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Survivor Kadavu | Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Kadavu |..

626 days 14 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:2

I wake up around noon after dealing with a 2nd challenge loss last night, and i find out that 2 sides are apparently forming. There is Ikah/James/Ali on one side, and Chase/Zach/Nick on the other side. While me and Charl are in the middle. For me, i feel like it's better to side with Ikah/James/Ali at this point. The other side has too many connections in this game and it needs to be decreased.

Right now, the vote seems to be between Chase and Nick while the other side apparently is voting Ali, though plans can be changed at any time. And there a plenty of worries right now with this tribal

- Who has extra votes
- Who's votes are public
- Did anyone find an idol and could it be played today?

I had to deal with constant idol plays in Norway and it kept screwing up any plans i could have had in that game. The last thing i want to deal with is any opposing sides playing idols over and over again for the 2nd season in a row.

There is not much time left, so hopefully there is a clear plan for the vote soon and i will make it out of tribal alive.
626 days 14 hours ago
626 days 14 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:3

Conf: I’m about to throw this next challenge omg I can’t with how slow this game has been because we keep winning. Ugh it’s so boring
626 days 14 hours ago
Brady (CoachWade) Confessional EP:3

Conf: Literally this tribe is dryer than the Sahara Desert and my love life combined. I guess it’s because we’re winning so much but I actually don’t like this. I came to play Survivor, I’d rather lose and go to tribal councils. The games I’ve been most successful in have usually resulted in me going to tribal council’s early because you are establishing that trust with people. I have an alliance with Dar and Keith. I’d like to think I can trust them but we’re so much further behind on establishing trust than the other tribe at this point. I have talked to some people on the other tribe briefly like Ikah, Ali and Charl. Charl is the one tho that I’d say has actually come to me about wanting to talk game. She wants to start a cross tribal alliance and I’m all for that tbh, I mean I’d be more shocked if there wasn’t a swap than there to actually be a swap at this point. Charl mentioned liking Ali on his tribe. This is great because I’m friends with Ali I’d say outside of this game. She asked who I’ve been vibing with and I threw out Sag’s name. I wanted to throw out Sag’s name because I like Sag and I don’t want to throw Dar or Keith’s name out there because they’re my group alliance right now in this tribe and I’d rather not have that be exposed. I think it’s great that I’m talking to people even slightly on the other tribe because it just gives me more options for when a tribe swap does come our way. Charl thought they’d be totally picked off with their tribe losing but I see an advantage to working with people on her tribe. I’m not against tribal lines at all, if it helps my game then I’m okay with it. I’ll backstab my OG tribe I don’t give a fuck because it’s not like we’ve been to a tribal yet lmfao. But yeah I hope you enjoy that. It’ll probs be my episode Conf because god damn I’m grasping at straws to write anymore like I think I’ve written as much as I possibly can as the bare minimum has happened.
626 days 14 hours ago
Charl (THEChanelOberlin) Confessional EP:3

conf tokio told me last round that zach mentioned wanting to take me out, but knew he didnt hace numbers for it. i’m gonna try and ensure he leaves this round, that’s dangerous heading into the merge where he potentially could have numbers against me…. off the back of our third loss im also working more on my connections w the other tribe - tokio knows ppl so im gonna stick close to him. i also mentioned to brady forming a cross tribe thing, could be mutually beneficial so i cant see why he wouldnt want it, it would be me, tokio, brady and sag (although i havent spoken to sag at all so i probs should)
626 days 14 hours ago
Ali (tokio) Confessional EP:3

Conf: Hello, we lost again! And this tribe sucks, people don't care about challenges so we'll keep losing if there isn't a swap soon. Commenting on yesterday, I knew right away that the chase was throwing my name away, and my "allies" didn't want to eliminate him, wanting to aim at nick, I just worked a little and changed the target to the chase. I think I'm safe now, probably zach or nick are leaving today, I like them both a lot, but unfortunately you can't betray people that early in the game, it's too dangerous! I really wanted Zach to stay because I like him so much, but I don't have much to do. I'm very close to charl and he's a nice person, ikah and james are great too, charl and I named our alliance the f2 black widows hahaha LMAO That's all for now, let's wait for the scenes of the next chapters, and that today the eliminated one doesn't vote for me again LMAO
626 days 14 hours ago
Ikah (ZforZombie) Confessional EP:3

