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Survivor Kadavu | Jury Questioning

Topic » Survivor Kadavu | Jury..

640 days 5 hours ago
So my final answer would to your question Ali would be Jordan.
640 days 5 hours ago

And I need your help deciding this so here's the thing, the only person I actually voted for and played name was james, brady and ikah I just attacked your allies, my game was too aggressive and you might think I would go after you guys soon but you'll never know if i really would or not because i was eliminated before then xD

I will address this and I want to say your points are totally valid but unfortunately your game motives weren’t aligning with mine so my personal reasoning for voting you out was because I had to separate you from Charl. Knowing Charl had the extra vote, I knew I’d need that for F6 so voting you out there was strategical for  my game because I knew with the way the numbers were, Charl wouldn’t turn on me and Keith at the next tribal and so your vote out set the stage for me to get my next target out in Jordan.

I guess we can never tell if you would’ve gone after me but I couldn’t risk you going to the endgame. I think if you and Charl would’ve both survived F7 that night, I may not have been here right now and that’s why when I heard Keith’s name that round I gave him the idol just as a security blanket even though I know I wasted it technically.
640 days 5 hours ago
brady - you clearly played super well, and i do respect your game, i just want some clarity on a few things.

i do feel that this wasn't a normal pagonging where there weren't opportunities to level the playing field, there were plenty of opportunities to prevent our group on our og tribe from having the majority, but the 5 of us pulled the wool over the eyes of the rest of the cast for long enough to get ourselves into the majority, which are props i ofc partly give to ikah and james.

Hi Charl, I wanted to address your statement first before I get into your questions and yes I agree that this season wasn’t a pagonging especially with how crazy the dynamics were at the end. If there was a weakness in my game, you pointed it out. My weakest rounds in this game were from F11 to F8 and that showed as some of my ally’s went home. I am quick to acknowledge that my game wasn’t perfect but I think I did more stuff in that timeframe than you realize that I hope to address with your question.


2) brady: why with both of your idols did you not play them yourself instead of giving them to keith? idk it just gives me pu$$y vibes. ok also, had tokio and i not flipped to take out zach bc we were bored and anti-pagonging, what was your gameplan? how did u intend to dismantle the core group of me/tokio/ikah/jordan/james?

The reason why I played both of my idols for Keith was for strategic purposes and because I was immune all the endgame rounds that I had my idols. F7 I took a huge risk and I played an idol for Keith even though I realized had I not played it there I would’ve for sure guaranteed myself F4. Some may look at that as a weakness but I look at us as a strength. Had Ali stayed in the game and Keith left at F7, I would’ve been in a tough spot and I don’t think I would’ve gotten as much respect from the jury so at F7 when I heard Keith’s name going around last minute, I played it to ensure that Ali was going home and that I would be controlling my own fate. Yes, Keith got no votes and the idol was wasted. I totally understand that but me giving him the idol also proved to him my loyalty to him in the endgame. You can say a lot of words in Survivor but it is your actions that go a long way and I thought how can you show more loyalty to someone than giving them a hidden immunity idol.

Also, I understand that the jury may perceive it as a pussy move but I perceive it as the smart move. Winning Survivor isn’t about these flashy plays. Yes I probably would’ve had bigger moments had I openly played both idols for Keith but I was trying to maintain my threat level and playing two idols openly for an ally isn’t maintaining your threat level and I obviously didn’t anticipate me going on a four round immunity run at the end.

Like I previously said, you guys did have your group and I totally understand that but my plan to break your group was to just survive long enough. Usually in Survivor, big groups like that won’t last as someone usually views themselves at the bottom so I was pretty confident that your group wasn’t going to last especially with the dynamics of this game so when I wasn’t in control of the game, I just did everything I could to ensure that I wasn’t the one collecting  votes that night.

So yeah my plan to dismantle your group was to keep up strong social relationships with you guys. Charl even tho we didn’t vote together all the time, we had a great relationship. We talked when we weren’t even on the same tribes so if I didn’t have a good relationship and talks with you and Ali, I could’ve went home earlier but I kept up social ties to you guys so when you wanted to make a move, you felt confident that you had me locked in because you’re not going to make a move with someone unless you feel like you got support and I was always providing support to you for that reason.

