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Jury Questioning

Topic » Jury Questioning

1753 days 6 hours ago
Hey y’all!!! This is about to be so embarrassing since I was sooo inact the whole freaking time. And I know y’all are like, “OH she is such a waste of an all-star spot, OH she doesn’t deserve to be here, OH she should not win.” And you know what, y’all have every right to think that. When this game started, I was already having issues staying active in other group games due to working 45 hours a week and exhausting tf out of me. I accepted this invitation because I was almost done at the job I was at, and I kept telling myself, “Ok Grace, this is an opportunity you had a chance of not getting, try your best to actually play the game.” I really thought I could have played this game to the best of my potential since I was done with my job and starting school again which means I have more free time.

However, that turned out to not be what I wanted because I got VERY wrapped up in moving into my apartment, focusing on myself and goals, and doing what I needed to do before my classes started so the last thing that was on my mind was being on skype or tengaged for this. And you know what, if I could go back in time, I would have declined my spot for this because I am very aware someone else who wanted to be here could have taken my place and made it more tolerable for you guys.

So literally my speech is an apology to the cast especially the jurors. Every single one of you deserved to be here way more than me, and I am very sorry I took that away from everyone. If y’all have been on and on in your little jury chat about how horrible I was, guess what, y’all should have come together and voted me out point blank period, and this would not even be an issue right now.

But before y’all continue to roast my terrible nonexistent game, I eventually started getting used to being at school again and was able to make time for this game. I started coming out a little more socially and tried to get myself to fit back in.

I will say, I did have a little bit of juice inside of my inactive ass though at one tribal council specifically, and that was the double tribal council. I was the main reason Bob went home. So, there was a chat with me, Kyle, Bob, and Penguin in it and the plan that tribal was supposed to be 3 votes on Wade, 3 votes on Josh, and 2 votes on Bob. However, I accidentally leaked to Jimmy that all I was hearing was to vote Josh, and he started saying he was getting paranoid that Kyle was working to keep Bob. I had to think for a second there on what to say to that. I could have very well told Jimmy, “Hey don’t worry, I will be voting Bob out, so we’re good” and told Kyle what I did right there so he could ensure Jimmy as well. However, after I got to thinking, I remembered having people coming to me saying Bob wanted me gone, and the fact that I got added to a threesome alliance only just to form a majority. It clicked that Bob needed to go and not Josh because I didn’t see Josh in any alliances, and he wasn’t even after me. Plus I wanted someone from both sides to go, and I wanted to be tighter with Kyle and Penguin in that alliance. So since I wanted Bob out, I told Jimmy the truth, and would let him, Ikah, and Wade take care of him while I still vote Josh to continue sitting cute with Kyle and Penguin. Kyle asked me why I leaked too, and I told him the truth but not my intention behind it, and he still trusted me after that.

And then I fought very hard for the Final 5 immunity since I found out Ikah wanted me out, so my goal that whole time was to stop him from winning that challenge, and I succeeded.
Again, I know I fucking sucked throughout everything, and again I am very sorry about that. I wish y’all luck in voting Penguin or Kyle for this win!!!
1753 days 6 hours ago
Nice speech Grace! And I actually befriend almost everyone in the game😅, I was really well rounded
1753 days 6 hours ago
This game at least😅, the cast was surprisingly kinder than I thought it was be!
1753 days 5 hours ago
I couldn't care less what some of these prima donna's think they know. I have my own perspective and I can speak for myself. Seeing as how Grace was the only cast member brave enough to actively go against an ally to help me out, she is NOT precluded from receiving my vote. She spoke to me more than Penguin did, and she didn't feel a need to lie to me needlessly like Kyle did. The moves she made were so microscopic that they have escaped most people's notice. Each one was a success while barely causing a ripple in her game. She is not in the finals by accident. Between the three finalists, Grace is the only one that I "want" to win based on jury management. As she was my declared F2 from the beginning of the game, maybe I was just paying her more attention. Since she has not given a speech, I'm not sure she'll give an answer either, but here goes:

Show me I'm not crazy, and show us you care. Tell me three things that you purposely did in this game that you feel resulted in you being in the finals. Do you feel as if you deserve votes?

