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All-Stars - Final Tribal Council

Topic » All-Stars - Final Tribal..

1370 days 10 hours ago
My question is simple: why do you think you deserve to win the game? I think I deserve to win for many reasons. One of them being that I actually learned from my mistakes last season and put them to good use this time around. Gera played loyal just like he did last season, and Jeremy played spicy loyal like he did last season. I had a great social game, I was winning shit, I found idols, I used vote steals and I pretty much dominated the game along with my alliance and was adaptable to every situation I was presented with. I also think whereas Gera was blindly loyal and Jeremy was pissing everyone off with his open forum discussions, I was kind of a perfect mixture of both of their gameplays. Ultimately I was loyal to my alliance, but I still managed to keep my relationships with the jury pretty pleasant while making moves that benefitted me and only me. So yeah, that’s why I deserve to win.

Who would each of you vote out and why?
I definitely would have voted out Jeremy. It has nothing to do with how I feel about him personally, but I just think he played a little stronger than Gera did.

I think you should know more than anyone how I socially strayed. Other than you, I had pretty good relationships with Ryan and JJ, and even Curly towards the very end. I also made it clear to everyone that I was on the “bottom” of the Haiti’s due to being against them last season, that way if anyone wanted to make a move, I would be the first person they had in mind. I also think I separated myself strategically because let’s be real, Gera and Jeremy had each other this whole game so I had to look out for myself several times whether it was getting JJ out, trying to save Ryan or even using my idol on myself lmao. It only negated 1 vote lmao, but that if anything proves that I wasn’t thinking with a mob mentality, or a Haiti 5 mentality, I was thinking for myself

This might sound a little crazy, but if I had the chance to play this season all over again, I would actually throw challenges so that I could go to Tribal Council a few times before merge. And here’s why. Once the merge came, I had absolutely no one that I knew for sure that I could trust, nor did I know where anyone stood or who anyone was aligned with. I feel like going to Tribal Council definitely builds trust in one way or another. It creates a foundation for an alliance and it helps you know where people stand with you in this game, which is something I did not have the luxury of once the merge came, which is why I went for the SnoozeFest and got my beloved idol. I also think it could’ve made the game wayyyyyy more fluid for myself and I wouldn’t have been stuck in the Haiti vs everyone position like I was. So yeah, one thing that I would change is that I would actually go to a tribal before the merge happened.
1370 days 10 hours ago
Ultimately I think what separates me from Gera and Jeremy is that I was willing to separate myself from the Haiti’s to make moves that benefitted me personally, i.e. JJ going and Ryan almost staying. Sure Gera and Jeremy can say they were flexible all they want, but actions speak louder than words and whenever their votes were read at tribal, we saw nothing but predictability.

To be fair, the JJ boot could've ended poorly had the rock draw not gone our way at 6.

And, you ended up voting Ryan out at 4 anyway just like us.

Sticking with the Haitis was our best move so that's why we did it, yet you nearly put your game in jeopardy twice by not staying loyal.
1370 days 9 hours ago
OMG I actually love this question LMAO

Ok so

Brendan-Girl you’re a Kellee Kim. Definitely a scrappy player that made a name for themselves premerge, you had all eyes on you. However, once merge came everyone just saw through that and saw how untrustworthy you came off. Still an icon though.

Scott-I’m going to say.......Phillip Sheppard. We didn’t really get to play together very long, but from the few moments I did share with you, I got leader vibes. I don’t know of what, because your ideas never really came to fruition, but a leader nonetheless.

Tony-Dare I say.......Tyson? I just felt like you were a huge threat that no one but me saw, and I definitely thought you were making it to the end whether I had something to do with it or not. Plus you’re a winner so like duh lol.

Yung-OMG you are Josh Canfield. You just have everything it takes to be a good winner, I saw that, the host saw that, pretty sure you saw that. There was no way I was letting you make it far, which was pretty much the same situation Josh was faced with in San Juan Del Sur.

