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367 days 6 hours ago
{Yellow Buffs} {3/10 Remaining}


Welcome GermƔn, Hayley and Jasoi to Final Tribal Council. The power now shifts to the jury who will vote for the Sole Survivor of C&A Survivor XIX - Nova Scotia.

We'll now bring in the members of the jury: Ryon, Ryan A, Ryan C, Brook, Marek, Aaron, Leo  and Brenden voted out at the last tribal council.

GermƔn, Hayley and Jasoi you may each make an opening statement. The jury members can either make comments or ask questions, there is no limit to the amount they do or don't say. Once you have decided who to vote for please mail or chat prod discord your vote.

Thursday, June 1 - REUNION - 9 PM EST
367 days 6 hours ago
my oh my good luck will post questions later
367 days 5 hours ago
We'll now bring in the members of the jury: Ryon, Ryan A, Ryan Cā€¦ I laughed
367 days 5 hours ago
367 days 5 hours ago
are they ganna make statements...
367 days 5 hours ago
Its gonna take a while ngl šŸ˜•
367 days 5 hours ago
take ur time bestie
367 days 5 hours ago
Yo hablo espaƱol, capaz que  no lo termino para la final šŸ˜‚
367 days 4 hours ago
Finalists. First off, I'd like to congratulate you on making it to the end. As someone who's played in this franchise three times and failed to do so all three attempts, I must commend you on doing it in one attempt.

Now, onto the statements and questions I have prepped for each of you.

Starting with Jasoi,
Jasoi, I think you played a phenomenal under-the-radar game. I think you subtly maneuvered through a cast of overdogs and loud, in your face players superbly. To me, that's not something that's easy to do at all, much less successfully. So my question to you is, what part of your game would you change? What would you tweak to improve? I'm someone who always believes in improvement, so I wanna know what you would do to improve.

Next, German.
German, I gotta be honest, I have a hard time understanding what you did in this game. Sure, you played two idols successfully, but quite frankly, that doesn't mean anything to me, considering one was at F5 and the other was after the info was fed to you on a silver platter. So, I gotta ask, why do you deserve to win? Because I see you as a coaster sitting next to two people who played very strong games.

And finally, Hayley.
Hayley, you were my ride-or-die out here. We're friends, we know each other, we've bonded on a level I rarely do with anyone on this site. But, you have to admit, our final two was very different than most. A lot of people didn't trust you, but they trusted me (or at least gave me info). And I had to work to get people, like Marek and Ryan C, to trust me to trust you. You also played remarkably paranoid, you were constantly worried about being targeted, which was sometimes founded and sometimes not. Now, you know I only deal in facts, so I'll keep it straight, you played an incredibly strong game from start to finish, slitting throats left and right. But there are some things that need to be addressed in order for you to get my vote.

I have a few questions for you, and they are:
-Was our F2 real?
-If our F2 was real, why didn't you play the idol on me?
-Do you think that you would've made it to FTC without me?

I want you all to plead your case with everything you have. Fight for this, I wanna see how much you want it. I also have a final question for you, and that's as follows:

If you were voting between the other two finalists, who would you vote to win?

Thank you so much, I'm rooting for all of you to succeed at FTC tonight. And finally, good luck.
367 days 3 hours ago
Hello jury,

I am sure much of my game is very out there so i look forward to any Questions you have! With that said however... I Played this game as hard as I could while also making sure I was protected and to be honest I woukd if voted anyone. I took in what everyone was saying to each other and tried my best not to just ignore important information however I still focused on me.

Right away in this game I took the trip to Exile Island. It gave me saftey from the first vote and while there I got extra clues for both the Halifax and Pictou tribes. However I am so bad I still needed the clue from the Owl challenge before I finally had enough to find it šŸ˜…. Next I got to reconnect with brook I had met in my first game but did not get the full chance to play with them so I was hoping to see brook get in. I played this game with my own thoughts and reasons however I cant go over early game without saying brook opened some doors for me that would have been dead bolted shut and that was a big part of what helped me socially get a footing because I was not high up on the allie list. I used that time to gain new allies and open me even more new doors as you see later on.

