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#NTM20 - Challenge & Photoshoot (11)

Topic » #NTM20 - Challenge &..

261 days 18 hours ago
Challenge #11


Hello Top 6, You have finally reached the most interesting yet nerve-wracking challenge of a Next Top Model season, the Go-Sees round.

This week, models, it's time to hit the streets as you'll be visiting five different prestigious modeling agencies, each with its unique tasks and expectations. Your mission is simple: impress the clients and secure bookings. For every booking, you'll earn yourself a valuable 2 points at the agency. But even if you don't get booked, don't fret—you'll still earn a point to keep you in the game. It's a test of versatility, adaptability, and the ability to make a lasting impression.

Are you ready to impress the clients, secure bookings, and earn valuable points on your journey to becoming the Next Top Model? Below are the agencies you'll be going to. 48 hours for all things to be submitted here. Go seize those opportunities, Good luck!
261 days 17 hours ago
Order of the agencies:

Marking her second appearance in the go-sees round, here you will meet the winner of the Next Top Model, Cycle 9: Dream Team, this is none other than Saskia de Brauw (deshonBANNEDISBACK)!
Saskia - "LIEFDE (dutch for "LOVE"); This high fashion brand encompasses the embodiment of love and romance. Pieces from our collection are inspired by the outfits that showcase gowns, skirts, jumpsuits, suits, blazers, etc. that capture the excitement and charm of being in love, but in a high fashion way. Think date night in a European country."

Example/s (from those who were booked before):
- From Cycle 19, Rianne Van Rompaey - 2nd
- From Cycle 19, Kim Taehyung "V" - 3rd
- From Cycle 19, Liu Wen - 5th

Here you will meet an addition to the Go-sees panel, marking their debut on Go-sees panel, our very own, Winner of the Next Top Model, Cycle 18: Pop Culture, Reece King! For this agency, the requirement is simply something that screams outdoor, hiking, or adventure wear.

After his quick absence in last cycle's go-sees, he's finally back. Here you'll meet the winner of the Next Top Model, Cycle 12: Breaking Boundaries, it's Garrett Neff! For his task, he wants something expensive. His task is for you to present a photo that looks expensive/high fashion.

Example/s (from those who were booked before):
- From Cycle 15, Shaun Ross - 4th
- From Cycle 15, Gigi Hadid - 5th
- From Cycle 18, Sasha Pivovarova - 2nd

Also a new addition to the go-sees round, last cycle's winner, for his win at the Next Top Model, Cycle 19: One Becomes All, let's give it to Jackson Yee! And to give him the floor, here's what he said:

"Hello competitors, many don't know but I'm passionate about the Pokemon franchise.

What I look for in my brand's models are those who can capture attention in the midst of a large setting, here this setting will be considered your own gym. Along with wonderful scenery, I want you to look wonderful and tell me which Pokémon type you would be the leader of!

I DO NOT want you to be inspired by any specific leader, I want you to be the leader! If you don't know much about the immense world of this franchise, I suggest you do a little research."

Here you'll see an agency coming back, one of the longest-running partners of Next Top Model, now a subsidiary of "Model Division", previously judged by Marlon Teixeira, winner of Next Top Model, Cycle 5: Fans vs. Favorites, now it will be judged by Me. My task, just like the original, portraying a movie-style villain, it's up to you on how realistic or cartoony style you do it but I want to see you stand out and own it.

Example/s (from those who were booked before):
- From Cycle 6, Cara Delevingne - Winner [Evil Queen (from Snow White)]
- From Cycle 7, Xiao Wen Ju - 2nd [Villain Yzma (from Emporer's New Groove)]
- From Cycle 18, Reece King - Winner [Le Chiffre (from James Bond series)]

BONUS POINT: To earn yourself an extra point, you must mail me your thoughts/description of everyone in the Top 6 (except yourself).
261 days ago
Hello Everybody, some people came to me to trying to understand my brand, i want you to pose in a big scenario and using this scenario to portray a pokemon gymnasium. Of course this is more focused on the anime and not the games, cause you sometimes can't see the gym properly.

