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Muso do game

Topic » Muso do game

1484 days 6 hours ago
1382 days 15 hours ago
Confessionals - day 1

I had several feelings going on in the first day. I talked to pretty much everyone in the first game and most of the players were nice to me, but others weren't. I can't understand why it happens right now but I'll find it out soon or later. For the moment I'm not sure if I can trust on people but I'm trying to talk with them no matter what. The big reward of the day is Nate, although I'm not sure he will be loyal to me as he seems to be very popular. I may have David coming for me soon and I'll have to solve this problem asap. On my tribe I'm most afraid of Sea for the moment because she basically ignored me, but it seems to be the same with more people. I think I couldn't help my tribe as I'd like to do in the tribal competition and if we keep losing I might become a target, but for the first day I'm confident I'll stay in the game.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Today was a good day. When I asked everyone who was the vote, not a single person told me how to vote and the ones who were thinking about options told me to vote Logan. For me it was better to evict Fiona. I don't have contact with any of them, but I guess Fiona has more connections in the game and she has connections with people that don't like me that much. Because of that, I told people to vote for Fiona and I tried to avoid being seen as the leader of this decision. Even so, 1 person lied to me in the first day, which seems a strange move! ABLaksh was a target last day and I could also talk to him and try to improve our connections.
Besides the last vote, I think I'm safe for at least the two next rounds. I'm also trying to connect with people on the other side, mostly with the ones I have had some problems as David. I already talked to him in order to get his trust on me. With Fiona out of the game, I've already talked with everyone in my side and with half the people on the other side.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Today was the harder day so far. I guess we will see 7-2 vote today with 1 person divided. I will see a person that I like leaving the game. I'm sure of that. I wanted to target sea because she didn't show any interest in talking to me, but Alvaro suggested Jonah and he didn't seem to open it for discussion, so I just followed the vote now. Jonah, for his turn, approached me to vote Nate and I tried to make him see that Nate is not a good target in the moment and he should target people who could get more votes, but I didn't succeed in my explanation. If Jonah would accept changing his vote to other person, I think he could get the numbers. Jonah and Juan are together and with Jonah leaving I hope Juan can trust me more in this game. I already know the 3 advantages were taken and one idol as well. I don't know about the idol of my tribe so far but I'm keep searching it. Finally, I hope my tribe can win next day and if we swap, I hope I can get a good swap, which means people that I like (majority) and dislike (minority) in the same tribe :) That's all for today. Bye Erik.
1382 days 15 hours ago
Fwd: CONFESSIONALS - day # 4

This day was a bit strange for me because people didn't talk much to me and I suspected somethings but I guess the vote was very easy for everyone this round. I think Sea is leaving on a 7-2 or 8-1 vote against her. I'm not sure if Jonah is going to vote her or not. People are starting to target Scott and for my game this is not really good right now. I'm afraid of Scott being a great player in the future but I think he will have my back in the next rounds so I have to protect him. I talked with everyone except 3 people from the other tribe, which are the inactive (Alf), the hated one (DD) and KC. Many of them already proposed me a f2 and that's pretty much funny. My game now is to approach everyone so I think NOBODY will say my name for the next evictions. The vote on sea was my intention in this DC and just when we lost I already let it clear to Laura and Alvaro that this was the easy vote for the group. For me I guess it was the smartest vote now because Sea didn't approach me in the game and when I did, she/he just ignored me. Chris (from Tidore) also pushed me to say what was the vote this day in our tribe and I told him it was Sea because I need to get his trust for the moment. 10 minutes after it, Sea tried to talk to me because she told she knew she was a target. How convinient! If we don't get swapped and if we lose again I'm not sure how I'll vote. It would be smart to vote Scott out, but I think it would put me in a bad position in my tribe and I still think he has my back for the start of the game. I'm also afraid of Alvaro for the moment because besides me he is the only one with connections with everyone in our tribe (except for Scott maybe). I don't intend to play neither the advantage nor the idol for the next days.