Jake-Angelina, babyyyyy. Minus the fact that Angelina sucked at comps you guys were pretty similar in gameplay. You both were always negotiating a way to stay in the game, always had a target on your back no matter what you did, and you’re both hilarious tbh. ❤️

Nick-This one is kind of a toss up because you could honestly be so many, but I’m going to have to go with Devon Pinto. You really got screwed over by a twist I’m not too fond of but you played and amazing game so lowkey it’s good that you left lmao.

JJ-Sarah Lacina from Game Changers. You had a really good shot of winning if you made it here and you played the swing vote role flawlessly.

Curly-Jeremy Collins (WaW version). Definitely a scrappy and underrated player that had a huge chance of winning if you made it to the end.

Ethan-I feel like you’re literally JT Thomas from Tocantins., except you didn’t win this season lol. You were just wayyyy too good, and wayyyy too likable for me to bring you to the end.

Ryan-Mother Cydney Gillon. Super quiet but also really perceptive and willing to make moves that benefited himself in the game.
1370 days 9 hours ago

And Daniel is Tony Vlachos obviously. Dominant, straight man, you get the point LMAO
1370 days 9 hours ago

“To be fair, the JJ boot could've ended poorly had the rock draw not gone our way at 6.”

JJ was literally targeting for the majority of the merge, there was no way I was bringing him to final 6 where he could potentially get me out 5-1. I was willing to take risks to ensure my safety in the long run and that’s something I’ve proven throughout this season.

“Sticking with the Haitis was our best move so that's why we did it, yet you nearly put your game in jeopardy twice by not staying loyal.”

Again, I would have been in even more jeopardy with JJ still being in the game, you know it, he knows it, we all know it. And my game wouldn’t have been in jeopardy even if I did voted for Gera again, he and Ryan would’ve gone to fire and I still would’ve been safe. This argument doesn’t make any sense tbh.
1370 days 8 hours ago
Wow rough F3 for me - I genuinely like and respect all of you! ♥️   

Short 1 sentence responses each, compare all the Jury members (and yourself) to a survivor player and explain why.

Bonus points if you include Daniel!!

Good luck all 🍀

I'm going to attempt to make obscure comparisons here, so let's go.

Brendan tried so hard to shake the game, it's a shame the rest of the tribe didn't feel the same, his gameplay reminds me of another merge boot, perhaps Alina, who was actually a hoot.

Scott played too hard, too fast and the time to make a move had not yet past, that's why he got sent to the jury in a 10-2 vote, with a game similar to Jean-Robert -- a game of note.

Tony was a victim of circumstance you see, the first rock draw in five years and the victim was he, but in the game he played much like Rob C.

Yung played this game silent but deadly, and that idol play could have been costly, so he became a target for the next vote because he reminded me of playing like Richard Hatch the GOAT.

Jake wants me to say Angelina Keeley, but that comparison has already been made to see, so I'll come up with an alternate just for heck, why not Island of the Idols' Lauren Beck?

Nick came into the game with a target on his back, but played it off well until the auction led to him getting the sack, a player who reminds me of this fate is Stephen Fishbach.

Curly was another victim of circumstance, it's a shame that his rock draw ended his chance, maybe sometime the wish will come true, which makes Paschal English the comparison that rings through.

Ethan held so much power in the game and it nearly gave him a second win to claim, but people saw him as a threat to win similar to Tina Wesson's BvW spin.

Ryan nearly made it to FTC, and I'm glad he didn't because he could have beat me, so I believe his game can stand next to a guy by the name of Malcolm Freberg, no lie.

And then comes Daniel, the host with the most, I'll find a comparison that he can boast, but that isn't very easy when you're irreplaceable, does the idea of Jonny Fairplay sound comparable?
1370 days 8 hours ago
“Sticking with the Haitis was our best move so that's why we did it, yet you nearly put your game in jeopardy twice by not staying loyal.”

