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V&W S8: Greenland Confessionals

Topic » V&W S8: Greenland..

1274 days 10 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

Confessional/ Well, today was a total rollercoaster. Matt, Austin, Chris, and Isaac voted for Max at tribal and he was sent home. At first I was really sad about this. But honestly, I think it could be a blessing in disguise for me. Max was such a huge player in this game and I don’t think there’s any way I would have beat him. And truthfully there was still a huge part of me that felt uneasy about him sometimes. I could just tell that he was always trying to keep his story straight depending on who he was talking to and even though I know he was by my side and really helped me in this game I still do not know that he really would’ve taken me to the end. It would’ve been really hard for me to vote against him so I understand why I was kept out of the loop on this vote. But honestly I do feel a little relieved that Max is gone and I think he would vote for me if I make it to the end. Anthony is the only other person left that voted with me at the last Tribal Council, and working with him will be weird since we have pretty much never been on the same side of the vote together. But I really don’t think that Austin, Chris, or Matt would actually take me to the end. I won my first individual immunity challenge tonight which is a huge victory. It feels amazing being safe going into the final 6 tribal council. I’m working hard to find the idol to secure my spot at the final 5 tribal as well. I’m so proud that I’ve been able to last this long in the game, but I know that it’s time for me to start making big moves if I want any shot at winning this thing.
1273 days 16 hours ago
Chris T. // christossss

i am so underappreciated by jury, they wont give me a chance to win and i dont get it

i've been pushed to minority in multiple times and bounced back by getting my target out, who usually is the biggest threat at that point in the game

darrius was set to win and i pulled off a 3-2-2

ashley had connections to austin and matt and i got her out without losing the trust of those two

mike never made waves and would have insane jury support and i made that happen

leading up to maxi who last dc with anthony tried to sway me

i didnt try in comps but thats what ended up saving me in double eviction when they chose the bigger threat

we were the longest standing duo and the far most obvious one

and for the people saying i sheeped marwane we were never together pre merge and after merge voted together once
1273 days 6 hours ago
FINALE NIGHT - Austin voted off
1273 days 6 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

Confessional/ it’s been another insane day in Greenland! I was so thankful to be safe today. Anthony and I solidified our relationship and tried to figure out the vote all day today. I wanted Matt out really badly, but Austin was giving me weird vibes all day that he would go for Anthony. At this point I’m almost certain Austin, Matt, and Chris have a F3 deal. I looked for the hidden immunity idol all day only to find an empty urn and then realized that the page I was on coincided with the other three clues that existed for the idol. I thought that either Maxi never had the idol and Anthony had it all along or that perhaps Max gave it to Anthony before he left. Max stressed for me to work with Anthony and even put us in a chat together before he left and I realize now what a gift that was. Literally two minutes before tribal Council I messaged Anthony and said that Austin was being really weird and that I did not trust him at all and Anthony tells me that he has the idol and says ‘let’s make a move on Austin’. So I change my vote at the very last minute and our instinct was spot on because Matt, Chris, and Austin, all voted for Anthony and he would’ve been gone tonight were it not for the idol play. We also got to see how Isaac voted which is a huge advantage because we want to go to the end with Isaac. So at tonight‘s final five tribal Council if Matt is not immune we will be voting for him hoping that Isaac has done the same and Matt will go home in a 3 to 2 vote. If Matt is immune we are going to vote for Chris and hope that Isaac submitted a back up vote for Chris.
1269 days 18 hours ago

1269 days 18 hours ago

1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #1 - Ashley S.

1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #2 - Alvaro F.

1. Were you blindsided or surprised you got votes?

I didn't fully expect me to leave, but I definitely had the option in my mind. I'm sad Mike didn't give me a chance to do something with him, or Marwane voting me off which was literally horrible for his game, as I was the only one of Max/Jake who was defending both Mike and Marwane.

2. Do you feel betrayed by anyone?

Whoops I kinda answered that already!

3. Is there anything you wish you did differently?

I think I should have gone for Marwane/Chris when I had the option, and I should have talked with Matt more

4. If you had a second chance in this game, what would you do?

In this same game? I'd go and get Max and Anthony out cause like they're winning LOL

5. If you could work with anyone who is already out who would you work with?

Ashley for sure! Seems like a nice girl that I didn't get the chance to meet

6. There were many moments in this season. What was your favorite moment?

From not being able to hang up the call, to getting a PIZZA in the auction or forming a duo with Max. Loved those! <3

7. What was your favorite move that you made?

I don't think I really made any like bold moves LMAO but me sticking with Jake in the Scott vote even knowing I didn't ahve the numbers did kinda unify both Jake and I

8. Who are you rooting for the most right now?

MAX<33333 and then Anthony too!

9. Use one (or two) words to describe each person left in the game. (Anthony, Austin, Chris, Isaac, Jake, Matt, Marwane, Max, Mike)

Only one or two?!
Anthony: Lovely!
Austin: Dry :(
Chris: Crazy
Isaac: Inactive
Jake: Underdog
Matt: Silent
Marwane: Fake ;( (in the game!! love him)
Mike: Clever

10. Do you have any you want to add in? Like anything that you’re proud of or learned from this game?

I learned to never apply to Survivor Games again LMAO I suck at them

11. Any last words for the people post season reading this?

Not really, just thanking the hosts for creating this cool season :) (except for daniel. fuck daniel)

Winner’s prediction - who is winning it all?

I honestly think Anthony is taking it. If Max makes it to the end, he definitely is another contender too. Maybe even Austin! One of those 3, but essentially Anthony.
1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #3 - Mike S.

1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #4 - Marwane E.

1269 days 18 hours ago

1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #6 - Austin T.

1269 days 18 hours ago
PONDEROSA #7 - Jake H.

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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