Kyle, you getting my vote was so easy. All you had to do was get out Penguin - The last remaining cast member to have voted out Hoop (And I'm learning from her speech, the person who likely betrayed him the MOST, smh.) I feel as if you benefitted from my choosing to be loyal to you, and I have not seen an ounce of gratitude. A strong motivator for me in this game was proving to you that I could be a loyal ally. In our past games I have not ever trusted you, and in fact was quick to ally myself with anyone BUT you. Your actions towards me in this game have demonstrated that all of those times I thought you wouldn't be a loyal ally, I was correct. To earn my vote, you'll have to somehow convince me that it was not a mistake to be loyal to you. I don't know how you do that, so good luck.

Penguin - Yeah, we didn't talk. That's not your fault, it's not my fault, but it's definitely our fault and if our places were reversed, I wouldn't want to hear "we just didn't talk" as an excuse. You stand a significant chance of getting my vote, but it's not a guarantee. You did, after all, defeat what in my head was an alliance built specifically to take out the people who voted out Hoop. You claim to have had this elevated awareness of the game. I have no way of proving/disproving that. You can convince me of this by A) Telling me something that I could have done to improve my performance in this game, and B) Show me how well you know me by suggesting something I could actually incorporate into MY game style.
1753 days 5 hours ago
So my question for you is do you think that you did enough in this game to deserve to win? Or did you let other people do it for you and help you get to the end?

Howdy Bob! So I agree that it’s not obvious what I did in this game. But I feel like I started off at a major disadvantage right from the start, and I did not have many connections throughout the game. So up until the final 6, my strategy was to stay low, keep my name out of people’s mouth, and at the same time build enough connections for later on in the game to where I could then rise from the ashes and finally make the moves I’ve wanted to make for a long time. I feel like the first sign that I was beginning to spread my wings and fly on my own. Ikah had guided me throughout the game keeping me safe, and I need to show I am my own player and I could play my own game. So I started by taking out people Ikah was hesitant to vote out because they were beneficial for him at the time, and I used the few connections I had with Bob and Penguin to make this move against Wade. After Wade left, I began to form even stronger bonds with the people remaining like Grace and Josh, and I, as far as I know, single handedly convinced Josh, Grace, and Ikah to vote Jimmy out. And then I kept my loyalty to penguin as I played my only idol in the game on her, and risked my own life just to get the people I wanted to the end. And then the Ikah vote was obvious. Ikah would be here right now had I not won immunity most likely. Yes, I understand that my game didn’t seem that obvious to be viewed by the jury, but I hope my explanation helps not just you Bob, but everyone here to see my game from a much wider perspective.

Vaughan, I will answer your question in a little bit. There are a lot on components to it, and I need a little bit of time to think about my answer.
1753 days 5 hours ago
This is my response to vaughs two questions

Outwit- I outwitted both grace and Kyle by using my connections with multiple people to vote how I thought best fit my game. As you said vaugh I did play the middle and I see how many will see that as a poor strategy but it worked for me because I was able to know who everyone was voting hence how I scored an 81/85 on the immunity comp. An example of this strategy working to my advantage was when Liam was voted out. I was aligned with people who voted ikah and people who voted liam. I was able to vote liam which was best for my game while maintaining trust in my alliances because they believed hey had my vote.

Outplay- this subject is prob irrelevant to you guys because clearly none of us shined. I guess my argument for this topic is that I won two immunities and one of them was basically how well you know what’s actually going on in the game. And I stayed up 6 and a half hours in the endurance comp.

Outlast- I outlasted both Grace and Kyle by having multiple one on one relationships with others that I could rely on. For example josh, bob, you, and nop. I know this may seem like a floater move but it worked for me and I was able to use it to my advantage as I stated above.

Now I’m gonna state one good thing and one bad thing about every jury member as well as why they got voted out when they did.

