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1725 days 1 hour ago
John, Max, Robby, the 3 of you have gone as far as you can go in this game. The power now shifts to the jury of 8 that you had a hand in voting out. Let's bring them in: James, Lee, Nick M, Harry, Nick B, Brittany, Demi, and Jay, voted out at the last tribal council.

This thread is open for jurors/finalists. Gather what information you need for your vote and send me your vote for the winner of this season! The deadline is Friday (9/7) at 6pm EST, with the reunion happening at that time!!!
1725 days 1 hour ago
Greetings jurors,

I'm gonna start this off by saying that it was a pleasure playing with all of you. So thank you and our hosts for all the fun. It was great to return for one last game.

I played this game with 3 goals in mind.
1: Klan domination
2: get Demi and Robby to the end
3: win
I think its fair to say goal 1 was a success, despite a couple hiccups. Goal 2 failed due to demi getting called into work and not being able to participate in the finale. Although I firmly believe we would have made it if she had played. For goal 3, we shall see.

James: at this tribal I looked and I saw 2 sides forming. The Klan + Jay and Lee and then the others. And I saw you as the force holding any possible alliance together on that side. You were close with Britt and Harry but also with the Nicks. With you I figured this side would be a mess. Plus if my klan fell apart I would be able to switch over and essentially take your position over there. Things got complicated when Demi started targeting Mana. Mana leaving would've been a bit of a big loss for me since I saw him as one of my closest allies. But I managed to flip things onto you and you left.

Lee: You got out in an unfortunately dumb way. I under estimated how close Max was to Harry and he threw his vote onto you making you leave. I actually anticipated this was a possibility, but at the time it occurred to me I thought for sure britt and harry would vote mana with you. When britt told me they were doing otherwise it threw me off guard and I didnt realize the danger this put you in. I apologize you got out in this way because if I had thought this tribal through a bit more I do think it could have been avoided.

This is the one and only time I played sloppy and voted in the minority. Despite that I was in the loop of everything this tribal thanks to my social game.

Mana: I honestly wish I could have actually worked with you this game. Unfortunately my first goal was Klan domination and you were getting in the way of that. I had to let you go here since I wasn't sure I could trust Max to vote Harry, other Nick was immune, and while I felt close with both you and Britt I figured if I took britt out you could be next without me being able to stop it. Meaning I would lose two of my closest allies on that side back to back instead of just one.

Harry: I'm sorry we didn't talk more Harry. I always viewed you as the biggest threat to my plans due to your ties with the klans. Which meant I obviously wanted to get you out. So I didn't want to play you by being fake with you.

Nick B: another person I really wanted to work with this game. Sadly I was committed to my Klan and you were the biggest threat to that. You're one of my favorite people to talk to on this cast and it was great to see you again. Even if we never truly got to work together.

Brittany: I was very tempted to save you here. I wanted to take Jay out, but Demi wouldn't do it. Which meant in order to pull it off would've been hugely risky. John was immune despite the fact it very easily could've been him here if he wasn't. I would never have voted demi out. And while it was tempting to take Max out, I felt my best f3 was him and demi which meant I couldn't vote him out. I'm sorry we didn't get to really work together, just like every game we seem to play.

Demi: my closest ally and sasquatch sibling <3. One of my favorite people on this site. Would've loved to have made it here. Thank you for the idol you gave me. We really ran this game together! And damn you sure know how to make an exit!

Jay: in a Klan dominated season you really came the closest to cracking us. I would be really curious to see how the game turns out if John loses f6 immunity and gets out for his crimes against demi. And then demi cant compete and presumably leaves at f5 again? Who knows how different this f3 looks.

I truly do believe that I outplayed my fellow finalists. Strategically I was very much the shotcaller(alongside Demi). Physically I won 3 immunities(that I didn't need or rely on) despite my computer breaking in the premerge and me having to compete on my phone/borrowed computers when I could. Socially I was close with many people on both sides and always had my options open. I was never much of a target. I recieved 2 votes all season. 1 from Jay which was nullified by an idol(an idol that I recieved thanks to my social bond with demi) and 1 from JP at the start of the season who voted me due to me kicking him out of the klan and openly targeting him. I never was in any danger of leaving at either of those tribals due to my social game. I believe I maintained the best position in the game all season long despite the fact that I likely should've been seen as a threat and a target.