Again, I would have been in even more jeopardy with JJ still being in the game, you know it, he knows it, we all know it. And my game wouldn’t have been in jeopardy even if I did voted for Gera again, he and Ryan would’ve gone to fire and I still would’ve been safe. This argument doesn’t make any sense tbh.

If Ryan were here instead of Gera, your chances diminish because a lot of Ryan's friends are on the jury. All of Gera's friends are potential votes for you and I too. This is what I told you during the revote and was likely a big reason why you switched back.
1370 days 6 hours ago
Hello to all 3 of you. I am insanely proud of each of you because I know it's not easy making it to the final 3. I'm honored that I get to vote for one of you, but it is sad knowing that I cannot vote for two of you.

I take my role as a juror very seriously. JJ told me I have to get over the game because I'm no longer in it, but I believe I am still in the game because being a member of the jury is important.

I have one individual question for each of you and then I also have a group question that I want each of you to answer as well.

Gera - I think people are vastly underrating your game once again. I know you like to hide in the shows a bit, but I think you're a very good player. My question for you is: I'm assuming you think you played the best game so why should I vote for you (who in your mind believes you played the best game) when last season you voted for (with all respect) the weakest person in final 3 to win? If you disregarded gameplay, why do you think myself and others should vote for you?

JB - My fellow Final 3 member from last season. I'm very proud of you, making it all the way to the end in two seasons back to back is very impressive and I think you're gameplay was much better this time around. I think you moreso relied on yourself than other people to get you to the end. My question for you is: which season did you find more difficult to make it to the end and why?

Abel - I have to say, out of everyone in this game I was most nervous about playing with you because we just played together and we weren't on the same side. In the end, you were the person I actually talked to and trusted the most so it's weird how things work out. I want to know, when we started this game did you want to work with the former Haiti people or against them? Because I know looking at it, you were probably least attached to that group from last season. And you said in your speech you tried to play up that you were on the bottom, did you really believe you were on the bottom of the Haiti alliance?

My question for all of you is, in a mythical universe where the auction doesn't happen and the Haiti alliance theoretically prevails and makes it to the final 5, how do you envision the final 5 would have played out? I'm not asking your ideal final 3 or what you wanted to happen, I want to know what you think would have happened.

Good luck to all three of you.
1370 days 6 hours ago
Congrats to all of you!! I'm very happy #HaitiStrong made it to the end. Proving it was the best season!! (And the season I won!!). In this game we sort of acted like a cult. So I want to know what you did outside of Haiti. What makes you *UNIQUE* from your finalists. I won't lie, JB/Gera y'all have some work to get my vote, but it's definitely possible. Good luck and lots of love for all three of you!! :)
1370 days 6 hours ago
JB - My fellow Final 3 member from last season. I'm very proud of you, making it all the way to the end in two seasons back to back is very impressive and I think you're gameplay was much better this time around. I think you moreso relied on yourself than other people to get you to the end. My question for you is: which season did you find more difficult to make it to the end and why?

Thanks Jake. I think it was more difficult making it to the end in Haiti, only because I had such little control on the game. I knew if I was going to make it this time around, I needed to seize control of my fate and I did that.

I did this by making my agenda known to other players so people knew where I stood. In a season filled with a lot of luck, I was still able to control my own destiny for majority of the game.

I never went for a Snoozefest because I would never be a target. This is something I kept from other players when the Snoozefests went anonymous because I didn't want any target to grow that I already had on my back.

Even when the auction went in Montenegro's favor, I was still hopeful I would make it out because I wasn't a big target from the Snoozefests and my social game with them.

The one time I was in real danger to go, I was the backup plan the night Tony went home on the rock draw. I was never going home that day.

When a for-sure rock draw was coming at Final 6, I was able to advise Gera to make a move that would benefit me in the challenge, which lead to my first immunity win.

And at Final 4, I secured my spot here on my own. Had I lost, I could've faced a tiebreaker again, but I didn't want to risk it.