Liam- This is ironic because his good trait was actually his downfall. Liam was very social and he made so many relationships that people actually viewed him as a threat because he was so social and had so many alliances. Therefore, he was voted out.

Kgamer- kgamer is actually the opposite of Liam. His good trait is that he was an utr player but he was so utr that people thought of him as too sneaky and was voted out.

Nopalito- Nops good trait was that he was very loyal to the people he was with however he wasn’t with many people which led him to be excluded from the majority alliance and voted out.

Vaugh- Vaugh was similar to nop in the fact that he was so loyal, however he was seen as an even bigger threat because he wasn’t afraid to make a move and was very bold. That resulted in him getting out before he could successfully make a big move.

Azri- Azri good trait was that he was very likeable however he was viewed as a jury favorite and was targeted because of this and voted out.

Wade- wades good trait is that he was very intelligent and had relationships that informed him when he was in trouble so he could play an idol. His bad trait was that at least in my eyes he was talking to everyone and he was then voted out because he made so many big moves that he would easily win at FTC.

Bob- bobs good trait was that he was rly good at playing utr. However he wasn’t able to make a good relationship with wade who was in control at this point in the game. In the end he was voted out because he was screwed over in the doubal tribal can I get a rip in the chat.

Jimmy- Like liam Jimmy’s good trait was also his downfall. Jimmy was a comp beast and was able to win so many challenges and keep himself safe however once he lost immunity it was viewed that this was our only time to get you out so he was voted out.

Josh- Josh’s good trait was that he was very liked and a kind player, his downfall was not having Skype this stopped him from being in true alliances. In the end he wasn’t voted out because ikah played an idol and between josh and Kyle, grace and I believed we would have a better chance getting ikah out with Kyle

Ikah- Ikahs good trait was also his downfall. He was so good at the game and made such big moves that he was also made a threat. In the end he would’ve won at FTC 1000% so he had to go.

I hope I answered your questions how you wanted and I’m sorry you’re disappointed at the people in FTC vaugh lmao
1753 days 5 hours ago
My answer to jimmys questions

A) I know this is prob a controversial statement but one thing you could’ve done better is not relying on immunity challenges. I know it is good to win immunity when you need it but when you don’t, you don’t want to win it because you just put an unnecessary target on your back.

B) You, in my opinion, we’re  not afraid to make a move and you clearly were a bold player. My suggestion is to be a bit more social and establish a nice solid alliance along with your one on one relationships (I could be completely wrong and you did this, but this is just what I see)
1753 days 4 hours ago
As self-proclaimed king of Ponderosa I'd like to congratulate you all on making the final 3.

Grace - Hey icon, you're an angel of a person

Kyle - A lot of your speech seems to say that you relied a lot on your pregame connections to take you further. So my question is who isn’t a pregame connection that helped you get to the end?

Penguin - MY ICY QUEEN! I wanna credit you for something I believed you did really well and that was navigate the alliances in the game. So my question is what alliance or group of people do you regret voting with?
1753 days 4 hours ago
P.S. question for all of you!!! what was your biggest flaw in the game???
1753 days 4 hours ago
Hey Liam king!!! *flips hair*

The alliance I regret voting with the most is the vaugh vote. I feel like that alliance which was almost everyone left in the game just went along with that vote so they could get through however I think some people would’ve flipped.

The next question is like a piggy back off of my answer I regret trying trying to flip the vaugh vote because I really trusted vaugh and not only would it have been a big move, but it would’ve kept a close ally of mine in the game.

Your outfits are flawless by the way kinggggg
1753 days 3 hours ago
Congrats final 3 you guys manage to fool us.

Kyle you just a shadow in this game. When I want to get to know more about you or working with you, you like to go to sleep more than talking games with me. Maybe you just suitable being a shadow in this season full of all-stars and all the great players are in ponderosa... Maybe people keep you till final 3 bcoz they know you like to sleep honey. In your dream, you can start begging my vote to vote you as a winner.

