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[TTRM 2] Episode 12

Topic » [TTRM 2] Episode 12

1103 days 12 hours ago
FORMAT: Big Brother US

One of the classic group games formats, and a format that I had the honor of hosting for 20 seasons, you will be playing it for one round.

Players will be asked to complete Fallen Tributes for the fallen players throughout the game. You must write one tribute about each fallen winner to this point. After you have completed Fallen Tributes, you will proceed to the Head of Household competition.

The round will start with a Head of Household competition, with the winner being crowned the Head of Household. The Head of Household will then be responsible for nominating 2 players for elimination.

After the HOH has made their nominations, everyone will compete in the Power of Veto Competition. The winner of the POV will have the ability to veto one of the HOH’s nominations, thereby removing them from the block and forcing the HOH to name a replacement nominee.

After the POV, all players except the HOH and two nominees will vote to eliminate one of the two nominees from the game. The nominee with the most votes will be eliminated.
1102 days 16 hours ago
16th - Gaiaphagee - Oh Chris, This first round was so interesting to be honest. I tried to push an idea for a vote in the first round that was not even you but literally everybody was deciding to go against you, and I heard that you were coming for one of my key allies so you had to go. We were in literally in another game together and you were coming after me the whole second half so that was interesting. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise you left first.

15th - Buttercup13 - Girl I was so sad to see you leave. Coming into this game I had not really known anything about you but when we were on the same team and I saw how loyal you were to your people, I respected you a lot and was hoping we could really go far into the game together, however, due to a personal issue you left the game. Hoping everything is well. :(

14th - sosyomomma - This was a really bad round honestly. This was the first round in the game where I really felt backstabbed and betrayed (you think you know some people) and people really decided to take a hit on people who I really felt like I could work with. After losing Buttercup, you leaving next kinda was spooky, and especially when you were nominated against ANOTHER ally, that was terrible.

13th - Brimstone - I don’t know why you said the things you did. I think you have some serious growing up to do, even if you are leaving the website that’s… not the way id want to go out. Weirdo.

12th - Jxhn - This round was tough because all the people who I wanted to take out used an Immunity Pass and then I couldn’t go back on my decision for captains. I felt a tad bad lying to you but I felt like me and you would have never been super close in the game so I had to do what I had to do. It wasn’t personal, it was just a game move at the time.

11th - Delete2544 - This game probably happened at a bad time for you and me both with our individual relationship. I got mad at you for reasons that you know and literally as of 24 hours ago we just started talking a bit more again. I think you know you fucked up and I am glad you realize that and hopefully we can all move on!

— Jury —

10th - LittleMix - Honestly going into this you were such a ? for me. I did not think you really wanted to work with me but playing that Pirate Master round was soooo funny. I had so much fun rowing that boat with our team and I know how bad you wanted captain. I wanted it more and ended up getting it, but I didn’t want you to think I hated you when I really didn’t (we just never really spoke during the game), so I decided to put you as a captain that round. Honestly I have zero clue why people targeted you because I can tell you I didn’t, I was really shocked to see you go.

9th - Dracarys - I think people viewed you as Bryans sheep throughout the game but now you and him have some sort of beef I believe? Interesting tbh. I targeted you in BBUK because we barely spoke and I thought you would be an easy beat. Our literally rivalry was funny on Discord for the 24 hours it lasted.

8th - Jameslu - Now early on in the game you were someone who I felt like I was connecting with but when Pirate Master happened and I had to make a choice between you or people who I was friends with that I knew wouldn’t backstab me, I had to make a choice and I ended up nominating you. I was serious about wanting to work with the four that we created but things didn’t work out and things got awkward and we ended up on different sides. Unfortunately in I Love Money it ended up being a 4 on 4 and when someone on your side won it ended up being the other 3 from that side.

