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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

HAWK'S SURVIVOR S1 - (Bayon) Tribal #4

Jan 5, 2016 by TheHawk
Over the past few days randomize has been working on fixing Tengaged's problems with the site crashing and hopefully it is fully fixed. The immunity challenge was COMPLETELY DOMINATED by the Ta Keo tribe with the final score being 214 to 146 (Ta Keo won) so this means tribal council for Bayon. You have 24 hours to email me your votes

I will be reading the votes tomorrow at 5:30/6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (usa) tomorrow (Wednesday) 1/6/15 SO PLEASE SEND ME YOUR VOTES ON TIME.

I know that Tengaged has been crashing so some of you weren't able to compete in the immunity challenge. Please email me AND your tribemates so there is not a suspicion that you have gone inactive. Good luck,
NEW Bayon                                                                 

QUESTIONS (please answer ALL of these questions in the comments below)
1. Where you happy that we switched tribes?
2. How did you personally do on the quiz's?
3. Will the vote will be the old Bayon tribe members vs the old Ta Keo tribe members?
4. Has there been any talk of who might have the idol?
5. Do you think that you will be getting any votes?
6. Has there been a lot of strategizing?

PLEASE TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THAT... only 4/8 members of your tribe participated in the quiz's but the reason for that is because TENGAGED WAS DOWN so don't count them as inactive


1. Where you happy that we switched tribes? Honestly no ... I liked my old tribe.
2. How did you personally do on the quiz's? I did it okay, i guess
3. Will the vote will be the old Bayon tribe members vs the old Ta Keo tribe members? You will find out the answer of this question in your pm ;)
4. Has there been any talk of who might have the idol? No, I still have no clue who has it
5. Do you think that you will be getting any votes? I really hope not.
6. Has there been a lot of strategizing? Yes!
Sent by Katherinee_,Jan 5, 2016
1. Not that happy cause I don't know the other tribe
2. I did ok
3. I'm not sure yet
4. No, and I don't know who has the idol
5. I could be getting votes but I hope not
6. Yes there has been plenty of strategizing
Sent by Steven999,Jan 5, 2016
Sent by lexibear,Jan 5, 2016
1. Idc really
2. I did great
3. Not from where im coming from because the old bayon sucked
4. ;)
5. If i do they wont count lol
6. I dont need strategy so im sure there has but not on my part
Sent by Clarkkent6969,Jan 5, 2016

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