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Final Tribal Council (Vietnam)

Topic » Final Tribal Council (Vietnam)

2434 days 7 hours ago
Welcome Zyler and Brian, to the final tribal council. The power now shifts to the jury who will vote for the sole survivor.

We will now bring in the members of our jury.聽 Adam, Jessie, Jay B, Tico, Damian, Kiara, Erik, and Josh voted out at the last tribal council.

We will also bring in Kolby, our backup juror in case we get an even number of votes but he won't be able to say anything, he can only observe.

Zyler and Brian, you may each make an opening statement. You have until 10 AM EST.聽 聽Once it is 10 AM EST or you have both posted your opening statements I will mail the jury and open voting which lasts till Thursday at 7 EST. The jury members can either make comments or ask questions, there is no limit to the amount they do or don't say. However you cant vote yet jurors. Thats why I didn't mail you guys yet.

Jurors, If you don't vote you will be shunned for life and I will find you and kill you.聽 Good Luck!
2434 days 7 hours ago
Will post in the morning!
2434 days 7 hours ago
2433 days 22 hours ago
Ok so this has been a crazy game for someone like me.

I did not go to tribal until day 15 and man did that show peoples cards. I had an alliance with zyler and i had one with gamo. I felt like i was in a good spot on my tribe and erik was saying vote me out so i thought i had an easy first tribal. I was wrong and it caused for a blindside. I voted erik and so did gamo but i was not told about the vote and i lost a allie. He was voted out due to us being a premade. We were not but i would never have voted him out XD. This is the moment that defined my game right there

I had erik at my throat wanting to know why i voted him(Oh i dont know maybe because u were the vote and then got people to turn and i was blindsided is that a giod enough answer because thats what happened) however we made a f2 alliance and then a f3 allince with zyler. I went from being next to being in another great position. This alliance helped me be in a spot of power and yet i had to turn my back on some people

Adam-we talked a little bit about being allies and then stoped. We had a past game where i was voted out and we never got to see if we were gonna be good allies. This vote was simply because we drifted apart and because i had a core 3 with zyler and erik that i knew would get me where i needed.

Jessie- I dont mean to be rude but we had a falling out over a blog game and im still hoping to this day we can get over that and become amazing allies again. Now to the part i have to say, i wanted u out. Ur a threat and iv seen what u can do. When i got the chance i named u and it was the only vote ik i had to pipe up and say. U play an amazing game and i finally got further then u for once XD. Tnx for the fun game

Garret- u quit over erik not getting voted out and yetvu had a idol... Like u could have made a move bit u chose to quit. Gl iv heard u play as a villian and i do like how open u are about ur targets since iv done that before

Jay- ok i was sad to see u go. I wanted us to work together and we just never really got the chance. This was a easy vote for most ppl but for me i reallt did not want to vote u. We talked and i felt bad that u kinda had no 1. Iv been there and it sucks. Hope we get to actually be allies soon

Tico- omg this was the biggest game move for someone like me. U had to go. Ima be blunt about it. Complete beast in everything u did this season. The thing is i had no attachment to u but u talked with my allies and right before that vote u told them(erik mainly) tbat i was the vote. Your downfall was me and i want to explain why. I was able to get josh to flip. Hes an amazing allie of mine and we proved that in another group game where we made it to f4 together. I talked to him about it and he said he would vote u. If i had not used that conection then i would be where u are right now(also this was my first real votes other then that random vote at 11馃様馃槙)

Damien- dam it i did my best to name anyone but u even after u voted me. We were kinda allies kinda just talked. I thought me and u could have done more if we worked better as allies but we were on 2 sided of this game and that did not happen. I will say i knew u were a target for awile but i always got the target off ur back. I would tell u who the vote was to gain more trust with u in hopes of u not going aftwr me. This did not work at f7 however and when u became a huge target at 6 ik i could no longer help u and since u voted me it was my turn to repay the favor

Kiara-we like talked 2 times this entire game. I never really got to know u and other then us being on different sides of the game i wanted to reach out to u. This never became anything but i tried to work with u or at least get to know u. Game wise u had to go tho. Voted me and ur a likable threat to win.

Erik- best allie ever but the 鉂庘潕鉂庘潕鉂庘潕 targets on ur back was 2 big. U are a huge reason im here lets face it. Without u i would be long gone. I aint gonna lie to u. I wanted u out for some time and this was my move. I had to convince zyler to vote u. Me and him wanted u gone but he thought ur LA was real 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀 and i asked him like bro what if its fake. "Do u think it is" yes i do its been done before in other group games and i want his ass gone. I was able to convince zyler to get on bored with thw plan and i also used my connection with josh yo get the numbers and sent u packing 3-1. Tnx for being a good allie but remember not to underestimate anyone.