I hope you all at the very least consider me for your vote. Thank you once again for the fun season!
1724 days 22 hours ago
Hi friends,

First of all, thank you all for a fun experience this season. I felt compelled by you all to work to get to where I am and hope to earn your votes.

In a game like Survivor, you play from both the top and the bottom of the totem pole. While this was a Klan dominated season, it definitely didn't make it an easy ride for me. I was consistently targeted but still persevered. Sure winning three immunities and playing one idol helped guarantee my safety, but the needle could have easily tipped the other direction at any other moment. I know that it is ultimately my strategic decision-making and many of the relationships I curated that got me here.

With the War of the Worlds twist, loyalty to original tribes won the day. The Klan's bond only became stronger by eliminating JP from the game. JP is someone that won Kolby's series twice, but wasn't giving any of us the time of day. In voting him out, a threatening inactive (oxymoron) was taken out. An alliance was born that also gained 3 new friends in BB's Battalion in the process. In this stage, my strategy was to build relationships on the other tribes that wouldn't jeopardize our original tribe. At the swap, Demi, Max and I stayed together at Genoa, but I was able to build trust with Lee and Jay. They were two that I tried to keep close as part of the JJ tribe, the other threateningly large faction. There was strength in numbers and we had a strong pact with multiple unanimous votes.

When Hufus was blindsided by Josh, I still had the Genoa tribe to rely on, but Josh still came to me willing to work together. This proves that despite not being aligned, on the same tribe, or working together consistently, I still saw the value in the other players and maintained a strong social standing. It immediately showed when Josh was kept at our tribal over Tashi.

Entering the merge, I had relationships with many of the jury, but chose to remain loyal to my original tribe until the end of the line. With many of the other factions splintering, we were able to find a majority in plain sight.

James, while you and I are pretty good friends, my best position was to stay with the bonds I had formed at the tribals I participated in. Those were the lines being drawn, and the side I chose. When you came to me, sure you were surprised, but I was equally as surprised to have not heard from you leading up to that vote as much. It was a tough but strategic decision that definitely won out. You know it would be different if it were personal.

Lee, your vote was one of few I was not on the winning side for. This was one where there were two people coming at each other's heads. I knew that your name was out there but stuck beside those who showed me willingness to work together previously. Majority decision? No. But not one I will regret.

Mana, also someone I have a bond with but showed that he can get what he wants. Having just voted in the minority and my name starting to come up more and more, there was no reason to risk my position. We just ended up on opposite sides this time.

At the stage of the game with Harry's vote, it was my head on the chopping block. Some of my own allies started to agree to plans with my name on it and I already had one immunity win under my belt. I didn't scramble, I kept a cool head and trusted my allies. Harry wen home and many of the other players felt betrayed by my alliance members that chose me instead.

At this point, I went from target to swing vote. Nick had come to me wanting to turn the game on my alliance. He verified what I knew was true that some of my own allies were agreeing to put my name out there. I also saw an opportunity to get some heat onto someone else so I told him about Demi's idol. That side was no longer looking at me decidedly and I was in a much more comfortable position. While I gave Nick the answer he wanted to hear,  I knew that it was a much bigger decision than that. Yeah, my name was being thrown out by some of my allies, but flipping put an even bigger target on my back than there already was. If my allies didn't turn on me before, they would have definitely done it afterwards. I do apologize, Nick, for not being honest beforehand but with two idols out there in the wild, I had to make everyone comfortable with me as a swing vote. I hope you understand and that I proved my intentions to you at least afterwards. No malice, only strategy.