7th - HowLovely - Lukey oh Lukey. We played like 3 games during this one so we def got to reconnect a bit more. I def trusted you a lot and you literally shook the hell out of me when you blindsided Bryan the round you ended up leaving, unfortunately for you though you ended up losing an iconic elimination game, which in a way was karma but honestly a bit funny. A true legend #Kaceytron.

6th - iSandeh - One of my closest allies in this game. We talk literally almost everyday so when we both flopped Solitary that was pretty sad, hopefully Turney is tickling your toes in the jury house like you wanted. I enjoyed working with you although you drive me seriously crazy sometimes with your shady gameplay and.. personality.

5th - Eilish - Our friendship/hatred is such a rollercoaster so where I think we finally have gotten on a good step. I think you are a mess but I am too and watching all of my allies fall back to back to back was honestly pretty atrocious and humiliating. I liked getting to work with you. #TeamLoyal.
1102 days 15 hours ago
16th - you're a very nice man ❤️ I'm so sad to see you go but it needed to happen!
15th - I hope everything irl is getting better queen ❤️
14th - KING. I'm so happy we're better friends now. You have a big heart and you're very loyal.
13th - You're really racist, I'll pray for you to become a better person!
12th - You were after me so you had to go!
11th - I hope your trip around America is treating you well king. Sending so much love ❤️
10th - I picked my side and you weren't on it. I'm sorry that I lied to you and voted you out though!
9th - One of my forever besties ❤️ I love you so much and I'll always be here for you whenever you need me king!
8th - You helped me so much in this game and constantly uplifted me. I'm so grateful for you! I was so sad to see you go 😦
7th - By far the funniest person on this season! Thank you for keeping the game interesting!
6th - One of my absolute favs ❤️ I was so sad to see you go and regardless of us being on opposite sides this season, you'll be on one of my forever besties for LIFE!
5th - You're very pathetic. You took your insecurities out on me and I'll pray you find happiness one day. I am a strong POC and I'm sorry you couldn't handle that! I didn't race fake and pretend to be white for years soooo
1102 days 13 hours ago
16th - Can't believe you did so bad lmfao but king
15th - Thought we were gonna get to play again but I GUESS NOT. =[
14th - tbh I can't believe you were eliminated this round but thanks for being a good challenge partner (LOL) and gg in stars!
13th - We were on the ywlloe team together but idk if we ever really connected :/
12th - JOHN - Bummed you left tbh. BUT better you than Jameslu cause I needed him for my Avatar stuffs
11th - I don't think we spoke but I am shocked u went that round tbh.
10th - you called me out for wanting to work with you but not be on the same team. idk if that was game or u were being funny er what but tbh you leaving was great for my game!
9th - idk if we spoke either but you going was also v good for my game lmfao
8th - I legit would not be here without you. That round was fucked but I guess in the long run things are working out! ily!
7th - I wanted to work with you and I feel you wanted to work with me, but I feel Dylan was too far in your ear for you to give me a full chance. I think ur cool tho
6th - tbh I can't believe you, Lukey and Dylan all stayed as long as you did. An obvious trio making it as far as you all is p impressive.
5th - you hate me for dumb reasons and refuse to work with me cause ur stubborn and apparently like to dilute serious race issues in tengaged games but w/e. I guess thanks for saying I played a good game but tbh like I hope you learn to be abetter person LMFAO

DYLAN - idk why you're always so flaky and wishy-washy with me. You legit went from making an alliance with Lukey, me and Akshar to nominating Akshar the next day LOL... idk what goes on in ur head but I think you have so much potential to be better socially

NATE - I'm so glad me saving you with immunity randomly ended us up here with Andrew. TBH kinda wild and funny how one small little thing can have a dramatic impact on the game.

Andrew - Like Nate and Akshar, I wouldn't be here without ur help lmfao. I think we've made a great team!

1102 days 13 hours ago
onestly I was late but I'm doing tributes anyway

16th: Gaiaphagee (Chris D) - If I remember correctly we were on the same team on day 1. I was looking forward to potentially working with you this game because it felt like we were similar players in terms of being on the outs of all of the friend groups but I guess that didn’t work out. Robbed!

