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Link's Survivor Generation 2 - Season 1 apps

Topic » Link's Survivor Generation 2 -..

3565 days 15 hours ago



What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor:Heroes vs Villains

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor:JT and or Tom Westman

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I dont often play survivor games but when i do i usually make merge, but get voted out early cuz everyone views me as a huge dangerous threat. Ive won once though

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because im new blood. Never played in this series. You need some new people am i right? Plus i have a mean nickname that i hope to use this season
3565 days 14 hours ago
Name: Julian

Age: 19

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Probably Pearl Islands

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Kim < 33333

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I've been a group gamer for years

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because I'm pro lol
3565 days 14 hours ago
Name: Ashley

Age: 21

Gender: Female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Gabon

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: probably coach or parvati

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I have played one group game that ended at f3 because the host stopped. I was in f3

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I play games with a sharp mind. i would bring that to this game
3565 days 14 hours ago
Name: Cheree

Age: 27

Gender: Female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Like Them All

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Sandra

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): Have Not Had The Chance . This Would Be My First.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Im good at absolutely everything. i lie. cheat. and dont feel bad about  it. and iam very dramatic
3565 days 11 hours ago
Name: Big Joe

Age: 16

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor:  Micronesia

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Richard Hatch

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Kyreeces Big Brother 2 - Winner
Drago's Survivor Panama - 5h place + Hero of the Season
Toppei's Survivor Gemini - Sole Survivor + Player of the Season
among others

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because ive done it before and i know i can do it again.
3565 days 10 hours ago
Name: Chael

Age: 16

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Heroes vs Villains

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Terry Deitz

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I played Lyon's BB 2, prior to being banned. I woulda won.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Yeah more than just win, you just watch.
3565 days 9 hours ago
Name: Paul

Age: 15

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Micronesia <3

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Parvati Shallow

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): Jharrin's Tengaged OFFFICIAL Survivor San Juan Del Sur: WINNER 1st/20 (4 votes to win) (Winners vs Finalists vs Losers vs Rookies) (#TeamRookies)
Bingo's Survivor Laos: RUNNER UP 2nd/16 (1 vote to win)
Will's Survivor All Stars: RUNNER UP 2nd/18 (1 vote to win)
TTJ's Survivor All Stars: RUNNER UP 2nd/18 (2 votes to win)
NJ's Survivor- Heroes (#TeamHeroes) .vs. Villains: 4th/18
Link's Survivor Madagascar: 14th/20 (purple rock)
That was just few of the games I was proud of  (And your game xD) But everything is in my bio :D

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I have the social skills and the balls to make big moves. I have determination. You throw anything at me, I have the skills to adapt and thrive.
3565 days 6 hours ago
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7 days 9 hours agothemissinglink
Anyone can apply


Name: Derek

Age: 17

Gender: Dude

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Amazon- Great Season

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Rob C or Tyson

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I've won many group games there's to many list!

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: it's me Derek.
3565 days ago
Anyone can apply


Name: Amanda blossom

Age: 22

Gender: my name is Amanda lol

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: I know this season gets a lot of hate but I honestly thought survivor one world was one of the best seasons of survivor ever I mean sure Colton was annoying and no one likes him but survivor has never had a character like that in the history of the show

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: my favorite player is defiently Amanda Kimmel I mean she was a easy underdog in the begginging of china being a pageant girl but she overcame all of that and made it to the finals unfortunately she's a crappy talker when it comes to jury lol also I think shes extremely underrated because she holds two firsts in survivor history first person to make finals twice and first person to last on survivor for 100 days

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): big bens survivor I was on a crappy tribe and somehow managed to make merge and after that get some of them to flip and when I needed it I won immunity and won the game

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: because I'm really good at strategic gameplay and can plant seeds of doubt in peoples
Minds and use them to my advantage I'm also super active so I've got a good shot at at least making merge and after that will find members of the opposing tribe to come with us and use them for votes until there no longer needed thanks for the time and hope you consider me making it onto the game
3565 days ago
Name: JJ

Age: 18

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Blood Vs Water

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Ciera What's her face

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I've never played in a group game before.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I'm going to be honest and humble. I probably don't have what it takes to win. What I can say is I'm not a sheep, I will be making big moves and I will hope for the best.
3564 days 17 hours ago
Name: Steve

Age: 22

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Blood Vs Water

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Parvati

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): LoganWorm's Survivor: Greece and All-Stars
User5's Survivor: Myanmar and Cambodia/All-Stars (Winner both seasons)
Eddiedee's Big Brother 9

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because I am a winner in life.
3564 days 13 hours ago
Name: Jade

Age: I', "19" :/

Gender: Female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: I love Australia because of the memorable cast and the pretty location.

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Cirie. She went from a major fan with a phobia of LEAVES, to a powerful, memorable competitor.

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I've been in many Survivor groups, and I normally average at around the start of jury, but I know that this time will be different.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I've learned from my mistakes in my previous group games. I know that I have to play to win, and I will. Just give me that chance.
3564 days 10 hours ago
Name: Ben

Age: 18

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Blood v Water

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Spencer (Cagayan)

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Wangys HvV, Spain, Cananda 4th, 4th, 3rd
Bingos Malawi 7th
Jays Costa Rica 1st place
Users Egypt 10th

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor:
Although I may not participate in many group games as I should I feel I am that new talent that hosts want to cast because I am such an underrated player on this site but have done significantly well in most of games which people under value.  I feel I can win this game by my under the radar name and want to prove you don't need to have a BIG name to play the game of Survivor well.  I am also an all around player who is very likable, physical, strategic and always loves a good blindside ;).  I hope you give me the chance to show what I am capable of and show the new generation that I am a force to be reckon with.
3564 days 9 hours ago
Anyone can apply


Name: Dinkle

Age: 20

Gender: male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: heroes vs villains

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: oozy

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): gaiaphages survivor survior survivors

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I have my social and strategic  gameplay I don't know how ill do In physical challenges will have to see
3563 days 23 hours ago
Name:  Connor 'CJ'

Age: 16

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Pearl islands

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Anyone who doesnt have to rely on there physical game to win so people like Sandra

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I have never played in your series but have played in many before! After having a long break from group games i am ready to return and show you just what CJ is made of. I have won group games before too

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Ive done it before and i am hungry for another win ;)

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