Let’s say your group in a hypothetical situation does stay strong, then my path in this game would’ve been a lot different. I would’ve had to use my idols probably earlier on and my plan would’ve been to try and get in good with enough of your members to the point where you’d give me information to play an idol correctly and then I’d fall back on my immunity wins that I clutched out at the end. However, I still think because of my hard work that I would’ve still been here had you guys stuck together because of my idols, immunity wins and safety without power advantage but it would’ve been a lot harder of a path for me and it might’ve not given me as much respect in this FTC.
640 days 4 hours ago
3) all of u: compare all the jury to cbs survivor players<3


Robert: Jessica Johnson (S35): Like Jessica, I unfortunately think Robert’s chances of going far in the game were imploded because he went to no tribals pre-merge. Jessica had a lot of potential, she seemed to want to be loyal to her initial group which was the Healers and she proved they by giving Devon the block a vote advantage to help them. Robert also did something similar but he gave up his vote in the tribal urns challenge to help the tribe in the Tribal Urns challenge. Unfortunately, they both just didn’t have enough solid connections to have them survive the first merge vote.

Deena: Kara Kay (S37): The first one to come to mind is Kara Kay from DvG. When Kara played, she was able to do well in the game because she was so likable and she had an incredible social game. To me, that was Deena’s best asset in the game. Deena was just incredibly easy and pleasant to talk to. We had great personal conversations almost as if she was like a friend to me and Kara did that in DvG to where she wasn’t the most flashy player but she connected with people very easily. The major difference is Kara got a lot further than Deena but I believe had Deena survived the Jordan vote that she would’ve gone far in this game.

Dar: Michele Schubert (S33): In the beginning the game in MvGx, Michele was proving to be a well rounded player. She was able to socially integrate herself well into her tribe to where she was able to get Mari out first tribal. From there, she was a target on her swapped tribe but managed to pull enough people in her corner to survive. When she got to merge though, she was looked at as a social threat who people didn’t want maneuvering through the game. I feel like that all applies to Dar. From my understanding had we went to tribal, Dar would’ve been insulated well into the tribe as he was a big social player and one that I found easy to get along with. Soon he was looked at as a threat by Harry and had his name mentioned a bit but was able to survive. At the merge, once Deena left and the core group was in power, they set their sights on Dar as a social threat and from what I’ve heard tonight it had part to do with weakening Ali. Neither player was able to get leverage at merge despite being looked at highly in the beginning.

Ravioli: Andrea Boelhke (S22): In Redemption Island, Andrea was fortunate enough to find herself on the dominant alliance of her tribe, but seemed to be on the outskirts as shown by the Matt elimination. I feel that the same situation applied to Ravioli where he was in the power structure of his tribe at the beginning but at the last original tribal council, he caught votes as he was the backup plan in case of an idol. Even though that was the case, Andrea remained loyal to her alliance like Ravioli. However, they were unfortunately the first to be taken out of their alliance in a big move type of way.

Sag: Pete Yurkowski (S25): Pete started out Philippines and you could see he was going to emerge as a notable player on the season. He had a slow start in the game because his tribe won every single challenge until the merge but once Pete found his people he wanted to work with in the game, he was rock solid with them as an alliance and at the merge, he didn’t go down right away. Before he left, he was able to stay despite being targeted by half the cast at F11 so people were knowingly onto his threat level early and he was great at immunity challenges while also being a little snarky, he wasn’t afraid to stir the pot once in a while and once his Tandang group lost control, he couldn’t recover. I’d say that describes Sag’s game this season. He had a slow start because he won challenges but he was social and someone you wanted to connect with right away. In the merge, he proved his challenge skills like Pete by winning two individual immunities and he hung on for a bit despite being a target. He nearly got voted out at the F9 but was able to be a part of a big move before he left. Also we know Sag wasn’t afraid to be a little snarky and call out anyone in the main chat which Pete definitely did as well. It’s a crime that Pete hasn’t been returned yet.
640 days 4 hours ago
3) all of u: compare all the jury to cbs survivor players<3