15th: Buttercup13 (Karma S) - I think you were the first person I messaged about the game. Honestly, I misunderstood the format this round because I probably would not have messaged you otherwise. It sucks that you had to quit but I hope everything’s okay!

14th: sosyomomma (Drew S) - Honestly, your eviction kinda sucked because I DID want to work with you, I just made the mistake of picking you on day 1 as somebody that I trusted the least. I don’t even know WHY I picked you specifically when there were other people in the game that I trusted way less, I think I just thought that maybe we’d be forced to work together or something and I didn’t mind doing that. Things would have been much different if it weren’t for the twist and I think you know that.

13th: Brimstone (Brimmy S) - We spoke like once and it was on day 1 when you messaged me to save you and I did. I forget why you quit but honestly you really helped my game cause it was the round I nominated myself so thanks!

12th: Jxhn (John B) - Our relationship in games is very much up and down but I’m glad that recently it’s been much more up. I’m happy that we managed to work together this game even though it was super short. The noms this round when you went up were the absolute worst case scenario and I hated that you had to go. Glad I could serve some justice for you though!

11th: Delete2544 (Josh L) - I, quite honestly, did not realize you were in this game until the round you got evicted. I did save you though so there’s that.

10th: LittleMix (Jake C) - I read through our messages and I think we quite literally had one exchange which is funny. I think we both did the bare minimum this game. A lot of people told me that you were a trio with Bryan/David so it made reaching out to you hard for me. I do think we locked in together the round Drew/Lukey went up and that ended up being a turning point in this game as it made people come after me. The only reason I targeted you this round was to save some of my closer allies that were at risk. Either way, grats on making it to the jury by doing very little!

9th: Dracarys (David A) - I think we honestly also only spoke like once and it was the round Lukey and Drew went up because I wanted to save you and Jake. I would say we have a decent relationship when we’re in games, and since you are friends with Andrew, I knew that we probably wouldn’t come after each other even if we didn’t talk. You got really unlucky the round you went home and I do wish it had been somebody else.

8th: Jameslu (Akshar R) - ROBBED. I won’t lie, coming into this game I was kind of hesitant to work with you because I thought that you were closer friends with other people but I quickly realized that you were here to play. I’m sooo glad that we teamed up and slayed people when we did, it was so much fun. My biggest regret definitely is the way we went about things the round you went home and if I could change things, I absolutely would. I’m also glad that over these last few rounds I’ve been able to get my revenge for you. Overall, it was great playing with you again king and I hope to see you around more!

7th: HowLovely (Lukey B) - Okay this elimination was kinda so sad. A big part of me was rooting for you in this game even if we were on opposite sides. You going out this round was absolutely not my intention and I guess I could have been more up front with my plans for this round to avoid how things ended up but I was just worried that things would go wrong. Glad I got to see a fun different side to you this game though!

6th: iSandeh (Sandy B) - To say you make me MALD in games is an understatement. I was just very confused with you this game because you ignored every single message I sent you and most attempts I made at trying to talk about the game with you. You just made my life difficult when you said coming into the game that you weren’t going to screw me over but then helped Dylan with everything even when he was publicly coming after me and Andrew. Still love you though and it kinda sucks you went out the way you did, you deserved a better exit.

5th: Eilish (Bryan J) - I feel like you need to stop thinking that people are out to get you all of the time. We did not talk at all this game so I don’t know why you acted the way you did when I took you out of one comp. You claim to not have come after me the UK round even though that was later proven to be a lie but neither did I. Sure you can be entertaining and ‘honest’ in games as you like to say, but you need to learn how to be more mature about things in general! Regardless, good game.
1100 days 14 hours ago

The name of this competition is ‘Through the Stages”

Players, you have played through 12 different formats this season. I hope you have paid attention to what formats you played, but more importantly, I hope you took the time to get to know what those formats were like when they were actually played.