I'll be honest the 1ST tribal I went to was a med evac and then by the 2nd tribal, Times had already managed to annoy enough people. The first challenge for me came during my 3rd Tribal (4th of the season) from. The names were only from my tribe early and any from the Halifax 2.0 tribe never stuck. This was tough because I just got off a shipwreck and here I am about to help strand myself on a tribe with less people when the easy thing is to stick to your tribe. I voted Sam here and me and him I felt had the chance to be close but he felt that way about a lot of people and the group I was apart of wanted that (Ryan A the most) and honestly it kept me safe). Fresh off a Tribal my tribe loses again and this was where I took a actual hit. This round was supposed to be a easy German  vote however I found out after Sergio left and me brook and Marek were a 3 that some alliance called the boring gays (Brook Marek Ryan C & Ginny)  which formed to save Ginnifer from the first tribal also kind of ran this vote off 2 because Bryce was sent packing and I had zero idea what was going down. Bryce was wanting brenden to leave this time however I was now in a 3 of me Brenden and Marek and wanted to vote with them to build some trust. Trust I earned rather then being vouched for by Brook. I failed at the vote but I showed them I was on board with them.

This was the Team Yay came in. This is what would be the big alliance trying ti gain control. Basically when I said brook opened doors for me I meant that it accumulated to me being apart of the group. This is the vote Sergio left. We all thought German would self Vote again however he did not and the vote was a somewhat close 1.

Next we had the swap and after losing immunity again i approached Ginnifer about voting Marek and me and Marek both knew it. Brook urged me and Marek to talk and I can admit that otherwise I would have gone ahead with the plan because me and him had a amazing talk that meant a lot for our relationship and it led to a 3 person Alliance of Me Brook and Marek! The vote was now complicated however as Ryan A put me in a 4 person Alliance Of him Leo Me and Ryon and I knew I needed to vote with this group as it was a Large group and more chances for me to open new doors. I told Brook and Marek about this Group because they originally wanted Marek however they changed to Ginnifer when I told thier group that it was not completely shot down. I did go to Ginnifer to see if she would do Marek but instead she ran to the chat she had with Marek and Brook and I guees screenshoted out convo. However despite this brook and Marek said they woukd only be on board if it gained traction and I wanted it to gain traction. Normally you don't poke a sleeping bear but in Ginnifers case that was all it took. I let her know she wants me gone and after that she blew up and everyone ended up doing her.

Last round of premerge I ended up winning my first tribal immunity so no tribal. I did however try and save Ryon when it was said he was the 1 that was gonna leave. I did not want to lose him so I went and told Marek I gave him the idol after I scored so high in flappy because I was worried everyone would jump the LONE pictou. However this blew up in failure because Ryon still left the game.
367 days 3 hours ago
The first vote was CRAZY. It kind of became Two Sides voting and on 1 side it was (Brook-Brenden-Marek-RyanC-Jasoi) vs (RyanA-German-Aaron-Leo) with me in the middle. Brook wanted me to side with that group and it was basically the team yay alliance with jasoi added but I did not really vibe the best with the group as I felt I was not very high up on the people's list. I also knew me and Ryan C had idols and I also felt he was VERY well insulated with big names in this cast which I was not a fan of. Me and Ryan C did not trust each other and it was clear a move would be made but who and when. However the numbers were not really there even with my having the knowledge that Ryan A had a extra vote after he told me. Jasoi also told me he had a extra vote after I told him I had the og pictou idol. What did come as a surprise was Aaron having a extra vote and with that the plan to flip was in effect. However the minority alliance with 2 extra votes wanted Marek gone and to be fair so did I. However as stated earlier brook was pushing hard for me and Marek to get along as they were working with both of us and me and Marek actually did have a great conversation. I decided to be blunt with him about how I was feeling about us game wise and my worries and did the same while also giving his side. This was a very unexpected turn of events as now this put me in a even worse place for the merge as now the people I was gonna flip over with were targeting the guy I just made up with and made a chat with (me Marek and Brook) and those 2 wanted to go for German. I agreed German had to go however like 10 mins before the vote was due I went to the minority and told them if they voted Ryan C that I would play my idol on German if he used his. They actually all flipped and this was good because I had been apart of talking with team yay plus jasoi about how even if they had 2 extra votes then we would be good since jasoi had his. This made them feel safe as a whole and I made sure not to tell brook till the votes were completely locked and advantages passed because I knew they would not be happy and this was a move I had to make. Me and sulfur had some beef from the first ever game i played and so With that said the move was pulled off in a 7 to 6 vote and this was amazing as it turned out that Ryan C left with a Idol!!

