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[TTRM 2] Episode 13

Topic » [TTRM 2] Episode 13

1099 days 18 hours ago
Format: Final Jury Vote

The power now changes hands from the remaining winners to the jury, or better known as the players you had a hand in eliminating along the way. You all will be allowed to post pleas and then the jury will be allowed to ask you questions.

The jury will then vote for who they want to win and the winner with the most votes will be the winner of Turney Time Reality 2: The Tale of the Benders.

You will have until 4 PM EST (6/15) to post your pitches before the jury questioning begins.

At that point, the jury will have 24 hours to vote for a winner before the live reunion and vote reading on the 16th.
1099 days 12 hours ago
Video Explaining My Game:

Well jurors, I deserve to win this game. I was labelled in a trio for majority of the game, and when there were so many opportunities to take a shot at me, no shots were taken. I was able to convince a team to literally throw a challenge giving me complete control of the nominations in a round. When my trio dissolved and I was left with a new ally in Bryan, they took the shot at Bryan and not me, even though I had two of my "trio" on the jury. I had to win the Final 4 and I ended up winning BOTH challenges, I EARNED my spot to be here and I DESERVE to win the game. There were over FIVE opportunities in which I could have been eliminated and I avoided them EVERY single time.

I look forward to questions, and best of luck to my opponents.
1099 days 1 hour ago
I came into this game with no positive relationships with anyone and several people/alliances that would normally target me. I won powers when I need to and floated when I needed to. I made strategic alliances to get me to the end of this game and never had to screw anyone over. Instead of a long ass post, I’m going to show you the significant game moves I made each week for my game.
Kid Nation – WATER BENDING lead me to a few advantages AND Disadvantages early on. I was given two immunity passes, forced to not vote for two weeks, and needed to pick two people and ensure ONE made it to top 10. I made an alliance with Akshar and John who were both in another game with me and told them they needed to make top 10 so that I could have a shot at winning. Unfortunately, I actually picked Akshar and Chris who flopped and got 16th. I was a council member (thx to Akshar and John) so I was immune for the week and was able to crush one of my disadvantages of not voting.
Power Struggle – N/A LOL
BGAS – My team won, so I didn’t need to worry about elimination and was able to have my disadvantages out of the game as fast as possible while still having two immunity passes and Akshar in the game.
The Genius – Dylan tried to get me cause I beat him in hunger and failed because of a qutter.
Pirate Master – Dylan made a chat with Lukey, Dylan, Akshar and myself and immediately nominated Akshar because I unknowingly and secretly saved Nate with immunity. Unfortunately I lost John, but Akshar was more essential to my game.
Capture – I got the unlucky role of having to catch two people for elimination. I was able to catch Josh and Dylan and they were in danger.
BBUK – This was honestly the best round because Akshar, Daniel, Andrew and I had a chat during Pirate Master that carried us to the end of this game and got two of Eilish’s locked votes out.
I Love Money – it was v clear what was happening this week. I knew Akshar would sacrifice himself so I knew I was never truly in danger.
Final Reckoning – THIS GUY won that solo challenge and was able to get Bryan thrown into an elimination. In classic fashion he flipped on someone he thought he could beat in one of Dylan’s allies, Lukey and succeeded. BEST WEEK OF THE GAME IMO
Solitary – I was so fucking nervous for this but I came in second in both challenges and was never in danger of going home and Sandy going home ensured Daniel, Andrew and I had the numbers after being down one.

Survivor – Dylan and Bryan didn’t even try to communicate with me and failed to vote me out in a 3-2 vote.
BBUS – I knew going into this I wanted Dylan to have the power because he woulda been DUMB to eliminate me. I also knew Daniel offered himself up for Andrew and I. There was very little chance I was going to go home 
I am the only person in this finals to NOT have close ties to another person in the game, I WORKED MY ASS OFF on the RIGHT people at the RIGHT times to make sure I made it here.

TL;DR I was safe more than the others, I held power more than the others, I never was in danger of getting eliminated and had no relationships prior to the start of this game.

1098 days 21 hours ago
Jury can now begin asking questions or statements
1098 days 20 hours ago
Just a few things.

1. Just because I am friends with Bryan does not make me his vote monkey. I can have relationships with literally anyone, it's really not that difficult.  No one ever took the time to message me to come together for a vote EXCEPT for Bryan. Granted, I was literally only ever able to vote TWICE the entire time I was in this game. So the amount of times I was actually able to work with any of you was very limited.

2. Andrew, you are a fake piece of shit. That's all.

3. Brosky, you are delusional. That's all.

4. Ween, I really do wish you the best of luck in this jury, from my eyes you are the only deserving winner. Good luck!
1098 days 20 hours ago
2. Andrew, you are a fake piece of shit. That's all.
1098 days 20 hours ago
Opening Statement:

Coming into this game, I knew what game I wanted to play. I wanted to socially be in the best position and I succeeded in doing that. Regardless of what the format was, I was put in the position where I decided what was gonna happen. This is proven when I was in the swing vote in deciding if Drew/Lukey would go up over Jake/David in Bad Girls Club All-Stars Battle and when I was the swing vote in the Survivor round where Bryan was voted out. I knew that I needed to play this way because in many of the formats, I ended up either being nominated or at the bottom. The connections that I had with almost all of you helped me get out of those situations. Just like in the BBUK format when I automatically had 3 votes cast against me, but I didn't receive a single vote from anyone in the game to go up.

So yes, I made fake alliances with almost all of you. And I'm sorry for lying to most of y'all but I did what I had to do to make sure that I made it here! Strategically, I outplayed the other two in almost every aspect and I would really appreciate it if y'all took the time to ask me questions about my game. Thank you so much Turney & Christian, and good luck to Brendan & Dylan!
1098 days 20 hours ago
Im a finalist and I have a question for Andrew..

How did you outplay anybody when you had 2 people lah down on the sword for you to get here? Yes you were in a good spot but where is the adversity you faced to even get here? Unlike you I didnt have people end there game so I could get here.
1098 days 20 hours ago
Thank you LittleMix btw ♥️
1098 days 19 hours ago
Girl two people where? And even if that was true, you answered the question yourself 🤍 Two ppl loved me so much that they were willing to give up their spots in the game for me. If that’s not good gameplay, I don’t know what is..
1098 days 19 hours ago
Daniel 100% voulenteered to leave the game, as did Akshar. Those have both been confirmed. Thats not good gameplay thats just weak gameplay.
1098 days 19 hours ago
1.) I never told either to volunteer.
2.) Everyone knows Daniel wouldn’t have evicted me over Akshar and Brendan.
3.) Your points make no sense! Come up w something else!
1098 days 19 hours ago
So wheres the adversity that you faced?

You had people volunteer to leave that benefitted your game when you were in dangerous.
Im just asking a question.
1098 days 19 hours ago
Look at the chart hun I was nominated in like three different formats and was in danger for the majority of the game. The chart doesn’t lie??
1098 days 19 hours ago
Like you just sat there and said I was nominated next to Akshar and Brendan and then asked me when I was ever in danger?? Like???
1098 days 19 hours ago
Okay and I was nominated more than you were so I guess I win in that unit

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