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Link's Survivor Generation 2 - Season 1 apps

Topic » Link's Survivor Generation 2 -..

3572 days 7 hours ago
Name: Echo

Age: 16

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Well Its hard to pick my favorite season... but if i had to think about some it would be between... Amazon, Heroes vs Villains, Fans Vs Favorites, Cagayan and Philippines

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor:  I think it has to be Russel because he is so fun the watch

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
None :)
Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because im smart and i think people dont really know my name yet.
3572 days 2 hours ago
Name: Matt(Mrcool)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: China

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Parvati >3

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):

Well I got 2nd in Survivor8's Survivor (6-3) and 9th in TTJ's Survivor Polynesia also won Hero of the season (With IceIceBaby) plus was in your Canada season got cancelled but I made the merge I don't really play a lot of survivor group game

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Well act like the nice guy but not afraid to make big moves plus active to win Immunity for my tribe or for myself C:

So pick me!!!!!!!
3572 days 2 hours ago
Name: Lynette

Age: 16

Gender: Female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Parvati

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Links Survivor Vietnam, Tristan Da Cunha, Heroes vs. Villains
Mantykes BB 1, Allstars.
KidA's Survivor Barbados
Platinum BB 2, Allstars.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: In the last season of gen 1, heroes vs. villains, I was in a great position before I was pulled from the game. After competing in 3 seasons already, I know that I can win this game and I'm eager to kick of generation 2, being the first winner.
3572 days 2 hours ago



What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Cagayan

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Spencer

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): Im very active and good at competitions. And i go far in most group games

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Im good at social, strategic, and phyical things. I won survivor before and know what it takes to win
3572 days 2 hours ago
Name: Dan B

Age: 15

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Probably Heroes vs Villians

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Def Parvati Shallows She is a triple threat and shes freaking amazing at the game

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Matts Survivor: Thailland - 4th
Lelis Survivor: Tasmania- 2nd
Suitsman Survivor 1st generation - 13th
Leli's All-Stars- 16th
Matts Survivor: All-Stars- 7th
Bingo Survivor: Surmine- 13th
Bingo Survivor: Second Chances- 10th
Cmack's Survivor: Gabon - 9th
Cmack's Survivor: Fans versus Favorites:7th
Cmack's Survivor: All-stars- 6th
Cmack's Survivor: Mexico- 4th
Cmack's Survivor: Iceland (coaches)- 8th
Cmack's Survivor: Winners vs Losers- TBA
Chocalatejr Survivor: Seaosn 1-4th
Chocalatejr Survivor: Seaosn 2-5th
Chocalatejr Survivor: Seaosn 3-1st
Ck11 Survivor: Season 9- 9th
Kantus Survivor : Panama :Exile Island.- 1st
Kantus Survivor: One World- 6th
Gaia's Season 4 Qatur: 9th
Mearls Survivor: 10th
Survivors Survivor Season 4: 8th
Ck11 Survivor Martinique: 10th
Spinners Survivor Philippines: 7th
BHD's Survivor Pearl Islands- 5th
Winners Survivor: Nepal - 6th
Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because im awesome
3572 days 1 hour ago



What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: My Favorite i would have to say would be either Cagayan or Blood vs Water.

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Either Aras Baskausks or Tyson Apostol

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Played only 4 games but always made merge.
Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because i will always do whatever it takes to stay another night on the island if it means lying, backstabbing, flipping anything i'll do it.
3572 days 1 hour ago
Anyone can apply


Name: RiRi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Definitely Blood vs Water

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Natalie White

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):

Ramanik's Big Brother 2- 14th
Yizner's Survivor - 1st Jury Member
A&M's Survivor - 11th

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because I have been lied, cheated, robbed, and pretty much broken by several people. This is my time and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to win.
3572 days 1 hour ago
Name: Jordan

Age: 16

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Survivor One World

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Honestly, I would have to go with Kim or Sabrina from survivor one world

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): Kyreece's Big Brother- 6th     Carly's Big Brother 4th   

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Honestly I feel like I have what it takes because I can win things. I may seem like a person who doesn't deserve to be here, but I will prove that i do.
3571 days 23 hours ago
Name: Leo