Brook needed some time after that tribal. After all they did for me i went and flipped and took a number out from the Boring Gays. I chose to make a move this round and I do NOT regret it 1 bit. It was a big move and one in which socially would help me.

The next Merge Vote was just as chaotic as before. I planned to flip back and work with the alliance I just clipped a number from as I do recognize that the trio of Leo German and Aaron was threatening and all that but to be completely honest I wanted Brenden out here. I talked to the Alliance I just voted with about doing him and I offered up playing my idol again in order to pull it off but this round was verrry Quite despite tribal not even being until 10pm that night and also Ryan A was not very responsive. I actually planned to use my idol on him and toss my vote in case a idol was used on brenden but after I got literally no response on what Ryan A did for a vote and the fact that I did want to gain some favor from the people I flipped on I decided to vote with them. This vote I believe was supposed to be German or Aaron to split a duo up as well as cut down thier 3 with leo however brenden decided to  make a move and was like I am contemplating what is better as if I did not already have info from others that he wanted Ryan A. It was a whole mess and finally he admitted it and we all decided to it and brenden in fact did play a idol on himself. Ryan A also self voted so I was very pleased I chose the correct side. Issue is I did trust Ryan A to a point and would rather have split a 3 group up instead of thier extra number but I got to keep my idol and I got to gain favor so all in all a great round

Alright we move on to the third merge Vote. What. A. Fucking. MESS...

So to recap the numbers at this very point



To be VERY HONEST I wanted to flip again and I was less worried about the 3 and was more worried about being a 5th it a 4 person clusterfuck of connections between the other 4. Me and brook also expressed wanting brenden out however i wanted to do it this round and brook... did not. Brook shot me down saying we can do it next round but we needed to stay with the group this vote. Jasoi and me also talked and he showed interest after I filled him in on some of brendens shady gameplay and comments about jasoi. Me and jasoi also just like got back on great feet after that first merge vote so this was actually risky to be bringing this all up to him however I want to trust jasoi and he's said he has my back. I do personally think jasoi will take me to Final Tribal and to be fair I question if anyone actually would especially since I got slapped with who is most likely to win but it's where I am at. I also started bonding with leo really well from the last vote because he lost Ryan A and I guees tho 2 were close. I assumed so when Ryan A went out of his way awile back to add me as part of a 4 that had Leo in it the round he was actually supposed to leave. However to have Leo tell me that was his closest allie was a shock šŸ˜². Me and him reaffirmed a ride or die partnership as I said I don't have anyone like that and it was mostly true. I had those deals with brook and jasoi already but a 3rd never helps this also led into me creating the Final 3 of me Jasoi and Leo called the Owl Crew. Ok back to the vote. I ended up siding with the 5 again this vote as like German and Aaron were just not giving at all and because I caved to brooks  wants. However before I can get to the disaster of tribal I need to go over a different one.

Just to give you all some insight like brook I think it was made a chat to discuss the vote as brenden was undecided and we all landed on German. It was basically the 5 majority with Leo instead of Brenden. Well Marek came to me asking if we should fill brenden in. I knew for a fact that mean Marek already told him or was going to regardless so I messaged the 3 chat I had with them and filled brenden in. He was shocked it seemed but moving to tribal German just happened to have a idol played on him which was BAD BAD BAD. We knew brook was the other vote. This put me on the spot with very little time to decide if I would play the idol on brook. I wanted to so bad however I was worried a extra vote would be played after I did and I would leave. For some reason these special votes are allowed to he played even AFTER IDOLS but whatever it's nothing I can change. So I decided to keep the idol and let brook leave. It was not a choice I wanted to make at all however this is a very selfish game as we are all our own number 1s and I could not risk taking myself out or losing the idol. That idol gave me plenty of power and i felt like i had built enough with peoole that losing brook would not end my game. Strategically Extra votes can be played after idols and i fully belive 2 pops up.  Brook thinks it was dumb and was pissed but (and this is fast forwarding to the fast forward but like brenden literally used a extra vote and so did german so like my concern was really valid). Brook it's simple. I chose the idol over you.

