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V&W S6: Costa Rica Confessionals

Topic » V&W S6: Costa Rica..

1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: i’m considering letting us four get rid of chloe which breaks up austyn and chloe who I think are friends and leaves layla and austyn by themselves

and then us four will vote out eddy next round and eddy plays his idol then

1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: Eddy gave me his idol and honestly i’m kind of bald. He really does trust me, I need to figure out how to send Tyler packing

cf: I don’t want to waste an idol though, so I want eddy to convince austyn and lay to do ty and I will flip and vote out ty possibly
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12: Chloe D. // Solinne64

Im not gonna lie I am disapointed. With how I played pre-merge and the first 2 merge votes where I shined more than most people I was expecting a bigger finish than this.
I am proud of my game tho, I had an excellent social game pre-jury and despite the Britt vote not going well during the first merge vote, played really hard and made myself recognized during the 2 first tribals. After that I decided to lay low to try to diminish the target I had and it worked perfectly. I am however disapointed to be voted out while I was laying low because I was ready to go back to play hard like I did before starting F7 and had Eddy go over me I had fantastic ideas which Im sure would’ve made me go to F3 and potentially win!
I am not even mad at myself for being voted out, Andrew was just stupid to stick with Tyler & Britt, but sheeps will always be sheeps and there is nothing you can do against stupidity.

Other than that, thank you both so much for hosting this incredible game, thank you Vlad for forcing me to apply, I had a lot of fun.
Hope I didn’t disappoint you both that much and y’all are still proud of me :D

Cheers to an amazing serie (cheers)
And again, thank you :p (hug)
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12 - FAST FORWARD: Zay M. // Zoon

Cf: I swear eddy is an idiot
cf: Plan is to idol out andrew
cf: I really did just do that. Lay wanted Ty and Austyn wanted britt but I had to stick to my plan.

1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 13: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: Coming into finale night i’m kind of scared for my jury management, but I really have ran almost every vote from behind the scenes. I am thinking I need to blindside Tyler next tribal because I do not want to sit in finals with him, and eddy after. Is he my “f2” I guess but I also have one with Austyn, and i’m not taking someone that will 100% beat me in finals. For 4th I want to cut Austyn, because as much as I love that king he will slay me in the jury because i’m sure he will have sergio/chloe/tyler/arek/and layla if she goes for 4th
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 13: Eddy B. // Brimstone

It's 9:30am EST and I haven't been to sleep

Finales gonna be a bitch today LMFAO

Regardless, I'm playing to win and I'm making finals or dying trying. At this point, my jury management is not good on a personal level, but the caliber of gameplay in this game is too good to vote for your friends or allies, and I'll highlight that in my speech.

I think I can highlight my strategies and moves well enough to not flop my jury speech/questioning.

I know some people are gonna go into me hard, and some will just be downright bitter (andrew)

But if I'm sitting in the final 3 next to Zay and Layla, and I can convince the jury not to vote personally, I SHOULD have Shawn, Seth, Ty, Britt, and possibly Jake.

The mistake I made last time I played with this game style, is I continued it into my jury speech and it rubbed people the wrong way.

If I make finals, I'm going to have to show vulnerability and might even have to make a vlog 👀👀.

If we make it, I also need to be careful how much I reveal about my gameplay with Zay. I need him to make the first jab, because if I go into the speech and try to blow up his game by revealing our F2 and everything that happened, people might actually vote for HIM because he did a lot of the dirty work and scheming without getting caught.

I would actually not be upset if he was awarded Villain of the season, (or we both get it (surprised) ) because Zay played this game phenomenally, but the Jury can't know that (smile)

So, I'm going into this with my head held high, and praying I don't flop.

If you have questions, ask away
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12: Austyn S. // Oysterman11

Heading into the final I’m nervous. Not feeling like I’m in the best position. The past couple votes haven’t gone my way but that doesn’t mean I’m down and out. I think the boot order for me is fairly clear Ty-Eddy-Britt is what needs to happen and then if it’s a F2 I will take Layla because I think she’s easier to beat. If it’s a F3 I may have to consider cutting Zay simply because I think he has played a very strong game.

I don’t have a single soul who I trust whole heartedly so it needs to be about making moves winning immunities and making myself standout for the final stretch of the game. I need to figure out a way to cause chaos and make these players turn on themselves. I will play very aggressively and just continue to toss names out with no regard.

My ideal boot list that I think gives me the best chance to win.

6th - Eddy/Ty
5th - Eddy/Ty
4th - Britt
3rd - Zay (if F2)

I’m gonna do one final cast ranking based on how much I trust them heading into the finale....

1. Zay - He may have fucked me over twice..... but I don’t think he’ll vote me off. I genuinely think he wants to sit in the finale with me because he thinks he can beat me.
2. Layla - even tho we haven’t spoken much I don’t think she’d vote me out early on. I think we are at a stage where we need each other more than anything. I am more than willing to ride with her until the end. I think she is the most beatable.
3. Ty - now I trust ty not to fuck me over for 6th or 5th but I know I can’t beat him in the end. He will be an early target of mine and I simply have to shoot that shot because it’ll be a move on my belt and he needs to go because of how large of a threat he is and how many friends he has.
4. Eddy - don’t trust him at all however, he is aware that one of Ty/Britt need to go. I don’t want Eddy sniffing the end AT ALL. He will easily get that W. need to stop him with the first two votes.
5. Britt - nothing against Britt. I’d love to sit with Britt in the end. She unfortunately is bottom of the order because we don’t speak game like at all..... I know she’d vote me in a heartbeat.

I’m proud of the game I played I am the only player in this finale who hasn’t had a single vote cast against him and that is my goal entering the Finale keep my names out of their mouth until the final vote where they vote for me to win :).
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 12: Zay M. // Zoon

cf: That plan is honestly not what I might go with, as Tyler votes bitterly and if I go with Britt he will 100% convince the jury to go that way. I’m thinking britt needs to go for 6th, Eddy for 5th, and Austyn for 4th. Is taking Tyler risky, yes, but britt already has votes locked and tyler could make the jury despise me even more. If I go with Tyler, I can use the argument that I came in with no friends, while he had multiple connections.

I also have to take into consideration, will eddy be bitter, does Ty also have too many friends on jury. I am not even close to sure what i’ll do

cf: my plan coming into this f6 vote is to push britt to austyn while pushing austyn to tyler, so when I flip and britt goes austyn will be less likely to work with ty at f5 when ty wants to be bitter because they just voted him.
1367 days 23 hours ago
1367 days 23 hours ago
Day 13: Andrew K. // iiGalaxyii

i’m gonna cast my vote now because most likely it will go this way HOWEVER, i will still ask the other finalists questions

i doubt they’ll flip me

holds up vote

the fire that you brought into this game completely captivated me.

i’m voting for TYLOR
1366 days 6 hours ago
Day 13: Barbra S. // BarbraStreisand

Okay, so....Ty deserves this win the most tbh. He will be winning, buut I want Layla to get the ironic second place, and for Zay to get 3rd. So..... #VotingBlockTimeBaby! Love you Layl & Ty <3

I vote LAYLA to win.
1366 days 3 hours ago
Preseason Assessment:

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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