At this stage, I needed to look out for myself. Two tribals left for an idol to be played and two still out there. Looked out for number one. I had one win from the first challenge but I was up against notoriously great competitors and kept myself safe at two critical moments in the game when it could have easily been me just like it was at previous tribals. Brittany was someone who I wish I worked harder on building something with earlier, but her going was the last person outside of any of my alliances. If anything, I was never counterfeit towards Brittany and didn't make relationships for the sake of it. I was straightforward in my intentions and it was clear where I stood all season long.

Demi - sis took herself out I'm gooped and gagged. Demi and I had a relationship very early on. She trusted me enough to tell me about her idol even though I didn't tell her about mine. It was clear that Demi was seen as a social threat by many of the contestants so even though I had a target on my back, I knew she would be a good shield to have. Did I put her name out there and reveal her idol? Yeah. My hope for that tribal was that Demi would play the idol, I could vote Demi and have some new friends on the other side. Demi would have still been in as a greater threat than I was and I would have had more options. Demi still trusted me enough to tell me she wasn't playing the idol so I couldn't bank on hiding behind my vote being negated. I made a game time decision, read the situation correctly, and live to tell the tale.

Jay - king snapped and gave us a run for our money at the end. We were both in the middle of that F7 vote, but in our bond that started on Genoa, we went the same direction. it only got one of us here but you were so fun to play the game with. At F4, even though I had won 3 challenges and showed a willingness to make moves, I was able to lock back in with the Klan who I stuck by from minute one.

At the end of the day guys, it is next to impossible to play a completely honest game. I definitely wasn't completely honest with all of you, but actions speak louder than words. I was a reliable ally who had a voice of their own. I was able to time some immunity wins at critical moments, but there were plenty of opportunities to get me out where my name was going around just as much. But yet I survived. There were clear sides this season, but that didn't prevent me from building trust with many of you. I had to work hard and make decisions that would defend myself. I hope I proved that I have a well-rounded game and earn your vote tonight.

Good luck Max & Robby.
1724 days 21 hours ago
Hey guys!

I'm going to be straight up at this FTC. I'm not going to claim I'm some mastermind who controlled this game from start to finish because that's not the case. My schedule has been getting extremely packed as of late with school, work, a social life so I wasn't able to invest as much time into this game as I've done in games before, and I doubt that I ever will be able to for a long time. That being said though, I am not going to say I don't deserve any credit for the game I played.

Early on, the Klan made a (fittingly enough) cult-like bond and agreed to sticking together until the end with the exception of JP for reasons I think everyone knows already. I honestly wasn't too enthusiastic about this early on. I didn't trust Demi due to our history and it seemed like she was the ringleader behind the whole alliance. However, I recognized that I was given a golden opportunity on a silver platter so I stuck with the group. Especially with the premerge twist, having reliable numbers were absolutely vital to staying alive in the game. Just look at Harry to see what happened to a tribe that had someone flip. Both pre and post swap I stuck close to my Klanmates since it was the best way to ensure my safety heading forward. The only real time I deviated from this is when I voted Josh over Tashi when she left, though I recognized my vote wasn't going to change the outcome of that tribal. All of this is obviously not the most interesting gameplay ever, but it's effective which is practically my brand at this point.