Here, i am giving some examples:

Jackson Yee as Bug Type Gym Leader

Here i can portray being the gym leader of pokemon bug type cause my scenario is a forest, usually the place where you can find bugs and there is a lot of fireflies around me which could be some pokemons that i take care.


Jackson Yee as Ice Type Gym Leader

Here my scenario is basically ice and snow, which can relate to Ice type pokemons, the courtain could be something that would introduce my entrance to my opponent and the clothes would controy my image as a more badass gym leader.
260 days 23 hours ago
Anja Rubik

1. LIEFDE - Dutch for "Love"

Anja Rubik is wearing a neutral dress, of gray and bright tones, which despite being minimalist, is a color that stands out in the environment in which she is. I opted for the neutral color because it is a highlight in the environment. Red is a classic romantic color, but I wanted to show that romantic is also applied with other colors. Anja's pose is demonstrating the arrival in a romantic and luxurious environment, as if you were looking for your companion, who is waiting for you in the place. It is the look of a person who is looking forward to a romantic encounter. Eager to be in love, but always in a high fashion way.


2. GROVE - Outdoor, hiking or adventure wear

My goal with this photo is to escape the expected standard for a simple "billboard". Anja Rubik is in a different setting, the savannah, ready for an adventure that involves meeting the wild animals and a different environment of urban life. In the photo, Anja is demonstrating a unique and unusual billboard, with the appropriate clothes to the place due to the type of environment and vegetation, as well as represents, also, the adventure. It's a photo that encompasses three different concepts.


3. GARRETT'S GALA - Expensive/high fashion

Anja Rubik is wearing a long white dress, as if she were at a gala. The photo has an old tone, as if it were based on a period event, which is purposeful and complements the pose of Anja Rubik's outfit, telling a story from the photo. It is the purest way to be beautiful and in a high fashion and expensive way.


4. LEADER - Pokemon type leader

I chose to represent an "Earth Type Gym Leader" in my photo today. I like terrestrial pokemon because they show incredible endurance, as well as being strong against several other types of pokémon: fire, poison, stone, and steel, for example. In the photo, Anja Rubik is in a quiet pose, showing little concern for what's going on around her. This pose represents the tranquility of the earth class in battling with other types of pokemon. The environment in the photo looks fragile, but it's purposeful, mostly to fool new trainers who aren't as experienced with the types of pokemon and may think the terrestrial type is weak.

This photo also represents Anja Rubik's strength in this competition. Even with some problems, mainly related to opponents and some comments, she remains firm and confident with her potential in the game.


5. INSPIRE - Realistic or cartoony movie-style villain

My inspiration for today is the great female villains of the old movies and old novels, especially latin ones. In my photo, Anja Rubik is demonstrating a scene from old movies in which the villain is incredulous about a certain event and beginning to prepare her plans for revenge. The penetrating look, makeup and hair are details that help characterize Anja as a villain. The scenery and the animals ready to be devoured complement the "villainous" tone of the environment for the Anja Rubik.
260 days 1 hour ago
1) LIEFDE ❤️
Marseille, France at 7:32 pm. This is Alton a bit impatient realizing Pierre - his french affair - is already 2 minutes late for their date at Le Bistro Restaurant. Love, liefde, amour is an intense feeling as Alton is intense too. My outfit here is the way I wanna express myself when I'm loving or just down to flirting with someone. Every single detail is important to create a good look to impress them. At same time this is also about self love, when you dress yourself and feel comfortable, happy and beautiful that's the time you will love yourself and be ready to love someone else.

2.) GROVE 🏃🏾‍♂️
When you think about outdoor, hiking or adventure you gonna have ACTION. I've posed exploring different kind of movements during the competition so here it wouldn't be different. I feel that I am indeed the movement and it is exactly what I want to show to the Grove's staff. On this shoot I'm bringing a colorful scenario fitting with my sport's outfit, a memorable pose and the most important: the concept of the agency.