ops, changed 'anybody' for 'nobody' 馃槄
1382 days 15 hours ago

First of all, I didn't like the swap. It didn't help me. My allies from the old tidore left the tribe, so I'll have to make new allies. I just need to make it to merge and I don't think I need to betray anyone that hard because some of the people I don't know very well in this tribe will be easy targets in the final tribe I guess. One of them is Keith and I think he got very lucky because I know 5 people in BIAK want him out. That's why I'll try to work with him and we have some good memories from the past. I think the people from my old BIAK tribe that swapped with me will be loyal in this new tribe and they are probably in a worst position than me. Zach P is a new thing to me, because he doesn't entirely trust me but I'm also helped him in our last game, so I'll try to figure how I'll approach him, but I'll try to play in the same way I did in our last game where I got 0 votes for all the game when I was in the middle of the two main groups. The question is: will be there two groups in my tribe? KC seems very nice! I already like him. I'm saving Zach R on stars again so I hope he can help me back?! I don't know very well Alf and I just started talking to him today but I think he will be probably our first target because I guess we have majority on him. As the older Tidore tribe didn't vote, I don't think they are as united as my old tribe was and that being said I don't think the 6-4 swap will be that problematic. That's all today.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Today was a good day! Finally I'm on the winning tribe and I can be safe from the tribal. But that you already know. I started talking to Keith and I think we have a good connection now and I'll be able to communicate well with him in the game. Nate and James already see me in their f3 I guess. Chandler seems my f2. So somehow I'll have to protect them and I don't think they will vote me that soon in the game. I already talked to everyone in the game and I think the person I talked the least is going home in the other tribe (Brian). I don't think James is going to use his idol in Brian and he can't play his advantage right now. I want Laura to stay and I already tried to make it clear to Chand, which may be the swing vote in this round. Nate is such a good group player and I'm happy to be in his team again. KC is very nice and I want him to work with me, so I'll work hard to convince him to be my ally on my side. If I get him, I think I'll be able to manage most of the votes on my tribe. I'll also try to keep in touch with Ashley and Laura because if they succeed in their vote now I think they will merge to the final tribe. Brian and Arek are the two who showed less efforts in talking to me so I want them to be the first two evicted and if Brian leaves now, I think Arek is going to be the next target. In my tribe, Alf and Matt T are the two I want gone first because I don't think they are willing to help my game. I still don't know where Zach P. stands on the game right now. I'm not sure now if I should suggest any vote in our first tribal or if I should listen to others first and go with some of them. I think it will depend on their suggestions.
1382 days 15 hours ago
CONFESSIONALS - day # 6 (part 2)

(Good day + good day) / Bad day
That's the main result of today's game. I'm happy my tribe got that win again. I feel safe on my side and I don't think people would flip on me, so it's fine. I'm also happy with the outcome of which side won the votes in Biak's tribe, but I didn't like Chris leaving the game because he was a good ally I guess. The strange thing is that he told me after he left the game, that I was the potential winner of the game and that's not good. I can't be seen as the winner of the game and I'm not sure if others see me that day but I need to throw away this image. I guess if we have a vote in our tribe next day, Alvaro will be Keith's target and I don't know who is going to be my target yet, but most probably it would be Alf. I think I have a majority of 6 votes on him excluding Zach P. and the f3 (Zach R, Keith and Alf). They can just have one advantage and I hope it's not a good one. Some people want to vote Keith in my tribe but once again I don't think it's the best idea. I can use Keith in the next rounds in order to protect me and Nate. I also changed my mind on Matt T. and now I think he is maybe smarter than I thought. I took a time to talk to KC and we echanged our views of the game and I'm really rellying on him right now. I don't know if my tribe should win tomorrow's comp. We are still discussing it and if we are safe enough to lose the next comp.
1382 days 15 hours ago

It's time to lose. We already agree that's time for tidore to lose its first challenge. The group they call 'the spanish' is getting stronger by some people's view and I'm going to play with this in mind. I guess Brian is going home in Biak's now. I don't think James is at risk right now but he will be in the next day if they lose again. I need to protect James because he is a strong ally and he can also be a shield to my game. In my tribe we need to vote Alf out now most probably in a 6-4 vote (I think against Alvaro), so I expect the others don't have an advantage to use against us. Alvaro and Nate want to do Keith but I can still use Keith as a shield to my game as well and KC agrees with me on that, so we are suggesting Alf and we will play the 'inactive' thing on it.
After it people will vote Alvaro out in a 5-4 vote, in which I'll be with Alvaro's team. Although I like Alvaro, he needs to go. In the 16 final I expect a swap again. If we have one, things will change but I guess I'll be confortable in any tribe. I expect to vote with Alvaro's team in the round he gets evicted because I still need the infos of their side and I can't be one-side blinded. After Alvaro leaving, I need to assure ABLaksh sees me as his closest ally and I'm working on it. I'm also working hard with the duo KC/Matty. I'm playing the underdog scenario with KC and I expect he doesn't see me as a target, because he already understood all the gameplay going on in both tribes and he is an crucial ally to my game.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Crazy day and it moved people in their groups and it also showed some alliances. I hope Zach and Scott's fight is for real and that the Biak evicts Brian. That must be done. James needs to be safe now and I still want Scott in the game for the fun! We will have to rediscuss my tribe's game because if we have a swap in the final 16, we will just evict one person, but I still think Alf is the right one to evict. Keith zaved Zach R. over me in his game and that's not a surprise at all, but it gives me one extra power for the vote on Keith if I have to do it. But as I told you before I think it's better if keith remains in the game and now I think the same about Zach P. and Scott. I HATE SO MUCH that I had to play frookies and I lost 20T$ of my shop! BUT I think this frookies competition may help me in this game because people will forget me for some days I guess and they will fight to each other and that's good. Zach P. told me he wants to vote Alf without I'm asking it so I think we are fine with the vote on Alf. I also hope James keeps his idol and he doesn't use it now, but we will see what will happen. Everyone now knows about James' idol so it's a risk but it may also be a shield to him. I don't think anybody besides Nate and James know about my idol. I'm also anxious about a new idol popping in the game. I got a little bit mad at David because he accused me of using multis in front of everyone. Is that a move or just a hate moment? My allies (5 people) know I didn't use them, so it's fine but it can't be a thing in the game or people may target me as well. I'm also afraid of Matt. He is too much impulsive and I don't know what to do with him. It's hard to talk serious stuff with him. ABLaksh doesn't appear in the game and I think it may be a good thing for him depending on the next swap but I also think if someone hears his name as the vote, everyone can follow it, without exceptions. So, my ideal evictions now are Brian (18th) and Alf (17h). If we don't have a swap, I'd like to see Alvaro (16th) leaving next. That's it today.
1382 days 15 hours ago