1.        It's fucking hilarious how yesterday
2.        [11:42 AM]
I realized I've created like every narrative on this tribe
3.        [11:42 AM]
People would come to me with information from someone else
4.        [11:43 AM]
And it would just be information I told them
5.        [11:43 AM]
I pushed for tribe Unity yesterday and it worked. "Oh guys it's an odd tribal we can't risk tribe swap"
6.        [11:43 AM]
I think with this vote I'm obviously going to be hog tied
7.        [11:43 AM]
Because I like everyone on this tribe
8.        [11:44 AM]
I just have more history with Nick and Washed than I do Chanel Jordan and Tokio
9.        [11:44 AM]
Chanel and I tho we've been telling eachother a lot of shit so I don't see why I'd go back on that just yet
10.        [11:44 AM]
And I think this group of five is much stronger than if I were to split the tribe to go with Nick and Washed
11.        [11:45 AM]
Nick I think makes sense as the vote if I were to go with the five because he's pretty Inact even for my standards
12.        [11:46 AM]
Lmao I haven't helped with a single challenge thus far
13.        [11:51 AM]
The way that I'm going to try to play this vote I think is this
14.        [11:51 AM]
Nick is the vote because he's Inact asl
15.        [11:51 AM]
I make washed believe that we will be in minority if we don't vote Nick
16.        [11:51 AM]
The tribe will not budge on doing Nick
17.        [11:52 AM]
That way Washed just goes ahead and does Nick with me and we still have a United tribe
18.        [11:52 AM]
From the looks
626 days 14 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:3

So last tribal, things were quiet for a good chunk of the game and then with 1-2 hours left, the vote slowly started to lean towards chase and a alliance of 5 with me, Charl, Ikah, Ali, and James was officially made. and with Nick and Zach also voting Chase, the alliance isnt known yet, it'll be interesting to see how long we can keep that going. It did suck to have to choose between Ikah and Chase very early in the game, but eventually sides had to be made at some point. it just happened sooner then i was hoping for. C'est la vie

And today, we get another tragic loss at the immunity challenge. only me and zach got a point, and not many showed up once again. And at this point, im getting pissed off at it, as we keep on losing and the more times we lose, i feel like there is a better chance for me to be voted off. But losing 3 times in a row is a tough thing to go through, especially when its the first 3 challenges of the season. ugh.

Right now, no one is saying a name, i dont expect one till later on, Wednesday late morning/early afternoon at this point. But i could see it being between Nick and Zach right now. I know that they were on some peoples radar last round, so it could happen again here due to them being potential threats later on as they have shown in the past on this site.

Right now, the best thing i can do is to not look like a leader right now while still being active in alliance chats and other chats. It's a difficult balance to scale but im hoping that i can pull it off here.

Time to sleep.
626 days 14 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:3

Well its the calm before the storm. Honestly I was disappointed half the tribe didn't show up to immunity when I did , although we still won. Right now I'm struggling to find the multi time winner for that item that you wrote backwards about. I want to find it so much since it could be a game changer.  Right now swap is looming soon so I better be ready to fight for my life since its what is standing between me and finally getting back to merge.
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:3
So, right now it looks like Nick could be the one getting voted out. We agreed on him being too inactive in challenges, and we are tired of losing all the time. the alliance is cool with it, zach says that he is cool with voting nick, it should be simple.

But then Nick arrives and says that he has heard Charl's name come up and could be voting in that direction. Who could he have gotten it from? well, the big suspect is zach because last round, he went to a few people, including me, about how he wants Charl to go but there wasnt enough people supporting that idea then. and likely there still isnt enough support for it now.

Charl is freaking out right now, and wants a split vote that we were discussing at one point earlier and have Zach as the one with 3 votes, with Nick at 2 votes and since it's clear that Nick and Zach didn't take the extra vote urn, it was be easy to do a split incase of an idol play. and apparently zach is known to finding idols, so it doesnt help his case.

And right now, it's question on who will get more of the votes with time running out quickly. we shall see.
626 days 14 hours ago
**NICK GETS 16th**
626 days 14 hours ago
Keith (keefe) Confessional EP:4

I guess I owe you a lil update

obviously things on my tribe were going well but I kinda regret winning for my tribe in that one challenge. I finally am in a game where not many people have reasons to target me and here I go giving them some. MESS!!! BUT I just really dont like premerge tribals I want to save my energy for the ones that matter.