Age: 14 and a half *wink

Gender: boiy

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: samoa

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: i loved watching spencer play, but my favorite overall has to be penner

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):

Seitter's Survivor Cook Islands: 7/20
massgustavos95 Survivor Greece: Exile island: 8/20
KidA's Survivor Canada: 5/20
Spatts Survivor Hawaii: 11/18 (Hero Of The Season)
Bingos Survivor- Fans vs Favs: 10/20
Survivor's Survivor: Turkey 10/20
Robs Survivor: Sulawesi 4/20 (Hero of the Season)
Jay's Survivor Fiji: 6/20

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I have an excellent strategic mind, I would like to think I can get along with people, and I am good at challenges due to my excellent internet speed.
3571 days 22 hours ago
Name: Jacob

Age: 14

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Blood vrs Water, and Fans vrs Favorites

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor:  Russel Hantz

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I have never played and I really would like to start here.

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I think i have an okay chance, seeing as it might be my first game, if i get in, I think I have a slim chance but yeah! So I hope I can play
3571 days 21 hours ago
Name: Jared

Age: 14

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Fans VS Favourites 1

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Parvati Shallow. She always had a target on her back yet she always found a way to survive!

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): I have played multiple Survivor Group Games and a couple BB ones :)

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: Because I am hard working and I will never give up! I will do whatever it takes to win :D
3571 days 18 hours ago
Name: Cole Conroy

Age: 22

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Amazon

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Rob C.

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
- 1st/36 in Wangy's/Mana's Survivor Lybia: Battle of the Worlds
- 1st/20 in Kida's Survivor Greece
- Never lost at Final Tribal Council In a Survivor Group Game
- 6th/100 in Survivor: Island of Champions
- Also played in Bingo's (3rd and 7th), Janelle's (3rd and 8th), Dono's (5th), and many more. Check on my profile page to see more. I'm always invited back to play in all stars and I usually am very active. Last Gen in your series I didn't do so well (4th,10th,and 15th) however I plan on starting fresh and brand new in a new gen and hopefully grab that win from your series. Fingers crossed!

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor:
One, because I'm not the same player I used to be when I played in your first Gen. I'm smarter, more competitive, and loyal. Last Generation, I was still fairly new to group games. Now, I realize that loyalty is everything and I know that if I want to get anywhere in your series I have to learn to put faith in the people I work with. I have set myself a couple of goals for this "new" style of playing.

1. Win Twice In One Series
2. Win A Series First Season
3. Be A Hero of the Season for Once (Always Considered A Villain)
4. Win Three Times In One Series
5. Win Back To Back In A Series
6. Win An All Star Season

Right now, those are my six goals as a player. So going into this season, I plan on accomplishing number 1 and number 3. Wish me luck and hope you give me this opportunity!

- Cole Conroy
3571 days 11 hours ago



What is your favourite season of CBS Survivor?:Austrailian Outback

Who is your favorite player from CBS Survivor?:Phillip Sheperd

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have(including my generation 1):
8/16 in Mamba's survivor Borneo

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's?:
Because I want to prove to ppl that the nice ppl can still win u don't have to backstab to get where u r in the game sure u going to make some nasty decisions in order and trust me I'm not afraid to do that but I want to prove that nice ppl can still win survivor.That is why u shoul pick me

-Etblahlol (a.k.a Etblah)
3571 days 9 hours ago
Name: Ryan

Age: 20

Gender: Male

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Palau and All-Stars are the only i remember enjoying alot.

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: abi maria <33 hahah

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1): i've played maybe like 2 survivor group games in the past, and they were probably like a year ago, but dont let that make you think i dont have the mentality or devotion to play hard :)

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: I think I can use my social abilities to keep myself safe, and i favor power shifts and blindsides compared to playing it safe. that'll make me an interesting player and can ultimately get me to the end if i play my cards right!
3571 days 9 hours ago

Name: Alexis Carter

Age: 16

Gender: female

What is your favorite season of CBS Survivor: Tocantines

Who is your favorite player from the CBS Survivor: Pavarti

Briefly describe any previous group game experience you have (including my generation 1):
Natalies Survivor Japan: Won Villain, Most Dramatic Player and was asked to be a returnee

Why do you think you have what it takes to win Link's Survivor: definately. i loves starting drama

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