What a mess, omg! I'm kinda sad today because both names I suggested were ignored in both sides. I will have to go with the majority which means voting Zach R. out. It seems I can trust just two people right now, so I'll try to protect them no matter what.
It will be probably a 10-7 or 11-6 vote, so we will see if we have a surprise or not in this round.
1382 days 15 hours ago

I feel safe today, but I never know what's the real game going on. Scott leaving the game wasn't the best idea. I don't talk with Juan there are some days and I don't feel interested on it right now. I'm trying to talk with everyone in my tribe to check what they are going to do or what are their plans. I don't think there is much to discuss on this vote but I'm going to hear what everyone have to say. I trust 2 people of my tribe very much and I hope I can stick with them until the end of the game. Some players are very much inactive and others don't want to talk about the game, which is fun because it seems like the first season of survivor I'm watching right now. James is in a bad spot in biak tribe now but he still have the idol and I don't think people are willing to vote him because of it. So, sometimes I don't know if I should let people know about my idol as well to make them afraid of making moves against me. I also think it is too late for that because If I tell people or if they find it out, they may unstrust me in the next days. The good part of the game is we still have 2 idols and 2 advantages and we are reaching final 14 and I won't play any of them now for sure. People told me to stay strong with biak but the same people evicted an original biak in their tribe. Fun, right? There are just 7 original biak players left and probably they would think someone has the idol and with the time we will be in a smaller group and they may start to suspect about the idol in biak's tribe much more.
1382 days 15 hours ago

We had the first blindside of the game I can say. To me it wasn't a great thing because I was already expecting it, but I was also expecting that KC would tell me it and he didn't. So, that was the big surprise of the day to me. I can't trust KC. I already told him that he disappointed me. Let's see what he will do next because I'll try his loyalty to me next day. Alvaro is gone and that will change the dynamics of this game. KC told me Zach was the leader of the last vote. I need to ensure that ABLaksj is voting with me on Alf next day so we will have majority on this vote. I also need to start thinking about the jury.  Who I want in the jury afterall? How big will the jury be? 7 people or 9? My new tribe is good to me but I think it will be hard to think about the evictions depending on how late the merge will be. That's all today.
1382 days 15 hours ago
CONFESSIONALS - day # 11 - part 2

Interesting day. I'm a bit tired of the game already and that's not good. I don't feel the same thing about playing it as in the start of the game. Today I also lost immunity comp when I was counting with it somehow. I'm glad Laura got it. Ashley tried to take me out of the immunity game twice so I can't trust that he is going to help me. It's not like I trust most of people here but with some moves I find it clear in which people I can't trust at all. I still think I'm in a good spot in this game and for the next 3 rounds I'll try to evict the 3 people that I talked with the least. Alf and Juan included. From Keith's group, Keith and Alf are the only ones that didn't approach me to talk about the vote. In the other side, Juan was the only one. I don't feel I'll get votes in this tribal council or in the next ones, but the game can change fast. Tomorrow will be a day in which I'll try to build bridges.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Finally I could get my vote through. We reached the middle of the game and now I need to think ahead. A merge would be nice, but in the same I'd prefer not to merge now. I still have some actions to do before merge and some people that I don't trust need to go home. Matty is one of them. He didn't tell me what was happening in their last voting days. In the other tribe I guess we will see now a 2-4, 3-3 or 2-4 vote since we have two duos there. I'm glad we still have our idols and the advantages. We will need them in the future. In the next days I'll try to evict the people that may target me soon and that's 4 people in total. In the final 5 I need to have my social game very well planned or I'm going home because I don't think I can get the immunities. If I get in the final 10 without receveing any votes I'll be already happy about my game.
1382 days 15 hours ago

Good day. I wasn't expecting a double eviction in this part of the game, but I think we will have merge on final 9. The vote in my tribe is pretty much definied (matty) but I'm curious about the vote on biak's tribe. I'm glad nate got immunity because everyone there is in danger. Any of them can be easily voted out. We will have two sides in this game after merge and that's good for my game. Will we have a new idol? I'm curious and that could change the game in this point.

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