Penguin, just as your name, I don't think you know how to talk or to be precise game talk. When discussing about the votes when we merge (or in a tribe together) you didn't confirm anything. I the one who confirmed any vote. You said you want to see what others think but then didn't get back to me. After two round, you legit become a penguin because penguin don't talk. I fed you with my fishes but you forget me. How we or at least I want to vote for the person who don't want to talk with me or wants my vote to win?

Grace! You are such a great player. You slay queen! You made a lot of big moves and such a comp beast in the challenges. Oh, that's just my imagination. You are not what I said. You are....Grace, who?

Good luck I will randomly vote anyone of you unless you can guess who is final 2 ally AND my birthday date then, I can consider.
1753 days 1 hour ago
Ummm azri if you did have a question for me then I have no idea what it is, but I never talked to you and you never talked to me.
1753 days 1 hour ago
Azri, your final 2 ally is someone in this game, or you had none.

And your birthday is within January 1-December 31
1753 days ago
Vaughan Part One

Outwit- I feel like I outwitted Penguin and Grace this whole game because unlike them, I actually had to fight for my life in this game. Whenever they were in some sort of danger, I would always tell them, and I was always switching the target to other people. I was targeted from the very first tribal council, and the only reason I stayed then was because Ikah played an idol on me as you all know. After that, it was a definite uphill battle for me. I’ve been through more adversity in this game than the other two have combined. I was the person that formulated plans to get targets out to benefit me and Penguin and to keep our final 2 deal alive. I was also the one that used my social connections to convince others to vote with us.  I went from the main target in premerge to only getting two votes in the whole merge, and that was in a revote between me and Josh. I had to play hard immediately from the start, but at the same time, reduce the target on my back, and I feel I succeeded in that.

Outplay- I won one immunity and in the endurance comp, unlike Penguin, I stayed up for around 5 hours and I actually got something out of that challenge. The public idol, which I managed to keep for the final 5, where I used it to protect my final 2 deal with Penguin. The one immunity that I won also seemed crucial now that I see Penguin’s speech about how I was “only kept because I had a better shot getting Ikah out than Josh.” So obviously I was actually worth something in this game if I was deemed useful to take out the biggest threat and the most likely to win the whole game out of all of us. And that immunity was crucial because apparently if I had lost it, then I was most likely getting 4th place. So according to that logic, I was the most threatening person in the game aside from Ikah.

Outlast- Honestly, I don’t fully understand the concept of outlast. I see it as you have literally outlasted people when they left before you. So I guess according to my logic, all three of us outlasted everyone that was taken out of the game. Whether or not it was a worthy and valiant way to outlast is through the outwit and outplay portion of the game.

I’m still working on my jury opinions. I will have that tomorrow.
1753 days ago
Kyle - A lot of your speech seems to say that you relied a lot on your pregame connections to take you further. So my question is who isn’t a pregame connection that helped you get to the end?

I can name a few pregame connections.

Penguin- before this game I never knew of Penguin, and I had to purely go off of intuition when she asked me for a final 2 deal on day 1. Luckily I made the right call as she tended to be my planning partner in the late game.

Ikah- Believe it or not, Ikah and I never really got along in games before this. It was when he played the idol on me when I felt like the tides could turn. Throughout the game, I like to refer to him like a mother bird to me. He guided me throughout this season and helped me in times of need. And I did my best to return the favor. However, like every baby bird, I knew I eventually had to fly. So starting at the double tribal, I kicked Ikah to the curb and used the social connections I had secured whilst he was protecting me to weaken his position in the game, whether that be through eliminating Wade or Jimmy. And eventually I was able to fly on my own and fully turn on him, winning the final 4 immunity and voting him out.

Josh- the relationship between Josh and I never really became important to my game until the final 6, after Penguin, Bob, and I failed to take him out in the double tribal. Luckily, he was kind enough to forgive what happened, and work with me and Penguin going forward to take out the biggest threats on Wade and Ikah.

There are many other non-pregame relationships that helped me throughout the game such as Bob, Wade, and Jimmy. But none were nearly as beneficial to me as those three were.

I hope that answers your question Liam! Also, I’m in the final 5 of ZBB!!! Repping Cosa Nostra!!!

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