You will be asked 12 trivia questions, one per each format that you played during this season. Your goal is to answer the question as quickly as possible while providing the correct answer. Once a question is posted, your time will start and it will not stop until you post an answer. You get only ONE submission per question. Your score will be the amount of time it takes you to answer the question correctly in seconds. If you answer the question incorrectly, 60 seconds will be added to your time as a penalty. If you submit an answer that is correct but not correctly spelled, 30 seconds will be added to your time as a penalty. Capitalization will not be graded.

The person who ends the competition in the fewest amount of seconds added to their time will be crowned the new HOH.

Please note: After question 12, you will be asked to tell production, your two nominees in the event you win HOH so they can be announced when results are revealed.

Good Luck!
1100 days 13 hours ago

With a score of 357, congratulations Dylan, you are the Head of Household! You have a GUARANTEED spot in the Final 3!

You will have a chance to win this game!

Dylan, you have until 5 PM PST (8 PM EST) to host your Nomination Ceremony in this thread.

POV will be semi-live done with Christian or me. Good Luck!
1100 days 13 hours ago
My nominations this round are going to be Daniel & Andrew.

Daniel, we have been going at it all season.
Andrew, you will save him.

Brosky I will try in the veto, you will be going home if me or you dont win.

1100 days 13 hours ago
I sucked lol
1100 days 13 hours ago
Current Nominees are Andrew and Daniel
POV will be semi-live. Big Brother will notify you when it is ready.
1099 days 13 hours ago

The name of this competition is "Chain Reaction".

In your confessional, you will need to post as many Tengaged users as possible, in INDIVIDUAL POSTS. Their EXACT username, which counts for spelling and capitalization as they have it. However, that would be simple, wouldn't it?

Let's make it more complicated, shall we?

Because you need to make a chain with as many Tengaged users as possible.

How will this chain be made you asked?

Based on the previous username, you must find a Tengaged user whose username starts with the number, letter, or symbol from the previous user in your list.

For example, if your chain started with turney1805, then the next user in your chain would have to have a 5 as the first character in their username.

So your chain could be like....

Notice that 5 is the last character in turney1805 and the first character in 5651Omar. Meaning the next user you put in your chain would have to start with an "R". All of your users must be different users, and you may not use any banned users. It does not matter if they are inactive, as long as they have a Tengaged account that isn't banned, you may use them.

Your time started from the moment you got this instructions and will stop once you hit 30 minutes. After that, I will count the number of Tengaged users in your chain. If at any point you make a mistake and don't correct it before your 30 minutes, your chain will end at the mistake.

The person who has the most Tengaged users in their chain will win this POV. In the event of a tie, time will break the tie first, whoever got the furthest the fastest wins. If that ties, the person whose last username has the most amount of characters in it wins. If that ties, whoever starts first wins.

Oh and lastly, your first Tengaged user must start with an R.
1099 days 13 hours ago

Well, reading and activity turned out to be fundamental in winning the final competition of the season. Let's get to the results!

brosky17 (Brenden K): 0 (Did not capitalize Tengaged user RedFabFoxy correctly)
iiGalaxyii (Andrew K): 10 (Did not capitalize Tengaged user Natepresnell correctly)
MmabatlokoaMolefe (Dylan H): 14 (Repeated user Tengaged Nose multiple times)
Natepresnell (Daniel A): 0 (Did not capitalize Tengaged user RomaRiola correctly)

Which means congrats Dylan, you have won the FINAL Power of Veto and competition of the season. You have one hour to decide whether or not you will be using it. As Head of Household, if it is used on either nominee, the replacement will automatically be Brenden.

The eviction will happen shortly after.
1099 days 13 hours ago
Its time to split the duo.

I choose not to use the veto.
1099 days 13 hours ago
The final nominees are Daniel and Andrew.

Brenden, you have ONE hour from this post to evict one of the two and post your reasoning for doing so.
1099 days 12 hours ago
I evict Nate sorry :(
1099 days 12 hours ago
My reasoning - you volunteered as tribute

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