I was very lucky in this game, but all three of us benefitted from the same luck. Even though this season had more twists and turns, I was still able to control my fate for most of the season, which is why it was easier for me not only to make it to the end but have a shot at actually winning this.
1370 days 5 hours ago
My question for all of you is, in a mythical universe where the auction doesn't happen and the Haiti alliance theoretically prevails and makes it to the final 5, how do you envision the final 5 would have played out? I'm not asking your ideal final 3 or what you wanted to happen, I want to know what you think would have happened.

Had we all made it to the Final 5, I believe Nicky goes in 5th for leaking the vote to Ethan, Abel goes in 4th and my Final 3 that dates back to last season (you, me and Gera) sit here tonight.

In that scenario, I think I have a good shot to win considering the jury feels bitter towards you and I am the lesser of two evils between you and me. I think Gera is seen as the goat unfortunately.
1370 days 5 hours ago
Congrats to all of you!! I'm very happy #HaitiStrong made it to the end. Proving it was the best season!! (And the season I won!!). In this game we sort of acted like a cult. So I want to know what you did outside of Haiti. What makes you *UNIQUE* from your finalists. I won't lie, JB/Gera y'all have some work to get my vote, but it's definitely possible. Good luck and lots of love for all three of you!! :)

Thanks Nicky.

I think this game had a sense of mob mentality when it came to the votes, but that doesn't mean that is what it was all season long.

On the surface, what stands out for me is that I was not afraid to get blood on my hands, whereas Abel and Gera were slightly hesitant. The one round Abel went against Haiti was the round to get JJ out, which lead to him nearly leaving at F6 in a rock draw.

Behind the scenes, I did a lot of work outside of Haiti that mostly went unnoticed because I didn't vote with the other side during the game.

I was working with Ethan from Day 1 on the same tribe and we were together for the entire game on the same tribe. We started off working together, but even though our voting interests differed, I would always look to protect him. If his name came up, I would do everything I could to shoot it down from our Haiti group. During the Yung vote, we discussed building a Final 3 with him and telling him about the vote together after you had already told him. Ethan said to me numerous times that he wanted me in the end with him and you. That's why I think I had a stronger relationship with Ethan than Abel and Gera. I was always as upfront as I could be with Ethan. We made a deal yesterday that before the finale that I would protect him until the Final 4 and he would do the same for me if the rocks went in his favor. Unfortunately, Abel and Gera were adamant on voting him out and when I learned Ryan was voting for him too, there was nothing I could do and I just sided with him.

When Ryan and I swapped to NuHomalco, we developed a strong relationship where he would gather info from one side, I would from the other and we'd compare notes. This really helped my game in the early part of the merge and I think was important at the Final 11 when Ryan and I officially split from each other and went our separate ways. We came back to help each other out at the Final 6 when I offered to put the votes on him to save him from the rock draw.

Then there was JJ. I probably talked more game with JJ than any other player in the game, including the Haitis. We'd talk early in the morning when I was at work until right when the votes were being read. I said in my opening speech that I played this game 99% truthful because I made a promise to three people that I would take them to the Final 3. My ideal F3 was Gera & JJ. I felt if there was a non-Haiti that I could beat in the end, it would be JJ because he flipped so much and pissed many jurors off. We talked from the time Haiti lost the numbers that he would flip to Haiti at 7 and that him, me and Gera would be the Final 3. At 7, he made the fatal mistake of targeting Abel, which allowed him to get the vote flipped onto him by the Montenegro side (which I still think was a questionable move).

In this game, Haiti was my foundation and these relationships I had with the other side were the skyscrapers. I don't survive those votes where Haiti was in the minority without them and I don't sit here in front of you tonight.
1370 days 4 hours ago

And you said in your speech you tried to play up that you were on the bottom, did you really believe you were on the bottom of the Haiti alliance?

No, I did not feel like I was at the bottom of the Haiti alliance at all. In fact, I felt that I was in a pretty good position because I was really close with you and Nick, and I don’t think Gera or JB found me threatening at all. Playing up that I was on the bottom was my way of branching out from the Haiti 5, but I knew for a fact if it came down to it, I would not be the first to go.