3.) GARRETT'S GALA 🤵🏾‍♂️
A glass of Château d'Yquem 1935 (€3,862.00) and I'm ready for my appointments of the day: meetings, signing contracts, interviews... In the end it's all about money. Alton is wearing a Double-Breasted Crepe Brown Suit Jacket (£2,117.71), Natural Ring Clean Quartz ($325,00) and the most expensive thing on this shoot: my influence. Agencies and brands pay me a lot to represent them or just promote their products. I feel honored to have this kind of power and I'm sure Garrett's Gala wouldn't regret to hire me and use all my influence in their favor.

4.) LEADER 🥏
Having leadership skills is so useful and here I'm gonna use all of mine to prove I can be the LEADER of LEADER. I'm portraying an Air Type Gym Leader. I just wanted to keep my signature here so I could work on my pose/outfit at same time submitting a shoot that's fits with the concept but also keeps focusing on the fashion topic since we're still in a competition of models. The movement of my outfit assure that I can fly like an AERODACTYL does on my own ludic pokemon atmosphere.

5.) INSPIRE 🦹🏾‍♂️
Alton Mason is portraying Judge Doom of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. "Judge Doom being one of the most dangerous and monstrous villains ever conceived for cinema, cartoon or otherwise, manages to encompass almost everything horrific about the film, from his almost emotionless murder of anyone who stands in his way, the sheer monstrous scale of his ultimate goals, the subtly off nature of his appearance and his true inhuman traits" (Tv.tropes). For this shoot I decide to portray Judge Room due our similar outfits. In the movie he's using pretty much the same as me including the hat so that's my strategy to look as much similar I can to a villain from movie-style and make it an interesting submit.
260 days ago
Jonathan Bellini | Challenge #11 - Go-Sees


In this photo, I am depicting a star-crossed lover who is longing for their significant other, whether it is due to heartbreak or because the Uber is taking too long, we don’t know. The outfit is giving fancy night on the town and the sorrowful look on my face just helps to capture this moment of romance.


By the look on my face, you can already tell I’m ready for the adventure that lies ahead of me. As I’m trudging through the California desert, the attire that I’m wearing is athletic and light so that I can stay comfortable while being active.


This photo just screams expensive. Although it is simple, I do believe real luxury lies in simplicity rather than flashiness. You can tell by my attitude and swagger that this suit cost a lot and the shades are just the cherry on top to that expensive look.


As I am portraying and Earth Type Gym Leader, I am making sure my presence is dominant and my look is fierce in this photo. The beautiful, earthy scenery in the background only serves to elevate just how much power I hold with my Pokémon. This photo illustrates that I’m ready to take on any battle that awaits me with courage and confidence.


The most disturbing of villains are the ones that have no motive, they don’t want to dominate the world or steal everyone’s money, they are just naturally demented and enjoy inflicting harm onto others. That is the kind of villain I am depicting in this photo. From the look on my face to even the positioning of my hands you can tell this villain is not only super evil but also mentally disturbed as well and that along with the black and white tone just gives the photo an eerie vibe to it.
259 days 20 hours ago


What better way to represent love and high fashion than in a red velvet suit? And to add to the Romance I’m hanging around in the cold winter not being bothered by it but being bothered by the empty space next to me and hoping that someone special will join me soon to  cuddle up and be warm together! Isn’t it romantic?


For this shot I am portraying myself in adventure wear while being in an adventure. My adventure started two months ago and I’ve been traveling in my bike surviving its rough roads, steep cliffs, humps and still surviving.
( Well I’m sure you know what I’m onto here). 

When I paused my journey to pose for this shot I also started making scenarios in my head to think of the best route to take from here which you can see through my pose. My clothes don’t look as fresh as when I started this journey but you can see that they are durable even though they are now filled with dirt and dust.


Instead of going for the standard expensive, high fashion suit look, I wanted to take a different route to show that other clothes and scenarios can also make you look expensive.
Well for surely I’m wearing all Gucci which is definitely a high fashion expensive brand. The main details highlights the expensiveness in my shot would be my long fur jacket and the beautiful scenery and these loving white horses adds elegance to the shot. But of course even every minor detail in the shot from my handbag to the long rather boots still showcases class, fashion and high price.