Ali: Jon Misch (S29): In San Juan Del Sur, there was a pretty predictable start so even though Jon seemed to position himself well heading into merge, we didn’t know much about him. However, at the merge, he was part of the power couple of Jon and Jaclyn. Him and Jaclyn had a huge influence on the game at the early merge phase in San Juan Del Sur where they were literally the swing votes at so many tribal councils. Everyone would come to them for information because they insulated themselves in a great spot to where they wouldn’t be targeted by. Jon and Jaclyn weren’t afraid to take out a big player in Jeremy and Ali along with Charl was certainly not afraid to cut anyone either when the time was right (Ex: Ravioli vote and Sag vote). Once the endgame started and the numbers started to dwindle, Jon’s threat level was big to the point where nearly everyone decided to turn on him and took him out in a big move. Now Ali didn’t go home with an idol but like Jon, Ali had a power duo in Charl and they equally controlled votes left in right. They were the swing votes at so many tribal councils and put their fate in their own hands. Once it got late into the game and the duo’s success was so well known was when the rest of us decided to take a shot at the duo starting with Ali but it was a move that needed to happen because Ali was a such a prominent figure in the game.

Jordan: Keith Nale (S29): Now let me first start off by saying that Jordan has a much better strategic game than Keith Nale ever will as much as I love him and Jordan never made a boneheaded decision like stick with the plan haha. However, I think their stories throughout the season correlate. Jordan was someone that never would feed you bullshit. If he told you something he was doing, that means he’s doing it and if you hear Jordan’s saying he may vote you, your chances of staying won’t look great. Keith Nale was excellent at the Survivor challenges, he established himself as a strong immunity contender and someone that you should be scared to face in a immunity challenge. Not only that but when Keith wasn’t immune, he was targeted quite a bit. I mean at F9 he caught votes, at F7 he caught votes and that was all before he left. The same thing applied to Jordan. People may have thought players like Keith and Jordan would be easy to take out but they certainly weren’t. Keith was a true hero in his season and if he gotten to the FTC, it’s not a guaranteed he’d win but some people really loved him and I think he would’ve put up a great fight. Everything I said about Keith besides the beginning part of Keith’s boneheaded ways correlates to Jordan. He was great at the challenge, he was a target in the game but yet he had his alliances and he stuck to them and he proved hard to take out because he positioned himself well with enough people. I truly think if Jordan would’ve made it to the end, he would’ve had a great FTC story and I think he would’ve been a tough player to beat which like Keith was why people knew he couldn’t be sitting at the end.

Charl: Sarah Lacina (S34): Let me start off by saying that I know Sarah isn’t everyone’s favorite player (this isn’t how I feel about Charl) but I don’t want anyone to be offended by this ranking because I view this as the ultimate compliment. I think Sarah is one of the best Survivor players to ever play and besides her winning, I think she’s similar to Charl. In Game Changers, Sarah wasn’t afraid to do what she needed to get to the end. Her social game was top notch, she was always talking to people about personal and game and she kept the right people around for her game until the end. When Sarah had power to change the game and better her position, she did. She would vote Ozzy out one vote and then next vote she votes with Cirie’s crew. Also, she never let one side get too powerful and when she thought it was, she’d make a move like blindsiding Andrea and voting out Michaela. I mean Sarah was ruthless and cutthroat but she was playing the game from Day 1 and she did a damn good job at it. Charl was like Sarah in the fact that she was good with so many people in the game, she kept her options open to where she’d be able to flip from sides like Ravioli to Sag and still not have people mad at her, it was crazy. Every vote, she was voting with the people that benefited her game for the next round, she was always looking ahead and that’s what made Charl such a great player. Had Charl been in the FTC like Sarah I’m sure she would’ve won.

Keith: Michele Fitzgerald (S32): This one took me a lot of time but I decided to land on Michele even though again Keith didn’t make FTC like Michelle, I can see how their games relate. Michelle had a slower start to her season as she won all pre-merge challenge and honestly I feel Michele wasn’t in the best position to start the merge because I never considered her to be in the inner core with Aubry/Cydney. However, when it came down to the end, Michelle was able to work her way in. You know it definitely helped that she won immunity and she was definitely a target but she fought and was able to gain some ground with the players that were more in control in the early phase of the merge. Also, Michelle was very sociable in my opinion. Even though she didn’t play the most flashiest game, she was able to adapt and work her way in to the point where she made the FTC. (Had she not won F4 immunity though I think she gets voted out) so her game wasn’t the prettiest but it was good enough to get her the respect she deserved. I think Keith’s game is similar because like Michelle, he was on the outskirts of the initial power structure but from surviving long enough, he was able to make his way into the cracks to where he was at the endgame with I think a really good shot of winning. Had Keith won the F4 immunity like Michelle, I think Keith could’ve won the game and I don’t think he likes to give himself enough credit. Sure he didn’t play the flashiest game, he may have relied on other people at times but he adapted to everything thrown at him and seemed to get the respect he deserved!