My question for all of you is, in a mythical universe where the auction doesn't happen and the Haiti alliance theoretically prevails and makes it to the final 5, how do you envision the final 5 would have played out? I'm not asking your ideal final 3 or what you wanted to happen, I want to know what you think would have happened.

Honestly, I think me and you would have teamed up, and I also think JB and Gera would’ve teamed up, which would leave Nick in the middle. I’m not a mind reader at all, but I think Nick would’ve sided with us and we would’ve taken out Gera and JB. However, I don’t know if I would want Nick in the final 3 at that point, being that he’s already won, but then again there were so many variables in this universe that I can’t even predict the variables that would occur in an alternate universe.


So I want to know what you did outside of Haiti. What makes you *UNIQUE* from your finalists. I won't lie, JB/Gera y'all have some work to get my vote, but it's definitely possible. Good luck and lots of love for all three of you!! :)

I think there were many things that made me unique from my fellow finalists, one of them being that I branched out from the Haiti 5 way more than they did. Other than that, I think our stories are a lot different. Despite a few key differences, Gera and JB pretty much played the same game they did last season. I played completely different than how I did last season. I was much better at comps, I was in a dominant alliance, and I played pretty lowkey, and kept my relationships positive with everyone that I interacted with. I feel like JB hurt a lot of his relationships when he would randomly start exposing people in the main chat and I don’t feel like Gera really did anything to make himself stand out from the rest of the Haiti’s.
1370 days 2 hours ago
To the final 3, a heartfelt congratulations. Making it to the end (especially in All Stars) is very commendable so you should all be really happy with that.

Gera, we started out on Malahat together and we had a good rapport as you said. I was very grateful that you saved me at final 17, and I was looking to have you as an ally to go deep with. I was excited for us to be reunited at merge, but our relationship pretty much fell flat. At final 12 it got around to me that you had told the Haiti 5 you had me ‘wrapped around your finger’. It my eyes that sort of breaks the cardinal social game rule, if you’re going to say something about someone it can’t get back to them. It did pretty much immediately. From there on out we just went back and forth pretending to work with each other, from both of our ends. I felt pretty jaded and it was just an unfortunate end to our game relationship, for 6 or so rounds of us just pretending we’re fine and going to link up. So, I cannot speak for your other relationships, but I feel you didn’t manage mine very well in the end. I knew you what you had said, but you didn’t know that I knew (to my knowledge). That said you got to the end, so clearly you didn’t really need me. My question to you is, can you give light on another relationship outwith the Haiti 5 that you managed more effectively?

JB, we really did not talk much in this game. But I would be a hypocrite to hold that against you, because that went on my end too. My issue is that me not talking game to you was a reactive decision. I was pretty off-put by your public chat shenanigans, and that you would essentially air anything out. After the second time (around final 12?), I made the decision that I would never give you any game information or intel (that I wouldn’t be comfortable sharing with the entire tribe). So in that sense, I feel like your strategy essentially ensured we would have no game relationship. At least, that’s how I came to the decision on my end. On top of that I did find the whole spectacle to be very patronising at times. It did not make me want to keep you, so I need you to articulate how this result of your strategy was actually beneficial to your game rather than a hindrance.

Abel, you and I didn’t talk very much at the beginning of the merge but I feel we developed a decent rapport around the final 8. I see you as a pretty well-rounded player, who did very well socially especially. Can you describe the ongoings with the Haiti chat in the early merge (Brendan vote to Yung vote) in terms of who actually drove the votes and decisions, as well as your personal role in these votes? I’m curious to know what was happening on the Haiti side during this time.

Best of luck to all of you! I have a good idea where my vote is going but I am certainly open. I’ve read everything so far and will continue if there is anything else you have to say.
1370 days 1 hour ago
Yung - Gera id like to ask you, what was your best move in the game?