Finally we get to discuss the 2 votes from yesterday. Tokio let us know a fast forward was happening so basically a double eviction for Survivor. The first vote was kind of a mess as well. After brenden sided with Aaron and German to get brook out I knew right then and there that he was setting himself up. He had made sure to solidify the me him and Marek as the Final 3 again and this was even after he had told me he had a 3 with jasoi so like yikes. I figured he'd have a 3 with Aaron and German after that last vote so that left Leo as the solo one out but Leo won immunity!!! At that point it was very obvious to me what was gonna happen... a split... on me and jasoi. I am no idiot as this is the best move. It let's you set up a ideal target aka jasoi while also setting up a side target who has a known idol and 3 more advantages Aka Me šŸ˜Š. Despite this it was very quite for this vote leading up to the FF. Brenden was acting like Aaron and German did not say anything to him but to say they wanted to target me. He sold it as a solo target and I said it's very obvious they are splitting on me and jasoi and naturally brenden acted shocked and this is funny because he acted shocked that Ryan C left with 2 idols earlier (which I know I had wrong now as if was 1) and acted like German or Aaron could have a idol. Anyway it was like he fr thought I was gonna buy all that and so I decided enough was enough. Aaron finally messaged me and I went for it. I told Aaron everything that was happening with the vote. Basically said I know your splitting on me and jasoi. Aaron said that only 1 person could have known that. (This told me what I was already suspecting however to have clear confirmation was everything. I acted like i knew and Aaron gave me the info i needed confirmed or denied). I then told them all the shady shit Brenden was doing (I tried to paint brenden as shady as possible) and how me and Aaron should just join forces.

Aaron actually was very down and when Mareks name was mentioned by Me to stick it to brenden I kid you not it was a kid in a candy store moment as that was something Aaron had apparently been wanting anyway due to them not talking. I went to Leo and asked him if he woukd be willing to vote Marek as well and he said he was. I made a chat with us 3 and the plan was hatched. Aaron even agreed to use the steal a vote and I suggested jasoi since Marek would not have a vote outside if he used his Extra Vote from Auction. Going into tribal we saw That get used as well as a extra vote from Marek and brenden even wasted his idol!! In the end Marek left in a 3-2-1-1-1 vote and I could not be happier. I actually really liked Marek and we bonded a lot however I felt they would never give me thier full loyalty with brenden and jasoi Here. With me working with jasoi and with brenden being super hard to get out it was finally time to accept the facts and cut the loss before it tried to bankrupt me.

Going into the fast forward we did pokemon battle and brenden won immunity. Was not that happy as he was gonna get Targted by the Owl Crew but whatever šŸ™„. Basically me and brenden talked and he Basically said I had 2 votes on me. I knew what he meant was if I did not use my idol that he woukd make sure I had 2 votes on me. Aka a 2-2-2 so I decided to use it and brenden made to to toss a vote on Aaron instead of a 2nd on me. I could have voted jasoi this tribal and to be completely fair looking back I feel I should have as the duo of Aaron and German would be more threatening and again I don't think jasoi will want to face me at Final Tribal Council however I made the choice to have his back and I cut Aaron. Kinda feel fake for that after I literally got them to flip on the plan to split on me and jasoi but hey it's Survivor and you have to do what you can in order to survive.


