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Gregory's Super Amazing But Weird Blog!!!

Posts 34 posts

Object Survivor Episode 1 Part 1 (Camp Life) "Aw, Seriously?" Sep 25, 2014
II Tribe
OJ: *walks into his camp* Hello!
Pickle: Hey.
Bomb: H-h-h-hey OJ.
Paper: Welcome!
Bow: *sits on a chair reading a book*
Salt: OJ! *runs toward OJ*
OJ: Uh oh. *looks around panicked*
Salt: *continues running toward him*
OJ: *moves to the side*
Salt: *runs through him*
Pepper: Wait for me! *runs after her*
OJ: *stares at where they ran away but then turns toward the camp* Well, shall we get started?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------          BFDI Tribe
Leafy: *walks in camp to see the players looking at each other with hostility* Already?
Flower: Great, you're here.
Blocky and Snowball: *play catch using Woody*
Woody: Help!
Eraser: I'm being chased by a mad man!
David: *follows Eraser*
Pen: *stands still during the chaos* Hi...
Leafy: (Confessional) I arrive at the camp to see everything going insane. If things are like this at the challenge, we're going to lose all of them!
Flower: *pulls Snowball, Blocky and Eraser outside the camp* Do you want an alliance?
Blocky: No, I don't want an alliance that will take over the tribe and maybe even the merge.
Flower, Snowball and Eraser: *stare at Blocky*
Blocky: I was joking.
Flower: Oh, ok. *looks at Snowball and Eraser* You're in it, right?
Snowball: Yes.
Eraser: There's no reason to not join.
Flower: So, now the only thing that's in our way is if there's another alliance of the 4 other members.
Eraser: You think David would be in an alliance, or vote with them? Besides, I think I could get Pen in.
Blocky: Then get him!
Eraser: Ok. *walks to Pen who is looking for wood for shelter* Can we talk?
Pen: *looks at Eraser curiously* About what?
Eraser: How would you like to be in a majority alliance?
Pen: That would be great!
Eraser: Ok, good.
Pen: (Confessional) Well, apparently I'm in a majority alliance with Eraser now. I don't know who else is in the alliance yet, but if I can get far with this, I don't care.
*walks back toward the alliance* He said yes.
Flower: Good. Now we have all the power. *laughs evilly*
Blocky: *makes a fake evil laugh and then intentionally coughs*
Snowball: Was that necessary?
Blocky: Nope.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------II Tribe
OJ: *makes finishing touches on shelter* There we go.
Salt: Hey OJ!
OJ: Ah! Where did you come from?
Salt: From that bush. *points to bush near OJ*
OJ: Ok... I'm going to get food. Alone.
OJ: (Confessional) I don't like Salt.
Salt: (Confessional) I think OJ likes me.
Bomb: *relaxes*
Paper: *watches him while working* (Confessional) I'm starting to get annoyed with Bomb. He's pretty lazy, although he isn't as lazy as Salt or Pepper. I'm not sure if what makes him annoying is the way he speaks, how he butts into conversations, or his random explosions. I guess I'll have to cope with him for now. I honestly don't remember him butting into conversations.
Pickle: *looks for food* (Confessional) I'm not going to focus on the strategic game at all. I'm mostly going to play the social game, vote with who I think the majority is, and hopefully I get put up with someone the jury despises.
Taco: *puts lemons in a basket until OJ tells him to follow him*
OJ: *walks toward Pickle with Taco*
Pickle: Hi.
OJ: Pickle, would you want to be in an alliance?
Pickle: Sure. Has Taco agreed with this?
Taco: Oui.
OJ: I think that means yes.
Pickle: Works for me.
Paper: *looks at the trio talking* (Confessional) I see OJ Pickle and Taco talking with each other quietly and I know there's an alliance. I wish I realized that people were strategizing already.
OJ: *walks in the area Paper's in*
Paper: What were you talking about?
OJ: *acts casually* Not much. Just talking about what we should do with the camp and what we should look for when we're looking for food.
Paper: Don't lie to me.
OJ: *sighs* Ok, we-
Green Speaker Box: *appears out of nowhere* CHALLENGE TIME!!!
OJ: What the?!?

Vote which tribe you want to win the first immunity in the comments below! #II #BFDI

(If you want to be tagged, let me know! I would also appreciate it if you could spread this to people who might be interested.)
Points: 23 5 comments
Object Survivor Episode 1 Part 1 (Intro) Aw, Seriously? Sep 23, 2014
Jeff Speaker Box: 16 objects have come to-
Green Speaker Box: *crushes Jeff Box* oBJect SuRVivOr!!!
OJ: Yeah, we know that. Can you just reveal the teams? Also, you said there are 16 players when I only see 1 other object.
*shows area with just the Green Speaker Box, OJ, Leafy and the crushed Jeff Speaker Box*
Green Speaker Box: BE QUIET WHILE I EXPLAIN!!!
OJ and Leafy: *stares*
Green Speaker Box: ThaT'S bEtTeR. NOw mO-
Leafy: *kicks announcer*
Green Speaker Box: -ving on, you're probably wondering why you're the only ones here.
Leafy: Yes, we are.
Green Speaker Box: Well, you'll be the leaders of your tribes! ...Why aren't you screaming in joy?
Leafy: We have no idea what leaders do.
Green Speaker Box: Well, that's easy. The leaders do... Uh... They... You know what, let's forget about this and you two just go to your camps and meet the other members of your team. NOW GO!!!
OJ: *starts to back away slowly but stops* Which way do we go?
Green Speaker Box: SIGH, your tribe to the left and Leafy's to the right.
OJ: Thanks... *backs away slowly*
(If you want to be tagged, let me know!)
Points: 15 1 comments
Object Survivor Update Sep 22, 2014
In my first update for Object Survivor, I will be announcing the teams! You will decide in the comments what you think the team names should be. I would also like to mention that the teams will be BFDI (Battle For Dream Island) vs. II (Inanimate Insanity)
II Tribe:
Orange Juice (OJ)

BFDI Tribe:

Now that you've seen the players and the teams they'll be in, you can now decide the team names like I said earlier! I hope you enjoy this series! :D
Also, if you want to get updated whenever I make one of these posts, let me know.
Points: 32 8 comments
Apply Now! Sep 21, 2014
Thanks to Robbyjak I have a Survivor group! If you would like to apply, go ahead!
Points: 14 0 comments
Object Survivor? Sep 21, 2014
The IIBB thing didn't work out, but I will try again, but a little differently! If I get enough support, I might make an Object show Survivor. Sadly, so that I can fit in some strategy, I might not let you decide the votes. :( On the other hand, you can still decide who wins immunity, so you can look foward to that! If you have somethings you think I should add or some things I should change, let me know! Also, if you have some Object show characters you would like to see, then go ahead and tell me! Hopefully this is successful! :)
Points: 48 6 comments
Inanimate Insanity Big Brother Intro Aug 29, 2014
Host: Welcome to Inanimate Insanity Big Brother! Some of the cast of the show you probably know, Inanimate Insanity are going to find out what it's like to play Big Brother! These objects are:
Rubber Ball
Test Tube
(Note: This list was copied and pasted from here: )
Before I explain what your first job will be, I would like to ask you a question. What object should I be? You won't have choices, so let your imagination go wild!!! :D The winning object will either be my favorite, or the audience's favorite. So tell everyone you know who likes Inanimate Insanity about this, suggest and object, and plus because I'm obnoxious! :D (credit to inspiration: rileythepegasus101)
Points: 0 3 comments