(If you can’t tell by the rankings, I haven’t watched many earlier seasons of Survivor, I’m mostly familiar with 20-42 so I tried to stick to that range.
640 days 2 hours ago
I would also quickly like to address some claims made against me this tribal council since I answered all questions.

So yes I know that I wasted the safety without power advantage. I have heard that but I’m not upset about when I played it. When Deena went home and with Sag immune, I knew the group that voted Deena was going to go into this fast forward and vote together. It just made since because fast forwards are super chaotic.

So with Sag immune, I knew there were 3 people in major jeopardy at the fast forward and that was myself, Dar and Keith. Fast forwards a crazy round, because there’s not a lot of time and I was hearing Dar’s name but with the craziness of the last tribal and me being in minority, I elected to use the safety without power to guarantee me an extra day in the game. I knew there was no way me Dar, Keith and Sag would get majority that night because the writing unfortunately was on the wall. At the end of the day, my vote didn’t matter this tribal so I used the safety without power to survive another day so I can have more time to talk with people and get information and part of the reason was I didn’t want to burn a relationship with James. My side wanted to vote James so to keep our relationship intact I decided to just step away from tribal.

The safety without power I truly believe is a good advantage and a bad advantage. It was great because I had safety but also your vote matters a lot in Survivor so to me it wasn’t that great of an advantage. Every tribal after that fast forward was close vote after close vote where my vote was essential. If I would’ve held onto it, there’s a chance I could’ve made a game altering mistake with it, and I wasn’t willing to take that gamble.

In regards to me not idoling Sag, I can see why people would question it but me and Sag were such a known duo. I loved Sag but if I idoled him, there’s a chance I could’ve been more of a target having a known duo in the game and I would’ve lost an idol for the endgame. Not having that last idol at F5 might’ve been the difference to Charl winning or losing this game.
640 days ago
5/9 votes received.
640 days ago
Answering the CBS in a bit
640 days ago
You can go on and on Brady but after reading all that you were way too naive to think that you didn't need some people or thought you could possibly get some people. I had stronger connections with everyone you could've relied on if it wasn't for your advantages and immunity run.

You never knew that you were hurting your alliance members and chances around you by going along with the pagong to start or by saying certain things to me or leaving tribals and letting sag go? You were very much in our alliances game as an outside tool.

Y'all trusted where you thought I was a lil too much and you should be thankful for the immunities and powers you did play that game well but between Me chanel not able to compete in challenges it wasn't a whole lot in your way.
639 days 23 hours ago

Player Comparison: CHRIS NOBLE (Ghost Island)

This one is so obvious for many reasons. #1 they both didn't go to tribal premerge #2 They both lost their ability to vote. And #3 his avi can pass for Chris And #4 they both were merge boots
639 days 23 hours ago

Player Comparison: HALI FORD

For Deena I feel like Hali Ford is the correct comparison although I feel like Deena is probably a better player than Worlds Apart Hali. Hali found herself down early in merge with those around her even if it wasn't apparent. They're both knowledgeable players even if there wasn't much they could do being knowledgeable of the situation. And they are very straight forward and modest.
639 days 23 hours ago

Player Comparison: BRENDA LOWE

This could be a bit of combination for both seasons considering Dar got Harry out early and eventually was betrayed by people involved in making that happen. But Dar had the Brenda Charm too for sure.
639 days 23 hours ago

Player Comparison: JP HILSABECK

Lmfao JPs arc does remind me of washed because he had voted with our tribe the entire time and there was still paranoia around Washed and they flipped on him.
639 days 23 hours ago

Player Comparison: JEREMY COLLINS (SJDS)

Aight now you can be SJDS Jeremy because I do think y'all both good physical players with competent straight forward strategy. And like Jeremy it got over your head the next vote. And you still have your Natalie in Brady to be up here. And same placement
639 days 22 hours ago


Player Comparison: ANDREA BOEHLKE (Caramoan)

This for me is an easy one because Ali is a good social player that does think about the big threats in the game. Is able to work in an alliance but cut threats within the alliance. Andrea was blindsided after blindsiding someone so it makes sense here.

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