I went to 13 Tribal Councils this season and still I only received 3 votes all game with 1 Negated and 2 of them I belive fooming from the same person. That's the most anyone went and i survived and survived. My game was helped in a lot of areas by my allies but I did what I could to build my own path and make the moves I felt were most beneficial for me and I bluffed a idol along the way. That was 9 tribals I held on to it. That's not impressive I sat on the idol but it is impressive that I felt that insulated and had enough info from my different allies that it became less luck and easier to keep the bullet proof vest. I worked heavily with Brook this game we did great things. Brook helped me hide in the enemy camp and that'd what really allowed my merge game to have a shot. Brook was my shield. A vet and someone who is playing a great game. Between that and the idol I knew I'd be safe in merge and after I lost my allie shield I knew I could survive. I did all I could to make the most out of anything good to happen to me and anything bad as well.

Jury I know this will be a LOT but I wanted to give all my thoughts and a detailed look inside my game.
367 days 3 hours ago
Brooks Questions:

And finally, Hayley.
Hayley, you were my ride-or-die out here. We're friends, we know each other, we've bonded on a level I rarely do with anyone on this site. But, you have to admit, our final two was very different than most. A lot of people didn't trust you, but they trusted me (or at least gave me info). And I had to work to get people, like Marek and Ryan C, to trust me to trust you. You also played remarkably paranoid, you were constantly worried about being targeted, which was sometimes founded and sometimes not. Now, you know I only deal in facts, so I'll keep it straight, you played an incredibly strong game from start to finish, slitting throats left and right. But there are some things that need to be addressed in order for you to get my vote.

I have a few questions for you, and they are:
-Was our F2 real?
-If our F2 was real, why didn't you play the idol on me?
-Do you think that you would've made it to FTC without me?

I want you all to plead your case with everything you have. Fight for this, I wanna see how much you want it. I also have a final question for you, and that's as follows:

If you were voting between the other two finalists, who would you vote to win?

Our Final 2 was real to me. I had never planned to vote you out. The reason I did not play the idol on you because I jeed to keep that bullet proof vest. I fully trusted we were allies and there for each other but I knew I would be targted in this game and I would rather have get out of jail free card then 1 person locked voting with me. I felt I had myself in good where I needed to be.

Honestly no I can own that without you getting breden Marek and sulfur to trust me then I would definitely not be in FTC. I did credit you in my speech but that gave me less people after me while also letting me start making connections with other people. I said it in the speech and I will say it here. I chose to idol over you that round. I trusted my gameplay but in that moment I made that choice to keep it.