Merge rolls up and the two sides quickly form and I guess I was expected to be a loyal soldier and vote how I was supposed to every round. I get the fact that I was abhorrently busy which did severely hinder my ability to actually talk to people, but I still recognized just voting who I was told each round would be idiotic for me. I didn't trust the group I was with fully. Jay and Lee were numbers for people with me, not numbers for me. While I went along with the first vote for James at the merge, I didn't want to send out Harry since I felt closer to him than honestly a good portion than my current alliance. I recognized the numbers were close and that Lee was voting for Mana this round so... I had a fuck it moment and voted Lee since I viewed Harry as a great asset to my game. I recognized by doing this it also showed the other side that I was willing to buck my side under the right circumstances which I believe helped me stay untargeted until the final 6 even if my social game with most people was nonexistant. Unfortunately the other side continued to target John who was like the one person on my side I wasn't willing to turn out due to the circumstances of us being in another game together. After Harry left I lost my "access" to the other side and I didn't even recognize that they were targeting Demi at the final 7, which I honestly might have jumped on if I was informed on it, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. At the final 6 I did want to make a move though and I told Brittany I was willing to flip here and that John, Robby, and Demi weren't going to turn against each other. I told her to ask Jay who he would want to target since he would have been the key vote this tribal but apparently he wanted to target me over any of the other three Klanmen. All things considered my hands were kind of tied here and I was forced to stick to the status quo since the alternative was me getting the axe. With the chance of flipping dead, I realized I needed to take out both Demi and Jay since each of them would of had the best arguments in the end to win. Demi was the obvious person controlling the Klan so she would have of had the best argument in the strategic and social departments to win. Jay would of had the best "underdog" story even if he was in the majority for most of the merge. I think there's probably a lot of anti-Klan sentiment in the jury and if he made it to the end he would immediately have quite a few votes on lock. I originally intended to take Jay out for 5th and Demi 4th, I guess somethings don't go to plan. I wanted Jay out at 5th because he was a much bigger physical threat and him winning the final immunity definitely wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Only someone with a deathwish would actually take Demi the the FTC since she really was the queen of the season, plus even if someone did for some reason vote with Demi, she would have likely been an easier beat in a fire making challenge. But unfortunately for me everything was kind of destroyed due to Jay's idol. I won't even deny I was insanely lucky to survive that tribal since I imagine if Demi sent a vote in and everything got negated, I would have left in a revote scenario since Robby was intending on taking Demi to the end. Final 4 challenge rolls around and I kind of feel like shit on Jay's behalf since it was such an easy challenge to team up against someone on and I guess it should shock no one that I got added to a chat shortly after the challenge was announced to team up against Jay. I mean it was kind of a douchebag thing to do but I really have no idea what the hosts were thinking by having that be the challenge. Anyway since that one was purely strategic I actually won an individual immunity for once and voted Jay out since I believed if I had any shot at winning, Jay couldn't be at the end with me.

I know my game is incredibly flawed and I probably have one of the shittiest social games ever, but I hope you can consider voting for me for all the other aspects of my game. I would be glad to answer any of your questions. Thanks to the hosts for hosting and I'm glad I could prove to Kolby that my placements can actually improve after returning again.
1724 days 12 hours ago
The only thing I want to address is max's comment of "Jay would of had the best "underdog" story even if he was in the majority for most of the merge."

Hun, the jury didn't view me as an underdog XD When I said the jury hated me, hun that was no lie lmfao. When you put YOURSELF in the underdog position, you don't normally get the same heroic edit of someone who just happened to fall into it.

Anyways, I'll probably be watching more than talking guys since I'm pretty locked in my vote and I feel like I know each of your games decently well. But if your answers impress me with the other jurors there could be a chance for my vote to switch.

Good luck to all three of you!
1724 days 12 hours ago
I'm super proud (and I bet Kolby is too) that we fought this battle together. Robby and I always had trust, carried over from previous games but I didn't expect to trust my other Klan members to the point that we would see you all sitting here. Max....what can I say besides we work better together I think ;). John- you turned out to be a huge surprise and really felt close to you throughout the game :)

Congrats guys <3 and sorry for the bomb at the last minute
1724 days 12 hours ago
Friggin' work....always inconveniencing folks, lol.
1724 days 11 hours ago
Well grats final 3 ! I like you all as individuals and we'll leave it at that.

I'll give you a few q's:

- What was your biggest move?
- What is your biggest regret?
- Please elaborate on the 'two sides' ? Like who is on each side.

Cheers, will ask any follow ups if necessary, good luck amigos!
1724 days 10 hours ago

"- What was your biggest move?"
I would say my biggest move your tribal where I took you out, saved mana, while also managing to set myself up as the person primarily in the middle. Everyone's vote were set on mana, but I knew you leaving would be better for my game. I convinced everyone to do it,told britt and harry last minute and pretended I only just found out. Maintained a reasonable relationship with the nicks. And at this point I would now be able to go with the klan or with the not klan and either way I would be well set up to make a deep run.