Flying type Pokémon gym leader

I decided to be a flying type Pokémon gym leader because I think their characteristics fits mine as I believe I am adventurous and outgoing.

In the shot you can see me almost controlling and directing the aircraft which I made to be my gym to fit my Pokémon class type. The ground area around my gym is made of transparent tiles where you could see the reflection of everything that’s above it which helps me track any invasions from the sky while I am not airborne. My gym was made, well thought to ensure the safety of me, my Pokémon and my people as nobody can enter my gym if you aren’t a flying type or unless you are invited. In my territory you will only see myself, the sky,my well thought creatively and tactfully put gym and the ground that reflects us.


Prince Zuko - The Last Airbender

I am portraying as Prince Zuko a banished prince from the fire nation, in  the movie The Last Airbender. He was the secondary antagonist in the movie who desperately wanted to capture Aang for the sake of redeeming himself and erase any memory of his banishment.

Zuko has a lot of good passion and energy that can be directed for great things, but he also has a lot of the dramatic and impatient elements of fire and usually an agitated, impatient angry person.

Zuko was also a legendary, feared fire bender which can be seen in both the movie and the anime, I also wanted to give my shot a little touch of the anime. Hence I used both characters to portray my shot today and I also used the descriptions mentioned about him to my best ability for this shot

Reference links are below.

259 days 19 hours ago
I deciced to dress up all in white to show the purity of the love I am feeling as I am comfortably sitting awaiting my date. My pensive facial expressions shows the kind of future I am picturing as both of us are about to embrace our love for each other. The setting is comfortable enough for us to have an amazing chit chat, surrounding by beautiful flowers to set the mood.

I am taking a hike out in the open dressing up in a denim jumpsuit. I have my rope attached to my outfit in case I need to tie something up. My pose shows I am comfortable with my surroundings as I am definitely feeling myself within this natural environment. I am indeed looking hella chic in this denim outfit, and you cant deny this outfit is made to take a long hike in it.

For this Gala, I am dressing up in a gorgeous floral gown with a rich fabric. I am also wearing expensive jewlry to elevate my look to the next level. You cant tell me I dont look expensive showcasing an elegant pose. I have never looke this beautiful, and you can't deny I look anything less than that.

4. LEADER - Psychic:
I am the leader of the psychic type pokemon! My surroundings look like absolute illusion, something you see in your worst nightmare. The eye that is floating on top of my head shows the ability of my pokemons to control the illusions with their eyes. Indeed, the eye controls everything you see, changing the environment to a scary eerie one. My pose is also extremely dramatic, as if I am control the weird setting with my own hands.

5. INSPIRE - Succubus
Succubus is a demon assuming female form to have sexual intercourse with men in their sleep. Inspired by that definition, I decided to take a more modern approach to it, with me secuding women instead of men. I lure women promising to have a good time with them, but I ended taking over their whole bodies, quite literally, as I aim to collect as many victims as possible. I am the hunter, and they are my prey. Unfortunately for the one pictured with me, I am strangling her as she taking her last breath. I truly look demonic and evil, and I hold no mercy for my poor victims.
259 days 18 hours ago
==Sora Choi==

Challenge #11 - Go-Sees


I decided to go the route of a nice dress, showing the colors of love while also having a sense of longing. Nothing much else to say I want the outfit to speak for itself!

2. GROVE -

I think when you think of hiking you think of lightweight with protective shoe coverings and  something to help keep you cool, I'm going for more casual hike then an expedition

3. Garrett's Gala -

I'm trying to look expensive in gold here! The outfit is fresh a beautiful!


My choice is an Ice Type Pokemon Gym Leader, my own story is a starlight in the making, someone who's great as making soap dramas and my own gym is inspired by my own soap drama with icey betrayals and cold hearted battles!


The villain I choose is Miles Quaritch from the Avatar movie franchise (the blue people like the elemental battle), General Quaritich is known in the movies for being fierce, aggressive, and overall someone who wishes to see a genocide of the Avatar species for the benefit of humans. I'm trying to show that intensity in my military garb but also showing no one should get in my way.
259 days 16 hours ago
259 days 14 hours ago
Jackson Yee - Leader

Hello everybody, it looks like i will be the first one to give my critiques and book some of you.