Josh- u were my fw hands down. Yes the majority of the jury was from ur tribe but we had a better bond and i felt like i had to keep my word to u true. I lost the Final immunity challenge and sadly it was me or u. Srry i let u down and tnx for being my allie again

Zyler-allies from day 1 and we played the cast. Grats. On final immunity and im srry to say i was gonna take josh over u lol but maybe not. I def would have had to break my word to someone so its probs a good thing i lost. Anyway tnx for having my back and we made FTC

Jury i had a true UTR game. Despite not being the biggest target i still made moves and was never in jepordy of going home because of my social game. I made stratigic moves that helped me and i even won challenges when needed
2433 days 22 hours ago
Hello Jurors!

First of all, thank you Noah & Zac for an awesome season
Secondly, Congrats to X for being here, I doubt anyone thought we'd be the 2 sitting here and I'm glad I'm sitting here with you, you're an awesome ally!!.

So let's start off with my accomplishments:
- Received 0 Votes up until the final 6 Tribal where I received my only 2 votes of the season
- Was voted the tribe leader of Mang
- 2 Individual immunity wins (one secured me this spot)
- Not counting Jay M, who quit Day one, I have the lowest number of votes cast against me this season
- I created the Mang 4 power alliance between Tico, Erik, X, and myself.

Furthermore, I was able to secure my self into the majority no matter what week it was. This can be seen by me not getting a vote until my 2 at the final 6. The 2 people who voted against me were also the next 2 out :). I was also able to get my tribe to vote me tribe leader which helped me purge our tribe of the people I didn't really have a connection with.

When it came to alliances it was a crazy ride. I had a F2 with Tico & X, a disbanded alliance between Tico, Gamo, Erik, and I, and the Mang 4 alliance that I created between me, Erik, Tico, and X. By aligning with Erik I would always know that people would take a shot at him before me because he truly was a big threat (love u erik). I was able to gain enough trust with Erik that he told me (and X) about his 2 idols.

X said it himself that he'd be fine with me winning:

In my intro, Zac said the jury will either see my game a masterful or I'll flip like a pancake. You all don't have to view my game as "masterful" but I do hope you see it is as a winning and hard fought game!

Feel Free To Ask Any Questions.
2433 days 19 hours ago

2433 days 19 hours ago
Ask away jury :)
2433 days 19 hours ago
Isaid that because i did not think id make it.
Kinda sad u brought it up
2433 days 19 hours ago
Ask anything u want jury
2433 days 18 hours ago
Hey final 2!

My first round of questions:

X: What was your biggest move?

Z: Do what X did and make a list about what part you had in every eviction.

Both: Name the best and worst thing the other person did.
2433 days 17 hours ago
Alright congrats you two.

Zyler - I was trying to vote you out for SO long. I literally name-dropped you almost every single week, but no one ever wanted to make the move with me. Why were so many people unwilling to vote you out? What did you do to make this happen?

X - I actually didn't want to vote you the F7 tribal. I wanted myself/Tico/Kiara/Josh to all vote Zyler, but because of the lie that you guys were voting Josh, we had no choice but to switch it to you. Did you lie TOO much? Zyler seems to have the cleaner, less roller-coaster of a ride getting here. Do you think that you would be here without lying?
2433 days 16 hours ago
Hello Finalist! I'm not bitter in any way. If neither of you wrote my name down at Final 4. You both would have looked like complete goats to keep things simple. Lol.
Anyways. Before I ask you both questions. I'd like to address both of your opening statements and then allow you to respond to my statements. After you've read and replied to my comments on your opening statements. I will later as you both a question or two. So, Let's begin with X.

Alright. I'd like to know who labeled you and Gamo as a premade? Because that is the first time I've heard this statement. Next thing is you calling Jessie a threat? I feel like you're buttering people up here. From what I gathered from other people's perspective during this vote. No one really connected with the guy and he seemed like an easy vote. Explain how you felt Jessie was a threat. I would like to know why you feel this way. And finally my Tribute. Like I said referring to Jessie. I feel like you're ass kissing tonight. In every game I play; I get put so high up on a pedastal and it's simple minded people like so that make it difficult for myself to play any game and do well. Aside from that. As I said prior to me addressing you personally. If you, Zyler and Josh didn't write my name down for Final 4; you all would look completely idiotic tonight. So, you're trying to claim voting me out as your move. Yet, I was voted out unanimously at F4. Both you and Zyler voted me out. And it was extremely late in the game. So, am I or anyone on the Jury to reward someone the title of this game for finally making a move that late in the game?

Wow. That was a lot longer than I thought it'd be. LOL. Anyways onto Zyler. It's hard to accurately "go in" on an opening speech as careful as yours was written. But, I will give credit where credit is due. And say I felt you had a level of control on this game more-so than anyone who played throughout this game. However, your opening statement makes me feel like you played this game too careful/safe. Prove me wrong tonight. I want to hear you own up to your moves in this game. I'm looking to see if you can separate the game itself from emotions. If you can do this. I'm sure you'll do well at this Final Tribal.
2433 days 14 hours ago
X: What was your biggest move?