I would vote Jasoi Personally out of the two beside me. He played good for someone not included in any of the main alliances and was more of a number. He seemed to be willing g ti make moves but was loyal and even tho jasoi to my knowledge never was in charge of a vote I do belive he played a key part in votes and he even won back to back immunity Challenges.
367 days 2 hours ago
Looking back at this season, I am so happy with my performance, i know i could played better but here I am, canā€™t be happier. I came into the game with a few handicaps in my way. The language barrier plus my work situation. I told that at the cast and picked earlier schedules too. I was excited to play a vivor group again. Used to play it on .es like +10 years ago, strong palmares but never had reached FTC. But that was so different, we didnā€™t use discord. I fought with that app in the first days to know how actually works. First tribe, I was incredibly lucky to start on such a strong tribe, we kept on winning first challenges. Seems good yeah but made me felt comfy and with just had said hi to few ppl i forgot about discord (lol).
Then i had a free week of work at the hospital (iā€™m a nurse). I knew that before I singed but last moment my husband decided to use that time to travel cross Spain head our childhood homes. I mean.. I played first comp and then disappeared for a week. Not even checked the day my tribe went to tribal.
I didnā€™t like the twist at tribals at all but it was my salvation i think cause there were ppl viewed as bigger targets than me. Tribes swaps, pple went but I was there, still standing.
When i could get my things done irl IT WAS TOO LATE for me in a game like this. The other players have already made their relationships grown strong. I tried my best, i talked to a few but they didnā€™t seem to be interested in me.
After receiving first votes at the sixth TC. I had my things packed for god shake, ready to leave every next tribal. My idol hunts were successful like I started to look and boom there it is but always that EMPTY message that you hate even more than a +0 to a key. My faith and strength in the game decreased so fast. Then i had horrible shifts with the game schedule like YAY can life make it even easier for me?!
Although I wasnā€™t chatting with all the players as I should have, I was part of the votes making moves. I must said iā€™m sorry i couldnā€™t wake up for the tie at the eighth TC. Things would have changed this season. But guys, I had  a damn hell shifts at the hospital and my health was over a game. Iā€™ll be sorry for this for a while!
Next TCā€¦ such a crazy vote, ppl using their advantages. Even though I knew I was the target however the maths seemed to be right there so I risked and decide not to use my extra vote. Lucky me it worked!
Well.. I was not getting convos with anyone. Just Aaron and Brenden chatting with me and there werenā€™t fluent conversations. The other tribes member left me without an answer or if they did just bullshit and silly things.
Nothing from them or just lies. No shot for me to build new relationships. Evicting Ryan wasnā€™t in my interests tho but every round I needed to write some name down. When Brenden played his idol I knew i had to wait for the idol rehind moment to make it mine once and for all. And I did it.
Worst position in the game with all the lies and non conversation situation. That was a relief honestly, i thought being inactive made me the last target for most players being that few but I was wrong. It made myself the easy vote.
I know how bad placed i was in the game that made me wonder i should play my idol on Aaron (who actually played the game) for next TC but from my past season i learnt, you always play your idol on yourself before leaving with it in your pocket or giving it to someone else and the votes were on you lol. The votes were on me, information were leaked but its survivor dude. You never trust. Not if you have been lied at your face before.
For the eleventh TC I told ppl I was using my extra vote, they seemed to agree shaking things up and possibly make a tie situation or so. But hell ya, you bunch of liars.  Played the Idol instead for surviving another round donā€™t need to waste that extra! Ppl kept telling lies, I wouldnā€™t be able to know who was  the liar there
Must say i wanted Hayley out that vote but Brenden turned the vote into Brook.
After the auction, it was all lost. So much objects, another mess coming up. I had to sleep and work that day. Then i got cursed with the duo vote. Best case scenario . I will lost my votes but still can cast an extra. But the other side will lost a vote and have a punitive vote same as me. That worked first round. See ya Merek.
Next round was the decisive. Aaron and I was getting closer but nothing could save us. They chose Aaron instead of me. Wasted the extra vote.
Finally, all alone. No one that i can trust. Again. I needed that idol to stay. Took me a little bit but i did it again.
At F5 i could vote my target out for the first time in the season. But we could just vote for 2 ppl so nothing much special. Jasoi came to me trying to made me see Hayley and Brenden were the top players of the season and we needed to vote them 4th and 5th. I agreed. But then i was honest with him, and told him i loved to see Leo leaving. That made him never answer me again lol. Brenden told me about the idol, and I told him. Boy, we started this thing together i was trying to reach the end together too. I meant what i was saying.
For F4 I told Brenden to vote Jasoi and force a tie but preferred to lie till the end. Another plan made up by myself that got ignored.
AND HERE I AM. FIRS FINAL EVER. I could say vigor is over for me after that but i didnā€™t play my best here, almost even didnā€™t play it for some mates. So maybe iā€™ll try again now that i know better about groups here and hour delay, schedules, discord (not that much but kinda defend myself).
I beg you my dear jury to vote me. I was out of the majority, out of the cast. People ignored me, voted me over and over an over but didnā€™t catch me ;) Again, Itā€™s a pleasure for me to say i managed straight to FTC with this level of english and my stressful life.
Such big players facing me in this final that iā€™d be happy no matter what happen tomorrow.
Gl to both of you, xoxo

PD: Again, pls forgive me for my english <3<3<3<333
366 days 22 hours ago
German, I gotta be honest, I have a hard time understanding what you did in this game. Sure, you played two idols successfully, but quite frankly, that doesn't mean anything to me, considering one was at F5 and the other was after the info was fed to you on a silver platter. So, I gotta ask, why do you deserve to win? Because I see you as a coaster sitting next to two people who played very strong games.