Firstly, I would like to say that I was hoping at least one of you would get the hidden tip I left for the week.

When the challenges are focused on the setting and the scenario you are in, I would recommend that you use a photo in landscape format, for those who are not familiar, it is a horizontal photo.

Making this clear, I would say that no one lived up to my expectations in this regard. I would say I wouldn't book any of you, but there were exceptions to those who managed to capture my attention even with a vertical photo.

Let's start the critiques!
259 days 13 hours ago
Um... I'm gonna have to say something because respectfully thats bullshit judging just based on a landscape or potrait photo some of us may not have quality landscape photos thats not okay to judge on
259 days 13 hours ago
Anja - I like you in the photo, I think you give off the air of a serene and calm leader who knows what he's doing in a pokemon battle, unfortunately, your setting, which should be as prominent as you, almost doesn't appear and makes me curious, Is it a circus tent? Is it a hippie tent? Are those stone walls back there? It was very open-ended as to what your scenario is like. I would like to see more...

Alton - I'll be honest, it's a simple photo, but it's my favorite photo of you from the entire competition. It's so light, the clothes convey charisma and I can see exactly one Pokemon character behind the photo. The setting is also simple, just a field, there is nothing that takes my attention and makes me question, but it is possible to see that it is simply an open space and that helps to have a vision of what it might be like.

Jonathan - You and Anja followed the same path for both the type of gym and the style of the photo. The same problems that I see in hers of leaving the scenario implied I see in yours.
Is your gym just the land behind you or is it the structure you are standing on? It's unclear. But I have to confess that I loved your look and you gave authority, I see you as a serious and more aggressive leader in battles, but friendly off the battlefield. I would like to see more...

Kai - I'm a little disappointed. This is clearly one of my top 3 favorite photos of the season. If it were in a photoshoot, it would clearly receive my 10, but for the challenge you didn't deliver the scenery part. You used your imagination, which is super cool, but you didn't do the main thing, which was to deliver a scenario to represent your battlefield. It would be incredible if it was a photo inside the plane.

Guinevere - Here we have an example of art! Guinevere, I am flattered by your participation in my brand.
Your photo, like all the others, has the main flaw of not showing much of the scenery, but luckily for you, the elements that make it up help to show the chaotic scenery that is your gym. Her character here exudes charisma, I can see her as the gym leader medium who always ends up scaring her opponents but who deep down is really cool.

Sora - I don't know what to think or feel about your photo, to be honest. For me you didn't care about the theme, it was a very basic route and without elements that could attract you to your photo, presenting a white background with some flakes didn't give you any notoriety, I would say that your photo is the weakest of those presented today , unfortunately, as I tend to really like his work in general. I would like to see more...

So my bookings for this theme are:

1. Guinevere
2. Alton
259 days 12 hours ago
Um... I'm gonna have to say something because respectfully thats bullshit judging just based on a landscape or potrait photo some of us may not have quality landscape photos thats not okay to judge on

I haven't asked anything complex. Every model have horizontal photos, i just say what i was expecting and no one did. I'm not being evil or anything like that. I judged everyone equally.
259 days 12 hours ago
Respectively saying "Sora I dont think cared about this challenge" You literally just said to portray a pokemon gym leader in their own gym and as someone who is ALSO a fan of the games, I think my photo would be a perfect representative of that given there has LITERALLY BEEN Pokemon gym leaders that look like mine in a similar setting

If you wanted a landscape photo with extravagant scenery you should have said that instead of trying to play coy and subtle hint as what you want to a point where no one will ever pick up espcially in a challenge like this when we have to worry about 5 photos that each match a unique prompt and one person judging for each of the prompts

I understand you judge everyone equally but being THAT FUCKING PICKY you either need to CLEARLY state what you were looking for in the challenge itself OR not judge based on things we don't know about

Like I seriously thought we gone over this with Luckygate, and while this situation isnt as bad as that one, that is not cool to go "well I wouldn't book any of you" and already start this whole thing in a negative tone thats not cool

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