huge disc was insane! My personal winners were Austria and Croatia, and I tossed a 20 votes on Croatia on the final night. I'm very happy they got their best ever result (2nd)! I'll pop in a picture at the top left of when me and my mom met Baby Lasagna on Wednesday last week, there were so many people lining up to meet him!

Even though I had tickets to all three live shows, I skipped out on going to the grand final. Due to the Netherlands being disqualified and the tension in the arena around Israel's participation, it just felt better to go to a restaurant and watch the show. And I don't regret it at all, we had a lovely time!

Being able to experience Eurovision live was a dream come true. There was SO MUCH security in Malmö, I actually stopped and talked to basically every police I saw and thanked them for their service. They were extremely kind and I automatically felt very safe because there was so many of them. There were even snipers on the rooftops, which is insane to think about, but after a while you stop thinking about it. I actually get very uncomfortable around guns (I can barely look at one), but it felt different this week. I don't think I'd do well living in the US hahahaha

Other than that, it's the same old stuff. Still doing stuff on YouTube, editing videos (I'm almost at 4000 subscribers, which is insane to think about!), been singing a lot, played some games and just enjoyed being in the company of my partner. I can't believe we've been together for 2½ years at this point. Time goes by so quickly.

Anyways, that's all I have to say for now! I'll pop back in-and-out throughout the day but I got some errands to run. Grocery shopping and whatnot.

How are things on Tengaged? Still about the same? No moderators, Randomize barely looking at the site, no updates? Let me know, I'm curious!


Still basically the same no mods randomize barely cares sites probably getting shutdown in Jan 2025 etc lol
Sent by Yandereboy12,May 17, 2024
Yandereboy12 January 2025? Oh no D: Is the domain running out or something? I remember there was lots of talks about Tengaged shutting down a bunch of years ago because the domain was expiring but Rando fixed it within a few hours or something
Sent by Temeky,May 17, 2024
Omg hey king
Sent by survivorfan12,May 17, 2024
Omg hi! Lots of exciting stuff going on for you, that's cool.

People speculate the site will shut everytime the domain expires and he always renews it, but this time idk. He really has checked out. The mods are locked out of the panel and he hasn't been back to refresh and give them access, and T purchasing has been disabled, so he isn't getting any money from the site either.
Sent by cheritaisdelicious,May 17, 2024
Survivorfan12 OMG hey Paige!! Hope you're doing good, I thought about you the other week! Miss talking to you!

Cheritaisdelicious Long time no see! And man, that's a big shame to hear.. A part of me misses Tengaged from 12 years ago, but the activity on this site has been going down steadily over the years and the lack of a moderation team makes me not want to stay for too long. Things were real nasty before I left and I assume things haven't changed massively. There's also some people on here I haven't seen for over 10 years that I wish I had contact with, but I guess I should just move on and accept that people have lives hahaha :P
Sent by Temeky,May 17, 2024
idk you but i love blogs like this
Sent by BenjaminB,May 18, 2024

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