Hi Yung. I made small moves throughout that got me to the end, and I do not know which I'd consider my very best. I could say that sticking with the Haiti 5 was a move. Was it flashy? No, but it was effective. We all ended up doing that so it's not my answer, and much of what I did was not visible and I tried to explain it all in my speech. People on every side wanted to work with me, Scott and Curly especially, even though they knew I had the Haiti connections. I was able to successfully convince Curly that I wasn't going to work with Haiti long term, instead I was with him until the end. This bought me time in the game and gave me some insight to the other side which was valuable. I did string Curly along, saying that once the numbers on each side dwindled down, we'd make a big move. It was best for my game that that DIDN'T happen, and it was the biggest lie and most important lie I told in this game. I don't play this game in a flashy fashion, most of my best moves are socially-based and in the end I hope that can be respected.

Jake - "Gera - I think people are vastly underrating your game once again. I know you like to hide in the shows a bit, but I think you're a very good player. My question for you is: I'm assuming you think you played the best game so why should I vote for you (who in your mind believes you played the best game) when last season you voted for (with all respect) the weakest person in final 3 to win? If you disregarded gameplay, why do you think myself and others should vote for you?"

Hey Jake, thanks for the very kind words about my game. Regarding last season's vote, I don't feel like I disregarded gameplay. I consider the relationships that people make with me, and the moves that were made for/against me to be very much part of the game. I absolutely could've voted for you, and perhaps I would've if I knew that jury vote would've been closer, because I also considered you to be a friend. What was different was that I was playing that game (and this game) with Jeremy as my #1 and you had Nick as your #1. He did everything he could to sit with me in last season's final 3 so how could I not at least pay him back?

Jake - "My question for all of you is, in a mythical universe where the auction doesn't happen and the Haiti alliance theoretically prevails and makes it to the final 5, how do you envision the final 5 would have played out? I'm not asking your ideal final 3 or what you wanted to happen, I want to know what you think would have happened."

My goal would've been to get to the final 3 with you and Jeremy. Things could've changed along the way and maybe I'd have tried to take you out for being such a big threat, who knows? What I really think would have happened is that I would've gotten 5th place once again (barring any immunities which we can't speculate on) because you, Nick, and Abel would've teamed up. I think you would've convinced them that I was more of a threat at final 3, and it would've been Haiti all over again for me. This was also why it wasn't the worst thing for my game that you and Nick left when you did. Which goes into the next question...

Congrats to all of you!! I'm very happy #HaitiStrong made it to the end. Proving it was the best season!! (And the season I won!!). In this game we sort of acted like a cult. So I want to know what you did outside of Haiti. What makes you *UNIQUE* from your finalists. I won't lie, JB/Gera y'all have some work to get my vote, but it's definitely possible. Good luck and lots of love for all three of you!! :)

Hi Nick, and thank you very much. I see the answers to your question and I'm scratching my head as we're all sort of thinking along the same lines. It seems that we all were good enough players to branch out from the Haiti 5 and make connections with people. I also think I had to change the way I played. But in my experience in this game, it was proven that I DID branch out probably more than the others. Look, we all had people who we were connected to in this game outside Haiti. On Malahat, I was in an established alliance with Curly, Scott, and JJ that was planning to go deep. At the merge, I was in a chat with those 3 plus Yung. Yes, I only voted with them premerge, but they included me because of how willing I was to separate myself from the Haiti alliance. I was the only one of us who came into the game without a Haiti member on my tribe with me, so I really made that part of the game look easy seeing as I actually had to go to tribal a few times. They could've easily saw the threat of Haiti long term and voted me out early, but I was only 1 of 2 from that tribe of 7 not to receive a vote in those first 3 tribal councils. I understand if you didn't want to hear about premerge/preswap stuff but as I'm reading these answers it seems like nobody is actually saying anything unique about their game. My game WAS different and I had a tougher path to get here, albeit slightly, but I did have to maneuver this game without any help from Haiti and I did have to get blood on my hands at the merge which is not usually how I try to play this game.

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DanZ Survivor - All Stars

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