I deserved to win cause i maneuvered myself into this FTC, the odds weren't in my favor being in the minority. I see your point, i wasn't the leader not even tried to lead any tribal. I hadn't tools enough to do that. When i threw Hayleys name ppl agreed, but it lasted like 30 mis till the vote changed.
So that's my major achievement, being the one who has more votes casted against him but never got my torch snuffed!

If you were voting between the other two finalists, who would you vote to win?

I'd vote for Hayley without a doubt! I think she put all efforts in this game, now she must sit, wait and sow what se had harvest.
Both players did great, but looking from the beginning i feel she has had a stronger trajectory here on Nova Scotia!
366 days 20 hours ago
Hey Jury, If I am being honest, some of you guys really deserved to be here and played really well in one way or another. This game wasn't my BEST But I used it to the BEST of my ability

Coming to this time I didnā€™t really care about strategy or challenges but I kinda wanted to make social connections to the team as I went to Halifax with Marek/Brook/Ginnifer/Ryan C/Times. I connected with People like Marek, Ryan C , Brook  and Ginnifer and I tried to connect with times But it didnā€™t work out. I also connected with Bryce and Ryan A from pictou and I really trusted them as well.
I tried my best to get the team to victory, we lost the first round and I knew our tribe had to survive but it went well as Eliza went home and Cameron was booted.Hayley ended up transferring to pictou which We ended up talking and for some reason I really connected with her, It proved the connection when Hayley told me my name was going around and someone from halifax was pushing it but luckily due to my loyalty to Halifax, Times left and I only received one vote. Oh yeah we ended up pooling for a owl on extra votes so Halifax ended up getting vote which was funny šŸ¤£. I ended up tribe swapping with Aaron/Leo/Ryan A/Ryon. I connected with Aaron due to playing together last game and Me and Ryan A had a really good connection at the time and I liked Leo. On Berwick I was cool with Bryce,Ginnifer and Hayley.When we lost,I ended up Talking to Ryan A and Hayley about forming an alliance and Ryan A/Hayley got bryce in it and formed an alliance between us. We decided on Sam as we thought was a little social threat and was worried about him at the merge and It proved that OG Berwick was divided as it was 5-3 against Sergio.Bryce ended up leaving the Round after due to circumstances beyond my control. I would say that I had flaws during the Prejury stage Like Not really connected with OG Berwick members and also just not talking to Aaron after that where It was an ignorant move on my part. Another flaw was Ginnifer going, in which Ginnifer and I could have been good allies but Me and my alliance ended up voting her out.So I ended up having connections while also being loyal to groups of people in the process and protecting my allies but making them try to work together.

Jury Stage

Ryon- I swapped the round before with Me,Marek and Ryon on New-New Pictou and Aaron/Brenden/German/Ryan C on New-New Berwick. I heard about a Brenden/Ryan C/Marek alliance and I thought about joining them. As I already like Marek and Ryan C and also I try to connect with Brenden and overall he seemed pretty cool too. Ryon threw me and Marekā€™s name out Allegedly and A alliance of Me/Marek/Brenden/Ryan C was formed and Aaron and German and Ryon were gunning for me and/or Marek and we decided to split the votes on Aaron and Ryon so Brenden/Ryan C/Marek got my target out which was Ryon making him the first member of the jury. I got Ryon out before he was going to get to us further

F10- Now the merge is here, I was in an alliance with Ryan A/Hayley/Me and also Brenden/Marek/Ryan C/Me. I was also connected with Brook and Leo. I wanted to play the middle and let them kill each other first but I wanted them to work together for a bit  to let someone from the Berwick side go, which was Aaron or German. German ended up being the target but Ryan C was also a target too, although it was supposed to be Marek which In a way I technically hid under them But I wanted Ryan C to stay really bad So I used my extra vote, my only advantage to save him And It was supposed to be German going but circumstances had Ryan C going 7-6. He was honestly robbed

F9- I won my first individual immunity and honestly this tribal was a mess, A alliance happened between Hayley/Brook/Me/Brenden/Marek called The Comedy Clowns and the alliance was iconic, Allegedly Aaron or german was going but stuff happened however miscommunication happened (Probably on my end) and Ryan A ended up being the name pushed around due to Brenden, The good news is that German ended up wasting a idol. I didnā€™t want Ryan A to go but to be fair, He is a super amazing player and a person as He helped our tribe into victory like multiple times but He kinda ghosted me after the Ryan C boot and this Round and I knew we wouldn't be that connected as he used to.

