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S1 Final Tribal Council

Topic » S1 Final Tribal Council

2721 days 10 hours ago
The Final 3 -

Good luck finalists!

Votes due January 3, 2017 at 7pm est! GOOD LUCK
2721 days 10 hours ago
JURORS, post questions!
2721 days 10 hours ago
FINALISTS, answers questions and post speeches!
2721 days 10 hours ago
I would like to say congratulations to both Clark and Island, all 3 of us actually played the game (and have done so, rather well), which can not be said for many RL survivor F3's. I started this game off fairly quietly, I did have one ally though, Writinglegend. I gradually got in contact with many people in the game. By final 9, I knew about pretty much every alliance in the game and I was connected to all the power players in the game, such as Liam, Clark, WL and Nostalgic. Myself, Writinglegend and Nostalgic had formed an alliance of 3. By Final 9 I had covered so many possible scenarios, I knew who the targets were and who was leaving the game. Mike and Drago, Sports (although I think that one was obvious), Nostalgic and Writinglegend. I knew about and had a part to play in each of their departures. The only Departure, i didn't completely expect was that of King Liam's, although I knew that he'd be targeted.

I have always put myself where I needed to be in the game to survive. I had a decent grip on the game, despite the fact that I haven't been here as long as the other finalists and hadn't established a relationship with practically anyone in the game beforehand. I also devoted a lot of time to this game and at very unsociable hours, due to the fact that I live in England, meaning that I am 5 hours ahead of EST. Last night, I stayed up until 4am to establish my case to why I should be in the supposed final 2.

I have had to talk to the right people, make the right decisions and eliminate them at the right time to get myself as far as I have made it. I have had to build a really strong social game to beat those with existing relationships. I have worked hard to win this game.

I hope that you vote for me to win this game, I know that I'm the underdog in this but that does not mean that I do not deserve to win over the other finalists.
2721 days 10 hours ago
I'll wait until everyone has made their statements before I question/do jury things
2721 days 8 hours ago
In the beginning of the game like day 2 or 3. I made a 4 person alliance. That consisted of Clark, Nostalgic and Ben. For the beginning we were running things until the tribe swap where Ben got eliminated :(. Then after the merge the remaning 3 of us still stuck together. Nostaglic was my f2 and really tight with me as most people knew. Then Clark ended up turning on us and voting Nostalgic out. Which was a good move on his part. I however remained loyal. Loyalty is a good and rare quality to have in this game. Yet i believe i displayed loyalty this game. I also was great at challenges. I won a tribal challenge completely by myself. I won 2 individual immunity challenges when i needed it. The first one me and Nostalgic won. If i hadnt won that sports could have very well taken me out. I then won the final immunity challenge. If i hadnt have won that i very well couldve been taken out. So i stayed loyal won challenges and overall played in my opinon a very good game. I hope you guys agree and ask any questions
2721 days 6 hours ago
I want to congratulate Island and Possibly on making it to final 3 as well as the jurors for making jury. Day 1 I came into this wanting to be a physical threat, I realized early that Nos and Island would be huge physical threats and it would be smart to use them as a shield while I did work behind the scenes. I put myself in a position where I knew what was happening at all times, I had multiple people telling me when others were targeting me, I then talked people into voting said people off. Other than the Livvie vote every vote went exactly how I wanted it to go. I also told people I had an idol which was 100% false I don't know if anyone believed me but it was something I thought I'd be able to say I had if need be, even if I did have one at no point in the game did I feel like I had to use it.

Double eviction i talked to Liam in private and convinced him to work with me for that vote, this is the guy that seemingly hated me and wanted me out very bad yet I convinced him to not vote me. Before the double eviction votes I was told that Liam wanted me out next so I knew he had to go So I got the votes to get him out. Next up was Sports, I knew I had Nos and Island as votes and as a final 3 however I needed to make sure I had a second final 3 going into final 5 so I could have options depending on who had won immunity, Possibly won so I knew I had to take out either Nos or Island. Island said he had to leave soon and I didn't know when the votes would be read so there was a better chance that Island wouldn't make the challenge instead of Nos, so unfortunately Nos had to go. I would have much rather kept Nos over Island but do to the chance of Island not making a challenge I had to make the move.

Final 4 Island had won so I went to talk to Island and convinced him to vote out WL over me the person that had blindsided him earlier that day, I then talked to Possibly and even though I knew he had been with WL for a while, he voted out his oldest ally, and kept me instead.

I had so many people say I was a threat and wanted me out but I only got 2 votes against (Sports who was very bitter, and WL who didn't really have a choice) I got people to keep me over their allies, I was able to convince someone to keep me even though I had just voted out their closest ally. With all do respect to island I didn't need Immunity to stay safe at any point he kind of did.

I worked my ass off socially and strategically to make sure I wasn't the target at a vote. All I ask is to vote for who you thought played the best game. I'm more than willing to answer any questions the jury has and good luck Possibly and Island may the best man win
2721 days 4 hours ago
Well congratulations to all three of you on making it this far, you all played fantastic games. I'm not so much as going to ask questions as much as I'm going to explain my vote. I knew who I was voting for since like merge. But I would like to compliment you on your gameplay.

PT, you played apretty solid UTR game. Managed to keep your name off the cards almost every vote and knew who to work with in order to get to the end. My criticism comes from a lack of knowledge on the other dealings with alliances and reliance on allies.

Island, you were loyal and a huge physical threat. The fact that you managed to use the second strongest physical threat and the biggest social threat as your two shields speaks wonders tbh. But again, a lot of the time you weren't the one calling the shots.

Clark, you had your hands in everyone's pockets. And I think we all knew it but everyone was betting you'd vote with us in the end. You were targeted as a threat and to be honest it did require some dealings between people like myself and writing to keep the Clark ga Liam facade up. But you managed to dominate the vote, took out your two biggest jury threats in myself and writing one after another. And while everyone knew you were to quote Liam "a snake" you managed to skid by without many votes.

PT, Island, you guys played fantastic games. And I'm a huge fan of loyalty in survivor, it's how I play. But at the end of the day, Island, you're my boy and your physical game is dominant but Clark's social and strategic game was insane this season.

So I am voting for Clark to win. Best of luck to all 3 of you, anyone of you deserves the win.
2721 days 2 hours ago
Thank you so much man means a lot
2720 days 8 hours ago
2 jurors never voted

ill reveal the votes tomorrow
2720 days 7 hours ago
2720 days 7 hours ago
So there are 4 jury votes!
2720 days 7 hours ago
No way i win
2720 days 7 hours ago
1st vote
2720 days 7 hours ago
2nd vote
2720 days 7 hours ago
3rd vote

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