Washed, Deena and Sag on my tribe is worrisome as they're all people I was kinda hoping to target. Thankfully Robert unintentionally helping pull Deena in closer. We just gotta keep winning. If we do lose I'll vote with Robert and Deena however they want! literally just get me to the merge

on Tavuki I feel good with Dar, Ali, Harry and Logan - so if they ever lose I'm gonna try to influence the vote onto Jordan. i dont know the guy at all so he'll defs be a target if he survives

on Naceva I only feel comfortable with Brady and Charl. I know Ikah and James a little so Bren going would be amazing. I mentioned it to Brady and he said thats what hes hoping for too. SO maybe this lil swap isnt so bad after all! i guess we'll find out (:

goodnight big ben
626 days 14 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:4

So I made the swap, which I'm floored  as last time I didn't make the swap. Honestly I'm surprised that Nick went since I thought he would last longer then that. So with this swap, my original tribe has the numbers 3 to 2. It does suck though Ali and Jordan are on my tribe since I like them outside the game. However, I know by far Jordan is the more dangerous of the two since he's the current runner up with the biggest target on his back, now where have I seen people with big targets before. It's time to reap what I've sewn and hopefully we kill it all the way to merge.
626 days 14 hours ago
Jordan (jman96) Confessional EP:4

Alot to discuss here..

So, Since my last confessional, charl was set on wanting 3 votes on zach because he mentioned wanting charl out at one point. Charl felt like no one was listening to her because the rest of us wanted to vote Nick for being too inactive, so at the last minute, i decided to go along with Charl and voted zach, because i need her to think that i listen to her and im with her 100 percent. I need as many people as possible wanting me around long term, so that i have a chance at winning this season.

and before you know it.....a tribe swap happened. and it happened one round earlier then i thought it would. and in my tribe, its 2 OG Tuvaki, me and Ali, along with 3 OG Naceva members, so the numbers at not good odds. Meaning, that i got to find ways to gaurentee that if we lose, i wont become a target and with the immunity win, it gives me time to find a way in. And apparently, Ali might have gotten Dar to join me and Ali if we were to lose todays challenge, so theres a option there. But i still want to see where i stand with Harry and Logan. Last time I was in games with them, I ended up voting Logan out and Harry ended up voting me out. So it's a bit of a awkward scene, but I cant bring in many reminders of those times. Go for clean slate because i dont want them going after me now.

Meanwhile NuNaceva is at tribal now and Charl/Ikah/James have the numbers there and hopefully they stay together and vote out Brady or Bren at tribal. Of course, the other concern is that potential idol plays, they did have at least 3 clues at this point for and if they have it and use it correctly, then a ally will be gone, which is not ideal for me at this point in the game.
626 days 14 hours ago
Ikah (ZforZombie) Confessional EP:4

1.        What a bunch of morons the last tribal tho
2.        [1:52 PM]
If they just would've listened to me their games would've been better off lol
3.        [1:52 PM]

4.        [1:52 PM]
Lmao I knew it would be hard for him to not smell the bullshit
1.        But it's not like I was saying I had no idea who split
2.        [2:04 PM]
I knew but I'm also pissed that they split. It wasn't an acting performance 
3.        [2:05 PM]
Anyway for this tribal I'm very nervous that Cody is going to do some stupid and save Bren and do Chanel. He knows that if that happens I'm probably not going to be able to do anything about it next tribal.
4.        [2:06 PM]
But hopefully Bren leaves tonight. I also hate how Brady has already confirmed to me that he does not trust me. This dude makes things hard. If he put his complete trust in me and stopped playing for FTC at F14 then we could easily handle this cast
5.        [2:07 PM]
My #1 for rn is James #2 is Chanel #3 Jordan #4 Tokio
6.        [2:08 PM]
Brady is in my ftc tho if he gives me commitment
626 days 14 hours ago
Ali (tokio) Confessional EP:4

Hi Ben, how are you? So on yesterday's advice me and zach are a bit close and i didn't want to eliminate him even though charl and ikah tried to push him yesterday however i got 4 votes against nick and kept zach safe hope this helps me more forward. And now about the swap, I was already predicting that it was coming, and even though it's just me and jordan from the tavuki tribe, I think I'll be safe, because I really like to give, and logan is someone I've met before, so I think that I'm in a good position. That's all for now.

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