F8- Won another challenge and another alliance happening but at this point, I kinda was in a not so great spot as I didnā€™t get my way 2x and I know I wouldnā€™t be the person to be confrontational about it So I decided to just make connections on the sidelines and watch other players do dirty work and have targets on their backs as I know they might kill each other later as I donā€™t have to worry too much and only had 2 people Sorta on me.I connected with Marek and Brenden still and Also Hayley as we spoken after the Ryan C vote. I also connected with Brook heavily this round. My connections were working again as I was grouped into a alliance with Me/Brook/Leo/Hayley/Marek where Someone was trying to blindside Brook or Hayley and obviously I didnā€™t like it and We came up with a plan to blindside German to Trick the ā€œother groupā€ however German used a idol and Brook goes with 3 votes. I knew I ended up falling behind.

F7- Allegedly someone leaked the German vote leading to Brook going but I trusted Leo and Hayley the most now as we ended up making a 3 pact and so many advantages were going to be used but Me and Hayley started to become very close and Hayley ended up blindsided Marek and a part of that was to keep me safe in the vote where I was getting votes that round and was a good chance I was about to leave. This proved that I had people sticking for me, even when Hayley was thinking about taking me out themselves, But she didnā€™t. Marek was honestly a all star player though And deserved to make it further

F6 I was stuck with huge big names now and I knew something has to happen, Aaron reached out to me and we ended up talking since like perjury and he spilled info that kinda stuck with me and We ended up reconciling. Brenden got immunity and Me and my alliance decided that Aaron was a bigger threat over German and My name was getting thrown around again but We ended up fighting and Aaron goes 3-2-1-0(1) and I idol was wasted again.

F5- Now The finale, I actually Reached out to German and was thinking about blindsiding BOTH Brenden and Hayley for 5th/4th and a F3 with me/leo/german. I was thinking how to execute and do it but Hayley won immunity for 5th and Brenden was about to leave but Me and Hayley decided to do a chat as we know Brenden was going to use a idol this round no matter what and German wasnā€™t a threat and I tried to make sure German doesnt go anywhere. We decided to take out Leo over threats of being a UTR Player

F4- Honestly I knew Hayley or Brenden would make F3 at this point but I made Sure German doesn't go anywhere like last time. I could have either done Hayley or Brenden but during the challenge I was thinking about how Hayley was loyal to me multiple times and Made moves to secure me and her further and I realized that It would just be awful to cut her like that, Brenden also allied with me too but Rumors were going around that He Thought I was a threat and Hayley Won Immunity. And Me and Brenden connected further and we decided to get out German but I ended up using it to my advantage by talking to German and Hayley about just taking him out 3-1.
366 days 19 hours ago
So I had some great moments like

Using Connections- I connected with a lot of the cast and made good bonds with them as much as possible and it played a role in keeping me from going home a few times.

I let people kill each other and Hid under loudmouths a few times as even though I was getting vote, No one considered a an Extreme Threat And I protected my allies even if it placed me in the bottom again and My allies protected me even if It shows their hand a Bit

I was not in any main alliances, But I made sure into getting into alliances to place myself in a decent position and I tried to make people bond and it was being created

I was also not a sheep, There might be controversy going around that I was just sheeping whoever but I also made sure my voice was heard. I wanted to be a loyal ally to whoever really trusted me even if it means I would screw it in tribals like voting for German when Ryan C went or Aaron when Marek went or German when Brook went via idol. During F7, Hayley and me were ride or dies and she went out of her way to protect me and I wanted to hide under her as She might get flack. I also heavily contributed in Votes and or orchestrated Ryon going.

Also I made it pretty far despite being labeled "Most Annoying" šŸ’€ I also brought jokes in the game too which hopefully makes the audience laughs as the season might release on DVD in the future šŸ¤£

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