"- What is your biggest regret?"

There's no clear big regret for me. I regret not working with some of my friends as much as I would have liked, but they may have not been good for my game. So for that reason I don't really regret it much. I regret demi not making it here even though that was out of my control.
Overall I will say my biggest regret was not reconnecting with my friends as much as I could have. I got to reconnect with a lot of people this season but i do wish i spent even more time talking to them. It's been awhile since I've last spoken to a lot of my old tg friends and it's definitely gonna be awhile, if ever, after this.

- Please elaborate on the 'two sides' ? Like who is on each side.

On one side you have the 4 klan members + jay and lee
The other side is basically boiled down to the others in the game. But this side, especially at the start of the merge, was deeply disenfranchised. Which is probably why the klan was able to dominate so well. You could probably break down the sides a bit more. Such as harry and britt on one side of the others with the nicks on the other(and you in the middle before you left) and on the klans side obviously you had the klan. Demi and me had our thing. Demi and jay had their bond. Demi jay and I had a f3 at one point. And obviously just everyone had their different levels of loyalty to different people in that group.
1724 days 10 hours ago

None of you, besides Robby, decided to talk to me until after final 7 onwards. I know that’s partly my fault but it’s apparent nothing would’ve changed the way your little cult saw the end game.

Now Robby, i respect the fact that you knew that you had to be social but you came off so fake the whole time. Asking me how I was voting, making it seem like you really did care and were willing to work with me, all to find out that I wasn’t even considered as an ally in the end and that you voted against me every time. Don’t get me wrong, though, you’re definitely getting my vote tonight.

Congrats to all of you and good luck.
1724 days 9 hours ago
Thanks Brittany! I am sorry for being so fake to you all season. I was more fake with you this season than anyone else. Throughout the season I justified it to myself by the fact that I was tempted to turn on my klan members since I didnt trust john and max. But in hindsight I don't think I was ever really interested in turning on them unless they turned on me first and for that reason I think it was unfair of me to be so fake. You've already said how you're voting(and thank you for that) so this isnt me trying to garner your favor or anything. It's just something I wanted to say
1724 days 7 hours ago
Hi James:

My biggest move this season came at the F7 where I was between Nick and Demi. I went into that tribal knowing it was a critical point. I not only got the target off of myself at that tribal and turned the focus onto Demi, but had both sides of that vote relying on me which minimized cross-talk. It got me from consistent target all game who didn’t have immunity to swing vote. Even though I outed Demi’s idol, staying loyal to the Klan was the best decision. I was quickly able to rebuild a bridge with them. That came to fruition in the F4 after i no longer had immunity and they could have easily turned on me. Many this season talked about wanting to turn on me, but it never happened.

My only regret this season was not being more forthcoming to Nick. I told him I’d vote with him in case of an idol or an upset and it led to a blindside. However, from the rapport i had with nick, i should’ve been as forthcoming with him as I was with some of my other allies. I don’t regret it in terms of the move because it was successful, but not the most polite.

I guess for me the sides are more in-group v our group. The Genoa tribe + Robby was where my alliance ended at the merge and is what backed most of my decision making
1724 days 7 hours ago
Out group**
1724 days 4 hours ago
I’m gonna be honest I don’t see many differences in the ways you guys played the game, so my vote is very much up in the air.

All: Tell me why your opponents don’t deserve to win. If you want my vote, you’re gonna have to highlight how you played the game by pointing out the mistakes of your teammates.
1724 days 3 hours ago
I voted and barely read what was said. Its strictly a matter of who i like more
1724 days 3 hours ago

I think that Robby made too many relationships he couldn’t maintain  we often think of a good social game as having a lot of friends but it seems like it was to a detriment when he turned on people outside of the klan. After people wanted to target me, once they realized that the people they were trying to work with weren’t as reliable, they came to me looking for allyship. Also while he played well, many of his answers could use a splash of humility.

Max I think could have cared more. There was one tribal where he worked on getting Lee but from then on it was pretty aloof.

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MemeVivor | Sicily - War of the Worlds

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