My biggest move in this game was getting erik voted out at f4 after i had to convince Zyler to vote him and take a chance because erik was telling ppl he had a LA. This was a huge move and it had to be done. Ik it was late in the game to "make a move" but i did not have many opportunitys and i seized the first 1 i got.

I would also like to add that despite my position in the game a lot of ppl may have underestimated me. My social game was what got me here. I had an allince with zyler and after being lied to about the gamo vote i was in a bad spot. What did i do? I made an allince with erik because i had lost trust in zyler and ik me and erik could do good as allies. I was right as i had erik as the bigger threat. I think making allinced was a big move for me. I needed allie since i cant win every immunity challenge there is. Josh me and u also had a f2 and i was gonna keep my word on that.
2433 days 14 hours ago
X - I actually didn't want to vote you the F7 tribal. I wanted myself/Tico/Kiara/Josh to all vote Zyler, but because of the lie that you guys were voting Josh, we had no choice but to switch it to you. Did you lie TOO much? Zyler seems to have the cleaner, less roller-coaster of a ride getting here. Do you think that you would be here without lying?

When i told u we were voting josh that was the truth. However erik wanted to know why ur name was not being brought up and i could see that if i defended u that they would relize we were somewaht allies. I did not want to vote u at f7 either but i was always giving u info and i always tried to get the vote off u when i could. U gave me little to no info that showed me i could trust u. I relized that i had to do somthing and i chose josh over u and got him to flip due to us already having history being allies. I knew i could fully trust josh over u and thats why i never told u about u being the target.

I do not think i lied TOO much lol because i lied only when i had 2. I was honest about a lot to u untill f7 and sadley i had to vote u. Like i said when we talked jish was the target not that i wanted him gone but he was. The new target became u and i chose not to tell u.

Zyler may have a clean slate but i had influnce on a lot. Erik was kinda the leader and i wanted him gone and me and zyler worked together to achieve that. I had to convince him that eriks LA was fake. He was not gonna vlte erik and i think that shows my sway over zyler. I would also like to add that whether or not zyler lied to u he still voted u. He did not have ur back like i tried to. I lied when i had 2 and thats oart of the game. I never lied to u just 2 lie to u.

I would be here without lieing but i would have been a floater. I came to play this game not be dragged for an easy win. I lied very little in this game. You point out that i lied to u about josh being the vote but agter we taled u never came back to me to see if he was still the target and had u maybe i would have said yes but qe will never know.
2433 days 14 hours ago

Z: Do what X did and make a list about what part you had in every eviction.

Adam- Him and I were never on the same tribe & we never talked

Jessie- He was not the target that week. I was gunning for Garret HARD but he won immunity so that was a no go.... Ultimately, Jessie was just someone who none of the Mang 4 had a real connection with (Everyone else besides Garret would vote with us AT THAT TIME thanks to Tico)

Garret- As said above, I was pushing HARD for him to go but clearly I didn't need to do that cuz he just quit anyways.....with an idol......that's all I have to say about him lmao

Jay- Very similar story to Jessie. Also, Jay was one of the people I banished from Mang so I knew that he MAY have some bad blood towards me and it was time to go.

Tico- Ugh, my day 1. I was unfortunately  the one to advocate for you getting out because you hadn't responded to me for like a day and there were rumors of you, Damian, and Kiara voting me out. Due to you not responding (didn't know you were asleep obviously) I came up with the plan for you to go so that Kiara and Damian would lose their "leader" per say

Damien- He said it himself, he wanted me out BAD (don't blame him, we never talked). Him and I were the last 2 people of the season without any votes cast against us so I knew eventually him and I would be seen as FTC threats. The choice was between him and Kiara and ultimately he was voted out because he came up with the plan to get me out

Kiara- I took her on a dinner and she voted me smfh! Just kidding. I came up with the reasoning to vote her out and it was as follows: Tico seemed VERY fond of her as an ally so I didn't want to take the chance of her making it to FTC and Tico praising her to the jury

Erik- X & I had been planning to vote Erik out at the final 5 but he had 2 damn idols. Before this, Tico and I also had a plan to take Erik out at the F7 once Garret and his goons we're out (Garret had made a F7 alliance chat which I rejected)

Josh- I don't recall the specific week but Josh was at one point the choice to go home and I shot that plan down because it'd literally be a waste due to him not really being a threat in any way.

Both: Name the best and worst thing the other person did.

X by far played the best UTR game, I can't take that away from him.

As for worst? I feel as though he just went along with a lot of the votes. Now, he DID  contribute to some degree but I felt as though he just agreed to whatever was pitched (
2433 days 14 hours ago

As you can see, I'm not going to lie to the jury and say I had a hand in EVERY vote out because that's kinda unrealistic. However, I DID lead the charge in quite a few (see above).....So I'd be lying if I said I was a puppet master in every vote (for lack of a better term)

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